Ash Handling Pumps - Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying

27 May.,2024


Ash Handling Pumps - Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying

To provide the most effective pneumatic conveying system for ash handling requires a range of pumps and pressure vessels for the Power and Heavy Industries.

Are you interested in learning more about ash handling pump? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

The range of pumps available from Schenck Process are as follows:
  • Multi PD Dense Phase Pumps
  • Multi Dense Phase System

Multi PD Dense Phase Pumps

The Multi PD Pump is designed for handling either fine or coarse fly ash from ESPs or from bag filters and can be used to convey directly to the main silos without using an intermediate hopper. There can be up to 8 pumps connected on the same pipeline with an ESP. The most efficient arrangement is for the vessels to be connected across the gas stream of the ESP so that each vessel receives approximately an even loading. No level probe is required in the ESP when using the Multi PD pump system

The Multi-PD pump system is able to convey distances up to 750m and at higher conveying velocities than with multi Dense Phase vessels. The Multi-PD system also has lower specific air consumption and utilise smaller pipe sizes to achieve the same conveying rate as a multi Dense Phase system.

The Multi PD pump assemblies are supplied complete with Dome Valve, electro-pneumatic controls and air supply piping, strainer, pressure regulation and control equipment pre-piped and pre-wired ready for connection to isolated air and electric supplies and connection to a suitable vent pipeline.

Multi Dense Phase System

Originally developed in the &#;s for the power industry, the Multi Dense Phase System has been advanced to reliably handle a wide variety of ash from economisers, air heaters, electrostatic precipitators and waste incinerators. The Multi Dense Phase System is a simple, effective and highly reliable method of conveying ash from single or multiple collection points to either single or multiple reception silos. The Dome Valve being the only moving part in the vessel ensures system reliability and low maintenance operation.

Even with its low height Multi Dense Phase Systems are capable of operating at temperatures up to 480ºC with throughput rates of up to 100 t/hr and distances up to 200 metres. Originally designed for conveying of fly ash from multi outlet precipitators or bag filters on powers stations, the same Multi Dense Phase technology can be used with other materials in other industries where material is to be conveyed from multi outlet precipitators, bag filters or multiple feed points.

Fly Ash Pumping Applications

Fly Ash and Coal Ash Pumping Applications:

  • Tailing Ponds
  • Poly-Lined Tailings Ponds
  • River Cleanups
  • Sumps
  • Concrete Basins
  • Process Pumps
  • Fly Ash Transport, Mixing, and Remediation

Fly Ash Pumping Problems

Fly Ash or Coal Ash is a difficult material to pump due to its abrasive nature.   Centrifugal pumps quickly get worn down and lose their tolerances and suction capabilities.  This results in significant downtime and costly spare parts.

The fly ash accumulates in many stages of the power generation process and proves to be very costly and time-consuming to remove.  The most troublesome stages are dealing with the lined and unlined tailings ponds, rivers, sumps, and concrete basins.

Tailings ponds and rivers continuously need to be cleaned out to increase capacity.  Finding the right pump and dredging equipment can often be a complicated process.  Centrifugal pumps will only pump 10-20% solids by weight.  This means that most of the discharge is water and very little fly ash is coming out of the pipeline. In contrast, the EDDY Pump design can pump 40-70% solid by volume. Pump less water, more solids.

Furthermore, the abrasive nature of the fly ash destroys the impeller of the pump and causes pump failures, costly repairs and spare parts. Our pump has a high tolerance ultra-recessed rotor that withstands the destructive nature of fly ash.

Tailings ponds are often lined with plastic to minimizes the seepage of contaminants.  This makes it more difficult for conventional equipment to dredge or mechanically remove the fly ash sediment without damaging the liner. We have a liner-safe wheel option for the excavator attachment.

Sumps are often the most difficult areas in a power generation plant to handle.  Fly ash, coal chunks, rocks and other debris are washed into sumps and continuously need to be pumped out.  Centrifugal pumps get clogged and constantly wear out because of the tolerances between the impeller and the volute.

The EDDY Pump is a non-clogging pump and can easily pass any piece of coal or debris without clogging.  Furthermore, since the EDDY Pump does not have an impeller, there is no issue with wearing down and losing tolerance.

The EDDY Pump can be run electrically or hydraulically in the sump or even self-priming to move from sump to sump. The electric EDDY Pump can be submersible if needed and have sensors incorporated to automatically turn the pump on and off as the depth of the sump increases and decreases. In turn, the EDDY Pump will run continuously with significantly less spare parts needed and saving the power plant millions in total ownership cost.

Large concrete-lined basins will accumulate with fly ash and the only solution to deal with them has been slow and costly vacuum trucks.  The EDDY Pump can be mounted on an excavator or deployed from a crane to pump the material directly back into the process or into tailings ponds.  This saves the client tens of thousands of dollars on vacuum trucks and even more money in having to shut down operation.

There are many process pumps and conveyors in a power plant that deal with moving coal, fly ash, and other abrasive and caustic slurries and solutions.  The EDDY Pump&#;s ability to move high solids allow it to replace the need for conveyors and save power plants millions of dollars in conveyor systems with constant maintenance issues.  The low pH and abrasive nature of these slurries do not have the same negative effect on the EDDY Pump and in turn the EDDY Pump can last many years longer than centrifugal pumps while saving the power plant millions of dollars.

Want more information on centrifugal sand dredging pump factory? Feel free to contact us.

Fly Ash Remediation is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in the power generation industry.   Utilizing the EDDY Pump, you can recirculate and mix the fly ash with cement or lime to create a homogenous mixture. After it is mixed the same pumps can then pump the material over distances of 5 plus miles where it can be utilized for construction or better disposal because of its stabilized nature.

Equipment Options For Job:

EDDY Pump Dredge Equipment

The EDDY Pump can be deployed in various dredge configurations to optimize cleanup of tailings ponds and rivers.  Some of the ideal deployments for fly ash tailings ponds are Excavator Pump Attachments, Liner-Safe Dredges, Cable-Deployed Pumps, Autonomous Dredges, Spud-Dredges, and the Subdredge.

Excavator Dredge Pump Attachment

The EDDY Pump Excavator Dredge Pump Attachment is one of our most popular units.

It allows any power generation or contracting company with little or no experience in dredging to easily convert one of their existing excavators or a rental into a hydraulic dredge.  An excavator operator can then easily learn to operator the Excavator Pump Attachment with only a few hours of training.  The Excavator Pump gets pinned to the end of the excavator boom and can either be used with a cutterhead or a liner safe rolling attachment.  The liner-safe wheels allow the pump to easily glide over the liner without having any negative affect, but still removing all the fly ash.

Slurry hose is then connected to the pump and run along the boom of the excavator over the back of the excavator and connected into pipeline.  The pump can easily move material at rates of up to 400 cubic yards over distances of over a mile at solids rates of 40-70%.  This is all done creating little to no contaminant resuspension or detectable turbidity.  This is the most environmentally friendly dredge on the market.  Please click here to see more about proper pump and excavator size for your application: Excavator Dredge Pump Attachment Info 

Cable-Deployed Pump

The EDDY Pump Cable-Deployed Pump with water jetting system is ideal for projects where a crane is available.  The EDDY Pump can be run electrically or hydraulically and suspended from the crane on a cable.  The water-jetting system breaks up the material and feeds the EDDY Pump. Cable Deployed Dredge info Here

Autonomous Dredge

For tailings ponds lined or unlined which need continuous dredging, the EDDY Pump Autonomous Dredge is a great solution that minimizes manpower and can run 24/7.   This is a floating unit that is automated to run continuously without an operator.  The pump is deployed from floats and can be powered by an electric or hydraulic power system. Autonomous Dredge Info Here.

Spud Dredge

For ultimate precision dredging the EDDY Pump 4-spud self-advancing dredge is ideal for surgical digging.  This 4-spud self-advancing dredge can dredge at depths of up to 30-ft and target fly ash at high solid contents.

Subdredge ROV

The EDDY Pump Subdredge is a remote-operated submersible dredge that can dredge at depths of greater than 100-ft.  The Subdredge has the smallest dredge footprint on the market.  The Subdredge can be powered electrically or hydraulically and pump material at rates of up to 400 cubic yards of material an hour at pumping distances of over a mile. Submersible Subdredge ROV Info Here.

Process Pumps (Sumps & Custom Applications)

The same EDDY Pump that powers all of the equipment shown can be used as a stand alone process pump. Mount it vertically, horizontally, submerged, dry, and power it electric or hydraulic. We specialize in matching the ideal setup to your application. Custom pumps are our specialty. Process Pump Info Here.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit centrifugal sand dredging pump price.