5 Reasons Why Custom Packaging is Important in Today's ...

12 Aug.,2024


5 Reasons Why Custom Packaging is Important in Today's ...

 -05-23 14:04:40

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Suppose you are running a soap business in the United States. It's the early 21st century, and your product is reaching the doorsteps of millions of people every year because of the quality and affordable pricing you offer. But with time, you realize that your product's demand is declining. Time is changing, and customers across the United States are concerned about something that was previously not the centre of their attention. The packaging has its beauty, sturdy, and aesthetically appealing characteristics.

But why have Americans become so concerned about the qualities of the packaging materials when soap is the ultimate product they should be concerned about?

It is because packaging serves a unique purpose. People adore products that come in qualitative and product protective packaging. Moreover, people think if you try to sell a product without packaging, it will lose all its qualitative features.

This is why you need to reinvent your Soap Packaging Boxes, and the best way, to begin with, is through customization.

1. It Opens New Doors to Innovation

To understand the importance of packaging in a product-oriented business, let us unfold the needs it fulfils.

Think about the last time you shipped a soap and customers inquired about its packaging. 

Think about why someone would be so concerned about your product's packaging when you spend countless hours making the finest soaps in the USA. Is it because customers' priorities have changed with time? Or is it because your competitors are constantly on the look for innovation while you gave the product the central attention in those years.

With the custom printed packaging boxes, you now have a chance to reinvent your product's packaging lineup entirely.

Your customers might already be bored with your packaging since you have been using the same template for ages.

Therefore, taking a leap of faith is always a rewarding undertaking. Custom Packaging Boxes for soaps provide you with innovative templates that you might not have used before. These include,

  • Custom Window Soap Boxes

  • Custom Gift Soap Boxes

  • Custom Kraft Soap Boxes

  • Custom Soap Flip Boxes

  • Custom Die-Cut Soap Boxes

2.  It is Sustainable and Eco-Friendly 

You might consider it a new approach, but it has been there for ages. Sustainable and eco-friendly packaging has always been a top priority of businesses across the United States.

Gone are those days when people believed that plastic packaging was central and standard. Today, things have changed a lot. You might not pick this, but your customers will be deeply concerned about their carbon footprint.

If you want people to fall in love with your product, then innovation in packaging is the first step. The finest innovations are incomplete without incorporating environmental and eco-friendly practices. No matter what kind of products you supply, you can use custom packaging boxes to magnify their aesthetic appearance. These boxes are eco-friendly and leave no impact on the importance once disposed of. Their eco-friendly features are listed below.

  • Biodegradable: Cardboard boxes are biodegradable.

  • Compostable: These boxes leave no environmental impact and are also compostable.

  • Natural Raw Material: The raw material at the bottom is entirely natural, i.e. wood pulp.

3. Custom Packaging Helps In Branding

If you are running a business, you probably are aware of the importance of branding? You might be using various promotional strategies for your business, such as TV, media, or billboards, but there is a branding weapon that I am sure most retailers fail to grasp.

Through printed packaging boxes, businesses can develop a unique brand image that makes their product unique and appealing in customers' eyes.

Want more information on Custom Cardboard Packaging? Feel free to contact us.

Let's understand it with the help of an example. Think about manufacturing a high-quality soap. You put natural ingredients, chemicals, and aromas to make it an ideal soap. Now is the time to sell.

Think about the last time you purchased a product from a store. What was it like? People don't hold products in hand to sell them, but they depend primarily on the unique packaging. This is where custom printed boxes can be your branding companion. These boxes provide you and retailers like you with extraordinary branding opportunities. All you have to do is follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • Prioritize Logo Customization: If your product is unique, why not the logo. A logo printed using high-quality printing, laminations, and embossing greatly influences the customer's decision. Therefore,

    custom boxes

    are a good option as you can print your company's logo on them using technology that makes a difference.

  • Use Different Templates: Sticking to one packaging design is boring and makes customers tedious. Customers want innovation. It is exactly what custom printed boxes provide. You can choose a mailer template, die-cut style, a window containing boxes, a pillow and several other templates.

  • Laminations for a Luxurious Finishing: Your product packaging boxes are always incomplete without a finishing touch of lamination. Laminations of gloss, matte, and spot UV provide an appealing velvet-like texture to the box's surface, which will definitely give your product a high position in the market.

4. Enhanced Product Safety

Never in your wildest dreams will you think of supplying a damaged product to your customers. This is something about which brands have always been conscious. It is because damaged shipping makes your values and brand image vulnerable.

If you see it from customers' perception, then the impacts of such delivery are something that you might be prepared for in the first place. But now, with these custom printed boxes, you can not only ship the products safely but can build a lifelong impression on customers.

At the core of custom boxes are cardboard materials. It is a sturdy material that has high tensile strength. The higher tensile strength of the material makes it able to resist shipping pressures.

Moreover, this material's increased tear resistance capacity makes it the ideal raw material option. Therefore, one reason cardboard-based custom packaging is ideal is that it provides great protection to the products.

5. Custom Packaging is Inexpensive

Pricing is something about which customers have always been highly concerned. Even if they love your product and praise its quality, they want you to lessen the burden on their pockets deep inside. In the same way, making a customized packaging box is challenging.

But if we compare it with traditional glass and plastic packaging, custom packaging is highly affordable!

These boxes' raw materials can easily be acquired from natural resources, primarily wood pulp. Therefore, when you order these boxes through bulk or wholesale deals, the average price per piece declines, giving you an amazing pocket-friendly deal. These are the five main reasons that make custom packaging boxes the future of the packaging industry in the United States.

5 Reasons You Need Branded Packaging - PackMojo

With the amount of content on the internet and social media, every brand is fighting for a spot at the top of their customers&#; mind. It&#;s getting more and more competitive for brands, especially eCommerce brands, to stay relevant and keep customers locked in. Hence, it is important to make the unboxing experience truly memorable.

&#;Our products are great and that is enough to bring customers back.&#;

Sure, your products might sell themselves. However, you not only want to sell your products to your customers but also your whole brand. To do this, you need to make a great first impression.

Yes, you guessed right! Custom branded packaging is a great way to make that first impression. However, in this day and age, a simple brown carton won&#;t cut it. Specifically, in the case of eCommerce brands, the lack of a physical store makes it all the more difficult to build a connection with your customers.

61% of consumers say that custom branded packaging gets them more excited about receiving the products. Branded packaging is a sure shot way to make that killer first impression. It is simply a branding strategy that is translated into your packaging and is unique to your company in terms of design and experience. Branding your packaging ensures consistency, attracts an audience, and is a way for your customers to remember your brand. It usually includes a visual aesthetic, customized and personalized aspects, high-quality materials, and a great unboxing experience (Click here to see our guide on creating an unboxing experience). These things do make branded packaging more expensive than regular, unprinted packaging. However, it is an investment we can guarantee will result in tremendous returns.

Here are 5 reasons you need branded packaging and how it can help your brand.

  1. Influences your customers to purchase your products
  2. Brings your customers back for more
  3. Free publicity and word of mouth
  4. Functionality
  5. A medium to communicate with your customers

1 - Branded packaging influences your customers to purchase your products

72% of Americans say that packaging design influenced their purchasing decisions. We often do consider buying something that catches our eye or looks appealing. The visual aspect of your packaging is the first thing your customers will notice and the more you stand out, the better.

Using bright colors and distinct tones and shades can invoke feelings and influences their perception of your products. In fact, about 90% of the buyers make snap judgments about the products they want to buy on the basis of the color. In the case of eCommerce brands and subscription boxes, this can help make up for the lack of being able to physically handle the products before buying them.

2 - Branded packaging brings your customers back for more

Branded packaging can help retain your customers and build brand loyalty. With far too many brands your customers can spend their money on, custom packaging gives you an opportunity to showcase your brand values and ethos. But, for them to keep choosing your products, you will need more than just a great product and timely delivery.

In addition to these elements, custom packaging can add that &#;wow&#; factor that brings them back for more. It&#;s a great way to build a relationship even as an online store. Personalizing your packaging for the customers extends the relationship with them even after they have paid for the purchase and received the product. A report by Dotcom Distribution claimed that 52% were more likely to repeat the purchase if your packaging had a premium look and feel and customized packaging for your brand is something that can help you achieve that.

3 - Free publicity and word of mouth

With a high-quality unboxing experience, your customers will not hesitate to be advocates for your brand. Research shows that 50% of customers are more likely to recommend a product to a friend if it comes in branded packaging. In fact, finding unique and noteworthy luxury custom packaging is now something even luxury brands aim to do. Your customers might even share their unboxing experience or photos on their social media which acts as a marketing tool for you to leverage by re-sharing and acknowledging your customers.

In fact, Dotcom Distribution&#;s report also states that 40% of consumers will share an image of your packaging on social media if it is unique or branded. This will not only help attract more customers but also create a sense of trust and credibility for your products.

4 - Functionality

Customized packaging allows you to be functional when it comes to packing your products. To be able to design your packaging means you get to decide on how big or small the box needs to be along with additional features such as custom inserts, stickers, etc. At PackMojo, we have a structural design service that can help you design packaging that fits your products like a glove. Additionally, choosing eco-friendly and recyclable packaging can help promote your brand as sustainable and trustworthy alongside the production of less waste. Ensuring your packaging is aesthetic only adds value to your brand.

5 - A medium to communicate with your customers

Your packaging is the ideal location to put down your brand story. It is a great way to communicate with your customers. You can also put down information about the products, after all, it is the first thing your customers will see. Including personalized thank you note makes your customers feel special and gives them the feeling of belonging to your brand community.

Some brands even choose to include information on NGOs or causes they are supporting as a way to get their customers to contribute as well in addition to sustainability claims. Communication does not need to take place with the use of words. The materials you use to make your packaging and the add-ons such as embossing and customer inserts convey the effort put into designing your packaging which gives your brand an upscale feel.

There is simply no reason to undermine packaging when you&#;ve put in so much effort into your products. A little creativity and care go a long way in branded packaging and creates long-lasting relationships with your customers.

If we have convinced you of the benefits branded packaging can bring to your business, here are some examples that can inspire you to get started on designing your packaging.

You can also browse our wide range of products or get started on our platform, PackMojo Pro!

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Rigid Gift Box. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.