Standard Ed Section Question AnswerSpec 6A 15th VI1 E2d(14)& VI1E23(11)Does Spec. 6A, Paragraphs VI1 E2d(14) and VI1 E23(11), whichrequire that "each part" for PSL3 and PSL4 be "volumetricallyinspected (radiography or ultrasonic) after heat treatment formechanical properties...and prior to machining operations that limiteffective interpretation of the results of the examination" require revolumetricinspection if re-tempering of the material is required tolower hardness values?Yes, re-volumetric inspection is required. API Spec. 6A only excludes stress reliefin VI1 E2d (14) in the requirement that volumetric NDE occur ' [ . . . after heattreatment for mechanical properties .']Spec 6A 16th Marking Can subsea wellhead and Christmas tree equipment manufacturedto the intent of Specification 6A while not complying with some ofthe standard 6A requirements (flange geometry, end-to-endlengths, center spacings, and so forth) be monogrammed?No. API Bulletin S1 states in Section 3.2 that each individual item which bearsthe monogram conformed, in every detail, with the API Specification applicable atthe date of manufacture.Spec 6A 16th Table 605.2 Does footnote i to Table 605.2 allow a manufacturer to elect to notUT an overlay if it is not considered part of the manufacturers orAPI design criteria?Footnote i to Table 605.2 references the UT requirements of605.2~(14). What thickness is to be used?Table 605.2 footnote i requires bond integrity to be tested by UT.Can the bond be tested by checking the base metal and totaloverlay, or must each individual fusion line between each pass betested?No. The footnote reads Measurement of overlay thickness, testing of bondintegrity and ultrasonic examination shall be according to the manufacturersspecification. UT is required, regardless of whether the overlay is considered partof the manufacturers or API design criteria.The thickness to be used is the base metal plus overlay.Specification 6A, Sixteenth Edition does not preclude either method.Spec 6A 16th Table 605.2Footnote "I"Volumetric NDE, as specified in Section 605.2c(14) for Materials:Where overlay NDE is required, is the volumetric NDE to be basedon the thickness of the "as forged/cast" volumetric NDE criteria, orthe wall thickness Si - B) of the overlaid flange being examined?If a weld overlay for corrosion resistance is considered as part of the design, thenthe total wall thickness to be inspected volumetrically will equal the base materialthickness plus the weld overlay thickness.Spec 6A 19th &Table 20There is a conflict between and Table 20. Does a PSL3G valve require both a Hydrostatic Seat Test (extended) and aGas Seat Test?Yes. It does appear that there is a conflict between the wording in Clause7. and the information listed in Table 20. The intent of the subcommitteewas to have the requirements for gas seat testing (PSL 3G) be additive to therequirements for hydrostatic seat testing (PSL 3), just as they are for the bodytests. The information listed in the table is correct, thus API Spec 6A does requirehydrostatic seat testing (extended) for all PSL 3G rated valves.Spec 6A 19th Table 7 Table 7 of API 6A, 19th Edition, implies that Charpy impactspecimens of sizes 6.7 x 10 mm and 3.3 x 10 mm (ASTM A370standard sub-sizes) are not permitted. Are specimens of this sizeacceptable for conducting impact testing?Yes. ASTM A370 standard sub-sizes not specifically referenced in 6A arepermissible provided that the adjustment factor approved in 6A Table 7 for thenext larger standard size is applied and satisfied.
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We are pleased to announce the publication of the 21st edition of Specification 6A, Wellhead and Tree Equipment. This new edition provides technical updates that have reached consensus within APIs Subcommittee on Valves & Wellhead Equipment and will now give industry consistent practices in these respective areas of the standard. These updates are reflective of APIs standards program mission to provide a forum for development of consensus-based industry standards, and technical cooperation to improve the industrys safety performance and competitiveness.
Key Changes:
Revision of the document will include:
Effective Date and Program Implications
The API Monogram Program effective date will be November 1, .
Current licensees shall ensure that products manufactured on and after November 1, meet the requirements of API 6A, 21st edition in order to be monogrammed.
Also, effective November 1, , API 6A audits will be conducted to the 21st edition of the document.
To Purchase
For more information, please visit api 6a valves manufacturer.
Specification 6A is available on APIs new Compass platform. A Compass subscription gives you organization-wide, 24/7 access to all of the API standards and specifications you need to ensure safety, compliance, and interoperability. With a subscription on Compass, you are ensured consistent and up-to-date access to the latest API standards. For additional information, please use the or visit API's Standards Subscription Service.
users at the licensed location.Subscribe with the API Webstore.
Additional Information and Questions
The companion video, highlighting key changes and the implications for API Monogram licensees, will be available in early .
To receive direct notification of when registration is open, please with the subject 6A.
API receives numerous inquiries related to its standards, specifications, recommended practices, technical reports, and codes (i.e. documents). While we can provide answers to many of these questions, there are certain categories of queries for which API cannot provide assistance. We use the terms General and Technical Questions and Requests for Interpretation to describe the typical categories of questions we receive. The information below will help you understand what type of questions we can answer and how to go about submitting your question to us for consideration.
Please carefully read the guidelines for submission on the web pages tabs prior to submitting your request for interpretation. If you are ready to submit your interpretation request, please visit the RFI website.
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