358 extra high security mesh fence made from a type of strong welded mesh panel with small mesh opening. It is extremely difficult to penetrate and difficult to attack using conventional hand tools. Has the features of anti-climbing and anti-cutting. The fence name 358 comes from its panel mesh opening 3" × 0.5" × 8 gauge - approximate to 76.2 mm × 12.7 mm × 4 mm mesh opening.
358 mesh fence Features:
358M-01: Anti-cutting 358 mesh fencing
358M-02: Anti-climbing 358 mesh fencing
The panels are made of heavy mesh with a high level of security in width mm and a height of mm to mm. Several panels can be installed on top of each other. Thus may be achieved a total height of mm.
358 mesh panel size
358M-03: 358 fence panel with mesh size length 76.2 mm
358M-04: 358 fence panel with mesh size height 12.6 mm
Fence posts
358M-05: When install 358 fence on post need overlapped 75 mm minimum at each post
358M-06: Black 358 mesh fencing used for protection of residential.
358M-07: 358 security mesh panels package
358 high security fences are packaged in plastic film then stored and transported on wooden pallets. Each package is firmly attached to the pallet by a special type tape.
For more information, please visit Shitai.
Application: as an anti-climb & anti-cut through barrier, 358 welded wire extra high security fence is designed with maximum security in mind. It is ideally suitable for electronic alarm and detection systems, fencing in prisons, military sites, and airports, industrial and commercial properties, warehouses, power plants, offshore petrochemical facilities, seaport Perimeter, laboratories, secure hospitals, schools, parks, leisure and recreational areas. 358 fence will give them a long lasting and secure perimeter protection with attractive appearance. Generally, 3.60 m height fence is used in schools, parks, leisure and recreational areas, 5.20 m height fence widely used in prison and military establishments.
This panels increase strength by 6 mm vertical wire and additional 4 mm wires at 152.4 mm centres on the inside face. So it has double horizontal wires at 152.4 mm centres. This structure makes the fence panel very rigid and has a higher level of strength and security than common 358 mesh fence. 2D Security Fencing is widely used for schools, industrial sites, infrastructure, and high security areas.
358M-08: Green color powder coating 2D security fencing with 6 mm vertical wire and 4 mm double horizontal wire
358M-09: Details of 2D security fencing panel installed on post
2D security fencing Specifications
358M-10: 3D security mesh panel with a V beam installed on a post with a V beam
3D security fence is similar to 358 mesh fence, and they are both made from 4.0 mm wire in 12.7 × 76.2 mm mesh pattern. But 3D security fence enhanced its appearance with pressed horizontal 'V' shaped beams. It is a unique barrier solution which combines a high level of safety and aesthetic appearance. Usually, 3D security fencing is recommended for schools, recreational areas, hospitals, railways, port, airport, warehouses and industrial facilities or commercial.
Table-2: 3D security fence system specifications Panels Posts Fence height Panel Size Height/Width Number of Beams O/A Length Material and fixing clamps Middle Corners m mm mm Material mm Clamps No. Material mm Clamps No. 2.0 × 2 80 × 60 × 2.0 RHS 6 80 × 80 × 2.5 SHS 12 2.4 × 3 80 × 60 × 2.0 RHS 7 80 × 80 × 2.5 SHS 14 3.0 × 3 80 × 80 × 2.5 SHS 10 80 × 80 × 2.5 SHS 20358M-11: 3D security fencing panel
358M-12: 3D security fencing offers a high level of safety and aesthetic appearance barrier solution for trees area.
Depending on the project requirements, Wallace offers a variety of brackets and posts to fit every requirement. Please contact us if you need any assistance on selecting the best option for your project.
Want more information on 358 Security Fence? Feel free to contact us.