Buying or hiring temporary fence. We look at the pros & cons

17 Jun.,2024


Buying or hiring temporary fence. We look at the pros & cons

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Hiring temporary fence vs buying&#; A potential dilemma for many builders and developers. If you have multiple construction sites currently under construction or coming up for site starts in the near future, weighing up the costs of hiring a temporary fence vs buying can be a decision to ponder.

It&#;s a fair call to weigh up whether buying a temporary fence may be more beneficial to hiring, but in doing so, it&#;s important to consider all factors and elements that need to be taken into account.

When making a decision to buy rather than hire, you need to be clear on the following information:



Evaluating the cost of hiring vs buying is one of the main factors to consider when making your decision. Is it going to be more cost-effective to buy rather than hire?

Buying will incur a higher initial one-off fee. But there will be no ongoing hire costs. However, when evaluating the true costs of buying vs hiring you need to also look at the storage costs. Will you need to hire or buy a separate facility to store the fence when not in use?

Maintenance and replacement will also need to be considered. If your fence is not maintained then it reduces its effectiveness and could even become a hazard in itself.

Is it really going to be more cost-effective to buy temporary fencing?



When looking at buying a temporary fence over hiring, you need to consider the quantity required as this will also impact your costs.

If you don&#;t buy enough fencing upfront for all your projects, you run the risk of being short and having to buy again. Another cost outlay. On the flip side, if you buy too much fencing and it doesn&#;t get used, then you are wasting money and paying excess fees to store the unused panels.

Hiring eliminates the need to accurately assess your fencing requirements upfront. Hiring a temporary fence allows you to pay for only what you need at the time you need it. And as all sites are different you can adjust the quantity of the panels for each project as you go along.



Now, I&#;m going to go out on a limb here and guess that if you are weighing up the costs of buying vs hiring temporary fence panels then you are most likely looking for the absolute best price you can get. This may tempt you to look overseas or even second hand for cheaper panels.

Be very wary if you choose to go down this path as not all fencing is created equal. The quality and consistency in some fencing panels, especially if they are on the cheaper side, may simply not be up to scratch and more importantly, not comply with Australian Standards.

If you do choose to purchase cheaper panels, they may appear to be a quality product in the beginning but will require regular and routine inspections to ensure they are not falling apart or eroding at a rapid rate.

Hiring temporary fence panels eliminates any doubt as to the quality of the panels. Any reputable hiring company, such as ourselves, will guarantee that you are getting quality panels that conform to Australian Standards each and every time you hire.



Time is another biggie that is overlooked when it comes to considering buying temporary fence over hiring.

If you buy your own temporary fence panels then you also need to install your own temporary fence panels&#; Which takes time. And more importantly, qualifications.

If you elect to buy your own temporary fence panels, you will most likely need to undergo training to install them and move them. This means time away from your business while you undergo training, as well as time away from your work whenever temporary fencing needs to be installed, moved or removed.

Choosing to hire temporary fencing on the other hand, considerably reduces your time allocated to fencing your site. In fact, it takes zero of your time as we erect, maintain and remove all temporary fencing as part of our hire service. The only time required on your end is the time it takes to book us in.

Buying temporary fence panels for your projects may seem like a good idea that may save you money in the long run, but when you weigh up all the factors&#; As outlined above, how much are you really saving? Is it really worth the extra time, stress and responsibility that comes with owning your own panels?

We know you don&#;t need that added stress and burden. Construction is complicated enough as it is. That&#;s why we&#;ll recommend hiring over buying any day of the week.

And we&#;ve gone the extra mile and taken the extra steps to make it super easy to hire temporary fencing from us.

It&#;s as simple as giving us a call on: (02) (Newcastle) or (02) (Central Coast) and letting us know about your project&#; And we&#;ll take care of the rest.

Things you need to know before buying a Horse Fence in ...

Building your horse property is a dream and buying a horse fence is an integral part of making it come true. It&#;s an exciting experience but the whole process of searching, choosing, finalising and purchasing a horse fence that matches your vision can be a little overwhelming.  


It would be great if buying the right horse fence was as easy as imagining your picture-perfect property with horses running along the beautiful fence in the backdrop. In reality, there are things every horse property owner should know before deciding their horse fence. If you want to save time, stress and money, it&#;s important to head out in the market well-informed and armed with a proper plan.  


At Stock & Noble, we provide our partners with the finest fencing solutions across Australia and New Zealand. It&#;s a part of our mission to educate people and help them find the fence that&#;s perfect for them, their horses and their property. 


 In this article, you will learn:  

  1. 5 things you should consider before buying your horse fence.


  2. The process you should follow to choose a horse fence for your property.



What are the top 5 factors to consider before buying a horse fence? 

Before you take the final call, you must look at the steps below. As you tick them off your list, you will feel more confident about your decision of buying the right horse fence for your property. 


1. Explore all your horse fencing options


Do a thorough research and read about all the fencing options available for your horse property. Weigh all the pros and cons of different kinds of fencing.

There are several options of fencing available based on budget, quality, material, horse safety, longevity and looks. Here&#;s a quick overview of the most popular horse fencing options including both post and rail, wire and mesh fencing prevalent in Australia in . 


Timber Post and Rail

This is the traditional post and rail fence. Nothing can beat the natural charm of Timber. It ranks high on social proofing but being a natural product comes with its own set of problems, requiring higher maintenance overtime. Pine is a good choice if you want to go for a cheaper option. If you want to learn more about this fencing, you can check out the best places to buy Timber posts and Rail and the hidden costs of Timber. 


Steel Post and Rail

This is the first answer that pops up on Google when you search for the strongest and the most durable horse fence. There are different kinds of steel fences available, depending on looks, maintenance, horse safety, design and built.  

They are: 

Overall Steel is a lower maintenance option that can withstand everything from weather to livestock and lasts the longest. If you like, you can deep dive into the cost of Steel Fences in Australia and learn more about this option.  


PVC Post and Rail

This fencing is largely available in white and is a long-lasting material that is cheaper than steel and hardwood timber options. Also, as compared to Timber, PVC fencing needs lower maintenance and is relatively easy to install. However, it might face some challenges in containing large and energetic animals, like horses. 


Flexible Plastic Rail

Flexible Fences like Horserail or Legacy rail are cost-effective and safe fencing solutions for horses. They can be electrified depending on which option you choose. From a distance, they do look like standard Timber posts and rails but the similarities end there. As compared to Timber, they are cheaper and much easier to maintain. If you wish to learn more, this article will help you in finding and buying the original Horserail in Australia. 


Electric Braid Fencing

EquiRope or Sighter wire fencing is extremely cost effective, easy to maintain, safe around horses and also look presentable on a horse property. 


Steel mesh

This fencing is used in different ways across horse properties. Some horse farms use it to separate horse yards from rest of the farm, or to keep horses in but dogs out. In smaller yards particularly around foals or younger horses, Steel mesh can contain them better than just a post and rail fence. It is a cost-effective and relatively safe fencing option for horses. 


Plain Steel Wire Fence

This option is the cheapest, relatively easier to maintain and most installers will be familiar and comfortable with handling this system. However, it&#;s also the most unsafe for horses and lacks aesthetic value. Over the years, it demands more time and money owing to frequent horse injuries.   

You will get efficient and thoughtful service from Shitai.


2. Determine the 3 most important things you want from your fence.

It is your dream; also, it is your fence, so consider the three most important things you want in it. Sit down, visualise your future property and prioritise fence&#;s features with a clear mind.  

The 3 top features could be anything from  

  • Great looks


  • Easy maintenance


  • Cheapest


  • Strongest


  • Post and rail


  • Mesh


  • Long life


  • Safety
  • Versatility
  • Current availability


  • Any other thing that matters to you


Once you have your top three asks, start eliminating from options that you had researched in Step 1. Taking a decision will be much easier now. 


3. Know the details of installing your horse fence.


It&#;s a good idea to reach out to your fencing contractors and discuss the lead time of installing the fence on your property. Sometimes, the wait could be significant depending on their availability, the weather and the ground conditions. For example, the ground could be too dry or too wet, so you might have to delay the installation.  

We recommend having this conversation early as you begin searching for your fence. If your preferred fence is taking a long time to deliver, but the lead time is already long, you don&#;t mind waiting. However, if your installation window is shorter, you might choose a fence that can be delivered within that time.   

You should also think about whether you want to hire a professional or do the installation yourself. If you are interested in a DIY fencing project, this would also narrow down your options to the ones you can install yourself. Also check the equipment needed for the installation and speak to a fencing expert or your supplier for an installation guide or advice before choosing your fence. 


4. Think how long you plan to live on this property.


Another factor that you should consider before buying your horse fence is if you are investing in a property you are going to live in forever and pass on to your next generation, or is it a temporary investment, which you intend to sell soon. If you&#;re building a property for life, then it&#;s best to get a good quality superior fence that would last you a lifetime and more. However, if fencing is a quick fix to give your property look nice before putting it on the market, then you can choose a cheaper fence that looks good at the moment and then can be replaced by the next owner. 


5. Have a budget for your horse fencing project.

Lastly but most importantly budget plays a huge role in deciding your perfect fence.Before you begin your search, it&#;s good to have a cost in mind so you know what you are working with. Also, if that number is final then it&#;s easier to eliminate any expensive options that do not fit your budget right at the start. It will save you and your supplier time and effort. If you have some flexibility for a higher and better-looking fence that matches your vision, then include the desired options in your search, speak to the supplier and evaluate the pros and cons so you know your investment is worth it. 


How to choose the best horse fence for your horse property? 

Now that you know the most important things to consider before buying your horse fence, follow the process as listed below. Each step will take you closer to the fence that&#;s made for you and your property. 



tep 1: Know your options 

Start your search by arming yourself with information about all the options of horse fencing available in the market.  


Step 2: Think of the top three


No matter how much you want it, you cannot have it all. Choose the absolutely non-negotiable top three qualities you want your fence to have. Safety, aesthetics, environmental impact, quick availability, longevity, cost, strength, easy installation, low maintenance or anything else that&#;s important for you. But only three. 


Step 3: Speak to an industry expert


Reach out to your fencing contractors and take advice on what&#;s the best solution for your fencing needs. They are good sounding boards before your project begins, however their recommendation is largely based on the fencing options they are most comfortable with. You can also connect to a fencing expert or a supplier who can help you go through the details of each fence, list out the pros and cons and guide you in the best way possible. We recommend choosing a supplier with a wide product range, so you get an unbiased advice.  


Step 4: See the sample of your fence


Once you&#;ve chosen your fence, it&#;s time to see it for real. The easiest way is to ask your fencing supplier for a free sample so you can feel the finesse of the product, right in your hands, delivered to your doorstep. In case your supplier doesn&#;t have this option, check with them if there&#;s a live project around your location that you can visit in person and evaluate how the fence looks and feels.  


Step 5: Plan your fence in detail


Once you know what you&#;re going ahead with, it&#;s important to have your fencing plans in place. You can use free fencing tools like Map my fence on our website, or connect with a fencing expert to provide you with a detailed CAD drawing of your entire fencing plan. If you are going ahead with a fencing contractor, they should also be able to assist you with your fencing plans. At Stock & Noble we believe that a job well planned is a job half done. 


Step 6: Check the availability of your fence


Finally, call and confirm the availability of stock with your supplier or fencing contractor. You should make sure the fence can be delivered well in time to match the time frame of your installation. 


Are you confident to buy horse fence for your property?  

Purchasing a fence for your horse property is a big decision and an investment that will stay with you for a lifetime, hopefully. So do not skip these steps, take some time to go through each one of them and follow the process to find your perfect fence.  


Remember to list out the three things at the beginning. Even if you lose track and get overwhelmed by all the options you can always come back, check your list and take a better decision. Also, it&#;s good to know if you have some flexibility in your budget for the right fence so you can explore more or eliminate the options saving a lot of time and effort. 


If you have any more questions about choosing the right fence, cost of different kinds of horse fences and want someone to guide you in a completely unbiased way and recommend the right fit for your property then speak to our fencing experts. There&#;s neither an obligation of any purchase nor unnecessary emails or follow-up calls. Our aim is to help our partners build the most beautiful equestrian properties across Australia and New Zealand and we have a wide range of fencings solutions to choose from.    

For more Australia Temporary Fenceinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.