Are Ozone Generators And Ozone Air Purifiers Safe?

06 May.,2024


Are Ozone Generators And Ozone Air Purifiers Safe?

Ozone generators are popular air-cleaning devices that have become more widely used since the COVID-19 pandemic created awareness of the need for cleaner air in occupied spaces. However, ozone has been known to have detrimental health effects on humans when exposed to specific concentrations for extended periods. Therefore, when considering ozone generators for air cleaning, realize they must be operated with great care as ozone generating electronic air cleaners can emit unsafe ozone levels.

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What Are Ozone Generators?

Ozone Generators are a type of air purification system that produces Ozone (O3) to help reduce the presence of airborne contaminants. Ozone's highly reactive composition of three Oxygen atoms allows the molecules to attach to airborne organic contaminants to oxidize and eliminate them. There are both good and bad forms of ozone:

Stratospheric ozone, or “good ozone,” is found in the atmosphere between 6 and 30 miles above the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer shields us from harmful UV radiation from the sun. Ozone at the ground level, or “bad ozone,” is an air pollutant harmful to our health. Ozone generators typically produce “bad ozone.”

Are ozone generators safe?

Unfortunately, no. The EPA has denounced these devices and cites several scientific studies showing they can be harmful to health and ineffective at removing indoor air contaminants. That is why no federal agencies have approved ozone generators for use in occupied spaces.

How Does an Ozone Generator Work? 

Ozone is composed of three atoms of oxygen, hence O3. Two atoms from the oxygen we breathe; the third can detach from the ozone molecule, reattach to molecules of other substances, and change their chemical composition.

Ozone generators harness that chemical reaction by filtering oxygen (O2), then using an electrical charge to break apart oxygen molecules, encouraging them to reform as oxygen and ozone.

There are two methods used to generate ozone: 

  • Silent corona discharge: This method is an electric discharge that encourages the molecules to split (as mentioned above). When the molecules reattach, they form ozone or oxygen. This method produces more ozone and is more efficient than an ultraviolet generation.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation: This method is like the process of stratospheric ozone creation. These ozone generators use ultraviolet radiation to split oxygen molecules apart. However, this method is less effective than silent corona discharge. 

Ozone and Health

Just as ozone reacts with organic material in the air, it can react with organic material in our bodies, leading to health problems. When inhaled, ozone directly affects our lungs and respiratory system. It can cause airway hyper-responsiveness, including shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. In addition, if you have a lung condition, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, ozone can exacerbate it. Potential health risks from ozone include: 

  • Decreased lung function.
  • Aggravated asthma.
  • Throat irritation and cough.
  • Lung tissue inflammation.
  • Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection.
  • Chest pain and shortness of breath.

Long-term ozone exposure happens when you inhale ozone for more than eight hours a day over weeks and months. This type of exposure has been linked to the risk of hospitalization for asthma and numerous respiratory-related conditions. 

Ozone-Generating Devices

When it comes to ozone-generating devices, there are rules and guidelines for how much ozone can be emitted by a product and how long workers can be exposed to certain amounts. Here are some recommendations for human exposure to these devices (see the Clean Air Act):

  • The EPA’s national standards for ozone (which fall under National Ambient Air Quality Standards per the Clean Air Act) is an indoor ozone concentration of 0.070 ppm for 8 hours over an annual period. 
  • Recommendations from NIOSH suggest that 0.10 ppm should never be exceeded. 
  • Additionally, OSHA requires that workers not be exposed to an average concentration of 0.10 ppm for 8 hours.
  • Finally, the FDA limits some indoor medical devices to no more than 0.05 ppm. 

Risk factors are largely determined by the ozone concentration, the duration of exposure, the activities during exposure, and pre-existing conditions (like asthma). 

Ozone Generators vs. Ionizers

Ozone generators are often lumped in with ionizers. However, while ionizers are also air-cleaning devices, they work by electrically exciting ions in the air, encouraging them to latch onto air particles, which eventually get collected by the device. 

Ionizers are known to remove pathogens and viruses, but they are not effective at eliminating odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Since many odors are VOCs, including tobacco smoke, pet smells, and mold growth, ionizers will not work if you need to remove odors or these types of particles. 

The EPA’s Take on Ozone-Generating Air Cleaners

There is great debate about air cleaning devices such as ozone generators and ionizers, the health effects of these devices, and whether the indirect or direct ozone output can be harmful. The EPA took this to heart, especially since there is much material— primarily produced by manufacturers—that claims ozone is not necessarily harmful to your health. 

After conducting a study, the EPA came to several conclusions about ozone generators, including:

For more 2g/h household ozone generatorinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  1. The chemical reaction that ozone needs to be effective requires months or years to take place. Therefore, unless you have an ozone generator running for a long time in a building with no inhabitants, its usefulness is questionable. 
  2.  Once the ozone can react, there is a chance that the chemical reaction will produce irritating products. For example, in a study that mixed ozone with chemicals in a new carpet, ozone reduced the smell and presence of some substances, but it also produced aldehydes, which can be toxic.
  3.  Ozone does not remove particles from the air, but ionizers do. However, ionizers are said to not be as effective as HEPA filters at removing particles like smoke, pollen, and mold (although they can latch onto viruses and pathogens). 
  4. When ozone generators are used at a level deemed healthy, they are not effective at reducing odors. 

Are Ozone Generators Worth It?

Ozone generators are not a safe choice for cleaning the air in occupied spaces or home environments. However, the device can be helpful when used in uninhabited areas for a long time, such as cleaning up natural waste. The room should be as closed off as possible for the generator to work and ventilated before the space is reoccupied. 

Since ozone exposure can have harmful health effects, companies need to be careful how the devices are used. In addition, ozone generators can take months to work. Therefore, if you are looking to improve the indoor air quality of your business by running it overnight, it will be a waste of time and money. 

How Do Ozone Generators Compare To Other Air Purification Technologies

Want to learn more about ozone generators and how they compare to competing electronic air purification technologies? Then visit our most recent blog "The Difference Between Hydroxyl Generators, Ozone Generators, And Bi-Polar Ionization."

Finding the Right Air Cleaner for Your Business

When it comes to your inhabited workplace, ozone generators do not fall under best practices for indoor air quality. Even if manufacturers say the device does not produce ozone in hazardous amounts, do your research and try to identify how much ozone the device emits. You will also need to pay attention to the square footage the device was tested in compared to the size of your space. If a very large room is required to run the ozone generator effectively, smaller businesses may not be feasible. 

Instead, opt for a multi-stage air cleaner that does not produce ozone, or if it does, it is generated indirectly and in small amounts. It would be more advantageous—and safer—to get an air purifier that can operate while people are in your building. You can also take advantage of additional filters (like HEPA filters), UV-C light technology for killing viruses, and activated carbon filters for removing VOCs. Contact us to get started with a customized plan to clean your air effectively and safely.

Ozone Machine Benefits

These are valid safety concerns because the ozone breaks apart molecules as part of the oxidation process, especially odor causing molecules. However, humans and pets are also made up of molecules, so ozone at high levels has the potential to irritate the eyes and respiratory system, especially those with asthma or COPD. Therefore, ozone should be used with caution.

In the recent past, some direct marketing companies sold air purifiers that produce ozone to consumers for use in occupied spaces. This created concern at the EPA, the FDA and the American Lung Association, which resulted in adverse publicity for the ozone industry. For decades prior to that time, ozone had been used commercially in the hotel, apartment, janitorial, water and fire damage remediation industries and many others, while spaces were unoccupied. So the state of California now has ozone restrictions for consumer air purifiers, and industrial ozone cleaners like the OdorFree have special labeling requirements. Beware of any type of air purifier that produces ozone and claims the product is for use in occupied spaces. Less

In the event these units were creating the extremely high levels of output claimed, the ozone would be causing unseen damage to vulnerable materials like speakers, leather furniture, electronics and other materials. Once ozone reaches a certain level, degradation and deterioration of materials begins. Ozone can do great things, but as with any substance, too much or excessive levels will create problems. And extreme levels are not required for permanent odor removal. Moderation is the key to a successful ozone treatment.

Ozone output levels can vary as a result of air temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and other factors. And there are no set standards or protocols for testing ozone production in milligrams per hour (mg/hr). A high output number is sometimes posted simply to attract buyers. Unfortunately, there is no authority to prevent this type of misinformation from being uploaded and distributed on the web.

The vast majority of portable ozone generators sold in the US for commercial use employ ceramic plates. These machines generally produce ozone at output levels of 300 mg/hr to 2,000 mg/hr for the purpose of permanently removing odors. Mica plates fell into disfavor by most companies decades ago because they were not serviceable. Recently, they have reappeared with internet sellers. Less

Many ozone generators have a very short lifespan. Always check the details of the warranty that a manufacturer provides. Ozone can be corrosive and all ozone producing elements build up a film on the plates that dramatically reduces output. Even plates protected by a filter will build up a microscopic film on the plates over time that causes the ozone production to drop. Beware of ozone plates that cannot be removed and cleaned by the end user.

This is especially true of mica plates because the material cannot be cleaned and alignment is very important. So the mica plates have to be permanently built into a handmade assembly for protection. Thus, the mica assembly can become the most expensive component, by far, in the entire unit. Once the inevitable microscopic film builds up on the mica plates or corrosion occurs, ozone output drops dramatically, making it a throwaway product or requiring a costly return to the factory. The most expensive part in the unit will need regular maintenance but cannot be serviced, so the warranty can become somewhat meaningless. Less

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit ozone water machine for home use exporters.