Effective Ways To Market Thermal Paper Rolls

06 Aug.,2024


Effective Ways To Market Thermal Paper Rolls

Effective Ways To Market Thermal Paper Rolls

If you are running a business that uses any kind of point of sale system or a credit card terminal, then there are very high chances that you have interacted with a thermal paper roll.

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Thermal paper is a special type of paper designed to change color without the use of traditional ink, hence, allowing for inkless printing.

The paper is usually used with a thermal printer. Once inserted inside the printer, at the time of use, the heat generated with the printer head will activate the special chemical coating on the paper to form an image of high definition.

During the process, heat is used in the production of the image, therefore, negating the need for ribbons or ink cartridges. With thermal printing, businesses can achieve faster, more reliable, and high-definition images.

The application of thermal papers and thermal printing technology is spread across multiple sectors and industries, including shopping malls, grocery stores, gaming houses, bakery stores, gas stations, and coffee shops among others.

The Anatomy of Thermal Paper Rolls

The design of a thermal paper begins with a base paper &#;which is nothing but an ordinary paper made from wood pulp. The first step is to apply a precoat layer to the base paper.

The purpose of the precoat is to fill up any empty spaces that may be present between the surface fibers, hence, providing a smooth surface for effective printing.

Additionally, the precoat acts as a stabilizer for absorbing the activated dye once the printing is done.

The layer that follows the precoat layer in the manufacture of thermal paper rolls is known as the thermal layer. This is the layer responsible for producing images with thermal reactions from the thermal printer.

When the printer is in use, the thermal layer will turn black in the heated areas since the layer is infused with chemicals like dye, sanitizer, and dye &#; all of which are responsible for producing the image.

Here is a brief overview of some of the unique features of a thermal paper-:

  • Image stability &#; image stability is an indication of the number of years that the print will still be readable under proper storage conditions.
  • Static sensitivity &#; this refers to the temperature upon which the image starts to form during the printing process. High static sensitivity implies that the image will start forming at low temperatures while low static sensitivity implies that the image will start forming at high temperatures.
  • Density &#; this is a value obtained from the thermally printed image. It is normally used as an indication of the quality of the print.
  • Dynamic sensitivity &#; this is a sign of the speed as well as the energy levels that can be used when working with a particular thermal paper. Higher dynamic sensitivity is an indication of better quality.

It should be noted that thermal paper rolls are available in different sizes and different lengths.

To customize them for specific applications in a variety of industries, a thermal paper slitting machine is normally used to produce the required sizes.

Modern Applications of Thermal Paper Rolls

Following the correct sizing from a thermal roll slitting machine, thermal paper rolls can be subjected to a variety of uses. Here is a brief look at some of their applications presently-:

Credit Cards and POS Machines

Credit cards and POS receipts are majorly made of thermal paper. With their use, the retail business owns doesn&#;t have to incur any extra costs associated with ink cartridges or ribbons, and this is a considerable cost-saving avenue in the long run.

All that the business needs are a thermal printer and a high-quality thermal paper roll and they can quickly and efficiently print receipts that will last for a very long time.

ATM Receipts

If you usually collect receipts from the ATM after cash is dispensed, then what you usually hold in your hands is a classic example of thermal paper.

The main reason for the rampant use of thermal papers in the ATM is because the process of thermal printing is fast, and reliable with minimal annoying sounds.

Hospital Receipts and records

Some of the machines used in hospitals and other medical facilities rely heavily on thermal papers precisely customized with the help of thermal roll slitting machines.

Some of this hospital equipment and machines include ultrasound machines and ECG machines. Thermal papers are able to produce clear and accurate images which are vital for the medical experts to come up with proper diagnosis and interpretation of results.

Any discrepancies with such readings may sometimes lead to serious problems, hence, the need for high accuracy when it comes to printing the health records.

Ticketing systems

For businesses that require clear, accurate, and high-volume prints, thermal paper rolls are always the way to go.

This is why thermal papers are widely used in printing lottery, parking, cinema, and games tickets. Such tickets are usually clear, readable, and easy to scan which helps in making the operations more efficient.

Will Cheaper Thermal Paper Rolls Save You Any Money&#;

Various manufacturers are producing different quality thermal papers in the market today.

For most businesses, it may be tempting to go for the cheaper options as a means of saving some money. However, this is never a good idea. You should always remember that cheap will always be expensive in the long run.

With cheaper thermal paper rolls, you risk the following-:

Printer jamming &#; if you opt for cheap thermal paper made from a cash register paper roll slitting machine, one of the challenges you are likely to encounter is your printer jamming.
This can be very inconvenient since you will have to keep on resetting the printer every time it jams. You will lose precious minutes in the process, and your customers may not be very patient to wait for long.

Broken printer heads &#; if you are going to use poor-quality thermal paper rolls, then be ready to deal with a lot of broken printer heads.

The reason for this is that the poor quality thermal papers usually lack protective layer coating.

The implication is that after printing, the printer will end up with too much powder that will make the printer head susceptible to breaking.

Short paper lifespan &#; this is perhaps one of the greatest disadvantages of using cheap thermal paper rolls. With poor quality thermal papers, the lifespan of the image will be very short.

If it is a record you wanted to keep for a while or make reference to in the future, then going for a cheap thermal paper should be the last thing on your mind.

But there are still ways you can use to save money on thermal paper rolls instead of going for the cheaper options.
Here are a few tips that you can use to save money while still getting the best quality thermal paper rolls-:

Practice buying thermal paper rolls in bulk

Just like with buying anything else, if you buy thermal paper rolls in small quantities, you will end up spending a lot in the long run.
Ideally, you should get enough rolls to last you for a while so that you have enough time and accumulate enough money to order for the next bulk shipment.
With a bulk order, you won&#;t have the temptation to get cheap rolls from the nearest shop which will always be expensive.

Choose your supplier wisely

If you are searching for high-quality thermal paper rolls, then don&#;t let just any other supplier with a thermal paper slitting machine be your supplies guy.

Take time and research your potential suppliers so that you work only with reputable companies.

This will not only guarantee that you get the best quality thermal paper rolls, but also you won&#;t have to worry about getting scammed or slapped with bogus charges and fees.
Still, on suppliers, check to ensure that they have reasonable shipping fees and delivery time.

The last thing you want is to wait forever for your supplies and end up hurting the operations of your business.

Create proper storage conditions for the thermal paper rolls

Thermal paper rolls are special types of paper so you should be very careful with how and where you store them.

You should store them in a dry place away from moisture or humidity that may end up making the dump. Be sure to prepare the proper storage space before your bulk shipment arrives.

Damages during storage are one of the reasons why you may end up spending a lot on thermal paper rolls.

Maximize your paper use

Don&#;t change the current roll unless it is completely empty. It may seem convenient to change the roll when it is almost empty so that you don&#;t inconvenience your customers, but doing so will be throwing valuable paper away.
Use the roll to the very inch and don&#;t be afraid to change it when customers are waiting since it won&#;t take more than two minutes to do that.

Compare prices from multiple suppliers

In the course of searching for a reputable supplier, also take some time to compare the prices among your list of preferred suppliers. Also, don&#;t be afraid to ask for discounts when you are buying in bulk.

What Size of Thermal Paper Do I Need?

Thermal paper rolls are available in a humongous range of sizes. The primary concern regarding size at the time of purchase should be the size recommended for use in your thermal printer.

Not considering the right size for your printer may lead to printer damages which may then lead to the voiding of the warranty of your machine.

As far as size goes, there are four specs you should always have in mind. They include the following-:

  • The role width
  • The role diameter
  • The role length
  • The core size

If you are still confused about choosing the right size of thermal paper produced with a thermal roll slitting machine, ask your supplier for some guidance or refer to your printer&#;s manufacturer&#;s manual for insights on the paper size.

Can I order Branded Rolls from Jota Machinery?

If you are searching for branded rolls of thermal papers, then Jota Machinery is one of the top suppliers you can trust with your bulk orders.

You won&#;t just be getting quality thermal papers, but also you will have the versatility of customers, including ordering branded rolls of thermal papers.

The Most Effective Ways To Markert Thermal Paper Rolls

Stocking the best thermal paper rolls in your store will not make you any money unless you can get potential customers to come and start buying them.

The good news is that there are several approaches you can use to make potential customers aware that you have the best thermal paper rolls.

Here is an overview of some of the most effective ways you can use to market thermal paper rolls-:

Create a website for your business

The first step towards marketing thermal paper rolls is to have a customized website for your products. The world has gone digital and not having a good website for your business is limiting your chances of success.

The website you create should not just be a template site, but one that has been specifically customized for your kind of business. Some of the key factors you must consider with the website creation include-:

Get a reliable hosting company

The hosting company you choose for your website can make or break your business.

You need a reliable host that will not just guarantee the best uptime for your website, but also have in place all the necessary security features to keep your website safe from hackers.

Consider onsite search engine optimization

Having a website live on the internet is of no use if people searching for thermal paper rolls can&#;t find it in the search engines.

For more information, please visit Eopac Machinery.

To make your website visible on the search engines, you need to do proper search engines optimization of the entire site.

This is a process to ensure that your website will rank among the top search results whenever people search for certain relevant keywords.

Invest in quality content

Quality content is key to making your website appear professional and also for search engine optimization.

For successful marketing of your thermal paper rolls, there are various kinds of content you can create for your website.

Think about giving a detailed description of the products, how users can benefit from them, tips and tricks to make the users get the most from the content, and a section addressing some of the frequently asked questions.

Also, feel free to include images and videos relevant to your products.

Take advantage of social media marketing platforms

Social media is no longer a place where people go to watch images and videos of cute cats and puppies whenever they are bored. There are billions of people who log into these sites every day.

Businesses who have discovered the power of social media can make insane profits by simply getting potential customers from social media platforms.

You can also consider social media marketing as a strategy for marketing thermal paper rolls.

All you have to do is create professional and compelling profiles in most if not all of the social media platforms. Here are a few tips to help you with social media marketing-:

Know what you wish to achieve

Defining your goals is very important if you want to be successful with social media marketing.

This is because the platforms have different kinds of users as far as user behavior is concerned, and one strategy may work on one platform, but become a total failure on another platform.

This is why you need to be very clear with your goals to help you determine the best platforms to use for greater success.

Some of the goals you are likely to have included increasing brand awareness, getting sales, improving engagement with potential clients, and seeking partnerships with other businesses among others.

Define your target audience

Social media platforms have all kinds of people, but this doesn&#;t mean that all of them will be interested in thermal paper rolls.

It is imperative that you clearly define who is likely to be interested in thermal paper rolls then target them precisely with your promotions.

The good news is that most of the social media platforms have advanced targeting capabilities that you can always exploit after you know who is likely to be interested in your products.

Use only the platforms that will be the most relevant to your business

Since you are in the business of selling thermal paper rolls, your major target is likely to be business owners or people who are in a position to make business decisions within their organizations.

Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram may not be ideal since the demographics of their users tend to be young people with very little experience or knowledge about this kind of business.

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, on the other hand, have millions of potential clients that you can target. Therefore, choose a platform where you are likely to get the bulk of your potential clients.

Create an effective content calendar

Quality, timely, regular, and relevant content is vital for the success of your social media campaigns.

To build engagement, reach new audiences, and attract more potential clients, you have to be posting the right kind of content regularly.

This calls for a thoroughly thought content calendar that will keep your profiles active throughout.

Create an online store

Having a website is vital to increasing your online reach and ensuring that those searching for thermal paper rolls can find you.

However, you also need to provide them with a means to purchase your products. The best way to achieve this is to have an online store.

You can choose to embed the store to your current site or you can create it independently on the numerous online store platforms. Going, either way has both pros and cons &#; kindly explore them before you go ahead with the store decision.

With an online store, you shall have expanded your boundaries and your products can now be purchased by those outside your country, thereby increasing your reach and revenue.

Get a distribution network

Getting into partnerships with distribution networks is another powerful way to not just market your thermal paper rolls but also make huge profits in the process.

All this entails is making plans with a distributor, a reseller, or a dealer where you sell them your products in bulk at a relatively lower rate and they undertake to sell the products to the end-users.

If you can manage to get a strong and reliable distribution network, you could be in for huge profits within a short period.

Contact potential customers directly

This seems like a traditional way to market your thermal paper rolls, but when combined with modern technology and digital marketing techniques, it can be a powerful way to market any product that you will ever think of selling.

With this approach, you will find means and ways of directly accessing the end-users of thermal paper rolls.

If you have the resources, then you can think about employing an army of salespersons to directly visit potential clients such as gas stations, hotels, retail stores, banks, airlines, hospitals, bakeries, and any other business likely to use thermal paper rolls.

However, this salesperson&#;s approach is too manual and time-consuming.

A great way to make it more effective is to use approaches such as pay-per-click advertising on platforms such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook.

With the targeting capabilities of these platforms, you can easily target those who are likely to be interested in thermal paper rolls.

Then, your goal with the PPC campaigns should be to collect their contact information such as addresses and numbers so that you can contact them later with follow-up promotions.

The demand for thermal paper rolls can only continue going up as more businesses resort to POS systems and credit card payment terminals.

Effective marketing is necessary if you wish to cut your niche in the humongous industry and have a profitable business.

Hopefully, the tips and tricks shared above will set you on the right footing towards achieving more success for your thermal paper roll business.

Feel free to contact us anytime you need quality rolls made with our thermal paper slitting machines. Also, don&#;t hesitate to get in touch in case you need more marketing insights about our products.

How to Calculate Thermal Paper Roll Price?

Whether you are preparing to enter into the thermal paper business or you have a few years of experience in importing thermal rolls from China, do you know how the thermal paper roll price is calculated? In this article, we will explain how to calculate the cost of each roll. First, though, you need to have a complete understanding of the basic knowledge below:

Let&#;s look closer at these components that make up a thermal paper roll price.

1. Paper Cost

Paper cost is the major component of thermal roll price. From this article, we know that the thermal roll is produced from the jumbo paper roll, so the jumbo roll price directly affects the thermal roll price. The supply chain for thermal jumbo rolls is very long, and it changes nearly every month. It is affected by many factors, such as paper pulp supply, governmental or environmental policy, the supply of coating chemicals, etc. For example, since January , the jumbo roll price has increased by over 20% because of a short supply of paper pulp. Be careful not to offer a fixed price to your customer; instead, quote them an updated price every month. The jumbo roll price ranges from $/ton to $/ton.

For an 80mm x 80mm 60gsm thermal roll, its length is around 60meters, so we can easily get the paper cost:

Paper cost = 0.080m x 60mts x 0.060kg/m2 x $/ton x 1/ = $0.430 per roll 

2. Core Cost

There are many different core types & sizes (material, length, color, smooth, or honeycomb). Be sure you have a dependable core supplier so you can buy whatever type of core meets your customer&#;s needs. (If you also want to enter into the core manufacturing industry, that is not advisable in my opinion, because it is a totally different industry and requires more energy and cash flow.)

Different core types and sizes have different prices, but most are around $0.018 per piece of core.

3. Packaging Cost

To protect the thermal paper from being damaged by sunlight, heat, humidity, and long-distance transport, good packing is crucial for thermal paper rolls. The materials we usually use are wrapping film, plastic bags, labels, cartons, and pallets. From this link, we can see that there are many different packaging types. Actually, in most cases, customers would bring up their unique packing requirements, for example, some customizing on the cartons (printing their Logo and other brand awareness items), so it&#;s extremely important to work with a dependable, long-term packing material supplier.

For a carton of 50 rolls 80mm x 80mm thermal paper, the carton size is 41cm x 41cm x 17cm. The carton cost is around $1 per piece plus the wrapping film, giving a total cost of around $1.10 per carton. So that would be a $0.022 cost for each individual 80mm x 80mm thermal roll.

4. Labor Cost

Labor cost is another major component of thermal roll price. A thermal paper manufacturing company requires a large variety of employees, including sales personnel, accountants, slitting machine operating workers, printing machine workers, warehouse management staff, and many others. Additionally, different countries and regions have different salary standards. One one hand, you must obey the laws setting minimum wages for your employees, but on the other hand, you need to think out ways to motivate them to work more for you to earn a higher salary (yes, this is called &#;capitalism&#;). Actually, there are many other hidden costs in a company, such as costs for electricity, maintaining machinery and equipment, gasoline, office supplies, marketing, and advertising, etc. One thing that&#;s trending these days: more and more industries are reducing costs by using robots to replace humans. I think that will be a trend in paper roll manufacturing.

In China, the labor cost for each 80mm x 80mm thermal paper roll is around $0.02 per roll.

5. Profit

After those costs, it is time to calculate the profit. The profit margin is determined by many factors, such as competitors&#; quantity, market volume, customers&#; quality requirements, order quantity, etc. If you are located in a country with very few thermal paper manufacturing factories but with big market volume, then you can set the profit margin at a high rate, such as 25%. However, if you are located in a country (like China) with many thermal paper manufacturing factories, it is not possible to set a high profit margin since customers would simply buy from your competitors rather than you if you are quoting them a higher price.

The proper profit margin for 80mm x 80mm thermal roll is around 10% ~ 20%.


From all the above costs, we can easily get the 80mm x 80mm thermal paper price:

For more paper roll wrapping machineinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.