Electric Actuator Types Used in Valve

13 May.,2024


Electric Actuator Types Used in Valve

An actuator is an electromechanical device that enables a component to move or perform a specific task. It has the ability to provide precisely controlled movement and repeat it. Therefore, it is relied on maintaining production accuracy and quality in the automation industry.

For more information, please visit electric valve actuator manufacturer.

The two types of electrical actuators are linear and rotary electric actuators. Linear electric actuators are applicable in operations that involve a forward-backward movement, while circular electric actuators are used in systems that require circular motions.

What is Electric Actuated Valve

An Electric actuated valve is a device that is used to convert electricity into mechanical (kinetic) energy using linear or rotary motion. This electromechanical device enables controlled movement and/or positioning in the automation industry.

Electric actuators are used to automate specific and repetitive tasks. They are used in a lot of industries – construction, manufacturing, aerospace, packaging, and agriculture. Some of the day-to-day applications of actuators include automatic windshield wipers, adjustable seats, and sliding doors.

Types of Electric Actuators in Valve

Before buying electric actuators, it is important to first know the types of electrical actuators and their distinctive characteristics. This will enable suppliers to deliver the best electric actuator types that will suit their customers’ needs. Electric actuators in the valve are divided into two, and they are:

1. Linear Electric Actuators

Source: Elprocus

Linear electric actuators use a globe, diaphragm, gate, angle, or pinch valves to rotate from open to close. This type of actuator is mostly used in applications that require tight tolerances.

It provides linear motion through a screw assembly or a motor-driven ball screw. The load in a linear actuator is fastened to the extreme end of an unsupported screw or rod that is gear or belt driven.

2. Rotary Electric Actuators

Source: Elprocus

This type of actuator rotates uses a ball, plug and butterfly valves to rotate from open to close. The rotational element used in rotary electric actuators can either be a table or a circular shaft. It consists of a speed reducer motor that allows for incremental rotational movement of the external shaft.

The motors in this type of actuator can be fabricated to specific frequency, power, voltage, and performance. Some of the auxiliary components in a rotary electric actuator include clutches, brakes, special seals, and anti-backlash gears.

Why Use Electric Actuators for Valve

An electric actuator is a vital component in a machine that enables it to perform specified controlled movements by converting electrical energy to mechanical energy. Here are some of the common uses of electric actuators:

1. Beverage and Food Manufacturing

Electric actuators are used in food and beverage manufacturing because they are clean and quiet. They are corrosion-resistant, and carefully designed with very little or no crevices that can retain dirt or bacteria.

2. Valve Operation

Electric actuators can provide exact control and actions. Therefore, they are the top pick for processing plants that use valves to control the movement of raw materials.

3. Robotics

An electric actuator is considered one of the vital components that makes automation possible. It has the ability to provide precisely controlled movement and repeat it. Therefore, it is relied on maintaining production accuracy and quality in the automation industry.

How to Choose the Types of Electrical Actuators in the Valve

There are two types of electrical actuators in a valve. Therefore, it is important to select the right type of electrical actuator that will suit the intended application. The following list below might be helpful:

  • First, identify the size and type of valve that needs to be actuated.
  • The type of electrical actuator to be selected must be compatible with the valve’s coupling and mounting options.
  • Also, consider the control system used to operate the valve. The selected actuator must be compatible with it. This includes the communication protocol and the control signal used.
  • Finally, choose an actuator that contains the needed special features such as fail-safe options, manual override capability, and position feedback.

Factors to Consider When Selecting the Types of Electric Actuators in Valve

There are numerous electric actuator types in the market. Therefore, it may be quite difficult to get the right one. Below are some important factors to consider before selecting the types of electrical actuators in the valve:

  • Load

Some load factors that should be considered before selecting an electric actuator valve are axial load capacity, support carriage moment capacity, radial load capacity, horizontal vs vertical mechanics, positioning of the load, etc. Note that demand varies depending on the usage.

  • Speed

It is essential to do some critical speed calculations to determine if an actuator will be compatible with the intended application. Also, consider voltage when calculating the exact speed demand.

  • Environment Conditions

The actuator to be used must satisfy the standard regulation guiding the environment where it will be used. Also, it must be able to withstand environmental conditions.

  • Stroke Length

The actuator should comfortably fit into the space and dimensions needed to complete the specified task. For instance, linear electric actuators are preferable in applications that require tight tolerance.

  • Durability

It is essential to go for the type that will be able to perform the intended task conveniently and can also withstand the stress and demands of the work. In other words, go for the one that will last longer and perform better.

For effective operation, it is advisable to buy actuated valves from reliable and certified industrial valves manufacturer.


Looking for certified and trustworthy valves manufacturers that offer different types of high-quality electrical actuators?

Dombor is a top leading China valve manufacturer that specializes in producing different types of electrically actuated valves. At Dombor, our products and services comply with international standards and specifications.

Visit Dombor today to get different electric actuator types and other kinds of valves – butterfly valve, industrial ball valve, check valve, gate valve, plug valve, globe valve, etc.

Electric Ball Valve: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Before investing in a new electric ball valve, you should read this guide.

It has all information that will help you chose the best electric ball valve in the market.

Keep reading to learn more.

What is an Electric Ball Valve?

An electric ball valve is an automatic form of quarter-turn valve that uses gear trains and motors to control flow. The gear train and motor system will open the valve when the ball’s hole is in line with fluid flow.

It will also automatically close when pivoted at 90 degrees by the handle of the valve.

 Electric Ball Valve

How Does an Electric Ball Valve Work?

Generally, electric ball valves convert the electrical energy into rotary force using the electric motor thus turning ball valves. It is the most efficient mode of controlling valves due to the clean electric energy and quiet mode of turning valves.

To understand it better, here is how the electric ball valve works.

Step One: Powering Up the System

First, you will switch on the electric ball valves to allow the proper flow of electric current through the system. Electric current will power the electric motor which will generate a torque transmitted by a shaft connected to the valve stem.

You will realize that the ball valve begins to rotate due to action from the shaft and the electric motor. The amount of power that you need to control the operations of the electric ball valve will vary accordingly.

You may need 12V, 24V, and 48V of direct current to help in controlling the electric ball valve. On the other hand, you may also use 24V, 48V, 120V, 130V, and 240V of alternating current to control the valve.

Step Two: Controlling the Torque

As the power flow through the motor, you can control the force that the motor will produce to rotate the ball valve. It has a system of different gears which help in controlling the shaft thus producing different levels of force.

You can decide on the gear that will produce the best of forces that can control the electric ball valve accordingly. The speed at which the electric ball valve will operate is inversely proportional to the torque f the electric ball valve.

What is the Difference Between Pneumatic and Electric Ball Valve?

You can either choose to use the electric ball valve or the pneumatic ball valve.

In order to make the right choice, here is a comparison between the pneumatic and the electric ball valve.

 Pneumatic Ball Valve

Power Source

You will note that one of the greatest differences between the electric and pneumatic ball valves is the driving force. Pneumatic ball valves require air pressure of between 60 to 125 PSI to complete the operations successfully.

On the other hand, the electric ball vales depend on DC and AC voltage to complete the operations successfully.

Component Size

Electric ball valves have different components that are bigger in size in comparison to the pneumatic ball valves. For instance, you will note that the double-acting pneumatic ball valves are 70% smaller than electric ball valves.


Depending on the model of pneumatic ball valves, the speed of opening and closing the valve ranges between 0.5-1 second.

Electric ball valves are slower and can take between 6 seconds and 25 seconds to open or close.


Pneumatic ball valves operate over a wide range of temperatures ranging between -20 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

You will note that electric ball valves risk overheating in very high temperatures hence operate between 40- and 150-degrees Fahrenheit.

Longevity and Durability

Pneumatic ball valves have higher levels of longevity and durability in comparison to electric ball valves.

You will note that the pneumatic ball valves can cycle up to 1,000,000 plus or minus times. On the other hand, electric ball valves can only cycle to about 250, 000 plus or minus times.

NEMA Ratings

Both pneumatic and electric ball valves are designed to be environmentally friendly with pneumatic valves being explosion-proof. Electric ball valves are, however, safer with numerous NEMA ratings that push the limits of safety very high.

Spring Return

In the pneumatic ball valves, you will have the spring return which will enhance the safety of using the ball valves. You may not have that freedom with the electric ball valves due to the lack of proper implementation of spring return.


You will spend more in purchasing the electric ball valve in comparison to your expenditure on pneumatic ball valves. Despite the high cost, the pneumatic ball valve will deliver a higher value in comparison to electric ball valves.

What are the Advantages of the Electric Ball Valve?

There are plenty of benefits that you will realize when using the electric ball valve.

Here are the main advantages that you will realize when using the electric ball valve.

Easy to Operate

You will control the electric ball valve very easily from the control panel of the application system. It does not require the services of compressed air to open and close the valves thus easing the operations.

Low Cost of Operation

Due to the automatic nature of the electric ball valve, you will not hire many operators to help with the operations. You will only incur a few bills such as the cost of electricity and that of maintaining the electric ball valve.

Minimal Noise

It is also a very quiet type of valve that produces minimal noise during the main operations. In other words, it makes the working environment peaceful and free of distractions from unusual noises.

Flexible Motion Control

In addition to the above, the motion control is not only automatic but also very flexible. You can change the mode of operation such as speed just by adjusting the motor and gears from the control panel.

Slower Cycle Time

In comparison to the pneumatic ball valve, the electric ball valves have slower cycle times. Implying that, they have higher levels of efficiency that improve the output in comparison to pneumatic ball valves.

What are the Cons of the Electric Ball Valve?

Despite the numerous benefits, there are a few disadvantages of using electric ball valves.

Here are some of the disadvantages that you may encounter when using electric ball valves.

Limited Fail-Safe Options

You should also note that the failsafe options for the electric ball valves are very few thus increasing the danger.

In other words, you may not have numerous options of keeping safe in case the electric ball valve fails to work.

Expensive to Acquire

Due to the high level of automation, you will definitely spend a lot on the original purchase of the electric ball valve. Despite the high cost of purchasing the electric ball valve, you will definitely save money when it comes to operations.

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Slower Cycle Time

You can also classify this as a disadvantage of the electric ball valve in comparison to pneumatic ball valves.  It will take more time before the electric ball valve swings into action in comparison to the pneumatic ball valve.

How Do You Select the Right Electric Ball Valve?

In case you have original equipment manufacturers’ (OEM) specifications, then the electric ball valve is most suitable. It is the most popular valve in applications where a shorter tie of application is required.

Other than the above specifications, it is very important to consider looking at the electric ball valve specification.

Here are the main specifications that will help you choose the right type of electric ball valves.

Power Source

Here, you will have to decide if the power source is alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). Implying that, you must know which source of power you will be using before choosing an electric ball valve.

Size Matters

You should also look at the dimensions of the electric ball valves in comparison to the application specifications. Implying that, the greater the size of the application specifications, the greater the dimensions of the electric ball valves.

Type of Materials

The main materials that most manufacturers use to manufacture electric ball valves is stainless steel. You can choose from the different types and grades of stainless steel that will fit your electric ball valve application specifications.

 Brass Electric Ball Valve

What are Some of the Application Examples of Electric Ball Valves?

Electric ball valves are very important equipment that you will find in quite a number of applications.

Here are some of the application examples which use electric ball valves.

  • Food Service Equipment
  • Irrigation Industry
  • Vehicle Wash Systems
  • Water Treatment Equipment
  • Manufacturing Facilities
  • Mobile Applications
  • Heat Exchangers

Can You Combine an Electric Ball Valve and Electric Actuator?

Yes, despite the fact that electric ball valves and actuators are different parts, they can actually work together.

To ensure conformity, it is very important to get both electric ball valves and electric actuators in one complete package.

You can combine the electric ball valve and electric actuator to create an automatic system that you can control remotely.

There is a connection interface that you can use to connect the electric ball valve and the electric actuators.

What is the Difference Between the Electric Gate Valve and Electric Ball Valve?

In the market today, you will note that the electric ball valve and gate valve are most commonly used.

You can use either the electric ball valve or gate valve to control the flow of liquids and gases.

Despite working in the same field, you will also note a difference in the mode of operation. In an electric ball valve, you will depend on electric current, motor, and gears to control the ball valve.

The above features help in turning the ball valves at different angles thus opening and closing the passage.

On the other hand, the electric gate valve uses electric current, gears, and motors to control the gate valve. The above systems help in lifting and dropping the gate of the electric gate valve thus opening and closing the system.

What is the Use of the Electric Ball Valve?

The main use of the electric ball valve is to control the flow of different types of gasses and liquids.

It is part of a fluid transport system that will either allow flow or block the flow of fluids through the pipes.

It is capable of turning and opening at various angles thus allowing the fluids to flow through the pipes.

You can also control opening and closing from the control panel of the electric ball valves thus controlling fluid flow.

What Causes Failure in Electrical Ball Valve?

Well, during the operations of the electric ball valve, you may encounter a series of equipment failures. There are quite a number of reasons which may contribute to the failure of the electric ball valves.

Here are the main reasons that may lead to the failure of the electric ball valves.

Poor Design of the Electric Ball Valve

You may have a very poor design of the electric ball valve that may fail to work with the application requirements. The poor design may be in terms of poor chemical compatibility, and poor rating on flow or pressure rate.

Faulty Installation

You may also experience failure in successful operations, which may come as a result of poor or faulty installations. There may be leakages or wrong position of the electric ball valves thus leading to their eventual failure.

Improper Operations

In addition to the above contributors, you may also have improper operations for the electric ball valves. In other words, you may use the electric ball valves for the wrong operations thus leading to complete failure.

How Do You Install the Electric Ball Valve?

When installing the electric ball valve, there are three main steps that you will follow to complete it successfully.

Here are the three main steps that you can follow when installing the electric ball valves.

Step One: Piping System

First, you must make sure that you install the electric ball valve in a dry and sheltered location. It is also important to ensure that the piping is cool enough and does not exhibit too much pressure before installation.

It is also essential to clean the pipes whenever necessary as dirt may increase the wear of the valves. You will connect the pipes together using a thread sealant and the right fittings between the pipes and the valve.

Step Two: Position the Electric Ball Valve

You must position the electric ball valves in the right place and then secure them with the right type of fittings. After that, you can use a wrench to tighten the fittings to avoid stress on the system.

It is important to have the valve and the actuator facing upwards with 90 degrees maximum deviation during the installation process. You must also ensure that the ball is in the right angular position to fit the actuator before tightening the grip.

As soon as that is complete, you will proceed to wire the electric ball valve. With the help of an electrician, you will follow the wiring guidelines and make sure wires are not exposed.

Finally, you will test the electric ball valve and make sure that it is in proper working condition.

Installation of Electric Ball Valve

Which Materials Do You Use to Make Electric Ball Valves?

Well, the main materials that you will use in manufacturing the electric ball valve are stainless steel.

There are different grades of stainless steel that you can use and the most important one is 316 S.S.

You will use 316 S.S to manufacture the body as well as the ball materials of the electric ball valve. Apart from stainless steel, here are the other materials that you can use.

You will use PTFE with Viton O ring to manufacture the seat of the electric ball valve. Apart from that, you will use thermoplastic IP65 to manufacture the enclosure of the electric ball valve.

How Much Does an Electric Ball Valve Cost?

The electric ball valve is costly in comparison to the other types of ball valves. You will spend more on purchasing electric ball valves than what you would spend on other valves.

Depending on the size, you will spend between 25 and 150 US dollars to purchase an electric ball valve.

Do You Have Size Limitations for the Electric Ball Valve?

No, there are no size limitations when it comes to electric ball valves. In other words, you will choose the right size of electric ball valves according to the application specifications.

Implying that, there are different sizes you can opt for and you can also opt for custom electric ball valve sizes.

How Does the Electric Ball Valve Compare to Floating Ball Valve?

Floating ball valves and electric ball valves are special types of equipment that you can use to control fluid flow.

Floating ball valves are special types of valves with floating balls that help in controlling the flow of fluids. It relies on the floating ball technology that drifts and pushes against a seat under pressure thus stopping fluid flow.

On the other hand, electric ball valves depend on electric current, motors, and gear systems to control flow. You will control the movement of the ball from the control panel that opens and closes the ball valve.

Apart from that, you can also control the speed of action on the electric ball valves through the gear system.

How do you Test the Quality of the Electric Ball Valve?

As a manufacturer, you must test the functionality and strength of the electric ball valve before using it.

One of the test methods that you can use includes pressure testing methods. Here, you will install the electric ball valve in place and subject it to opening and closing under high pressure.

You will allow the fluid to flow under high pressure will opening and closing the electric ball valves. High-quality electric ball valves will be able to open and close with ease without interruption.

In case the electric ball valve is faulty the opening and closing will present a number of unexpected challenges.

You will have to take the electric ball valve with multiple failures back for proper configuration. If it passes the test, then you can proceed to package and distribution the electric ball valves.

Which Quality Standards Should Electrical Ball Valve Conform to?

As an electric ball valve buyer, you should be very careful when purchasing the equipment. It is important to have an electric ball valve of very high quality in accordance with international quality certifications.

Here are the main quality standards that the electric ball valve must conform to.

  • API Quality Certifications such as API 6D
  • ASME Quality Certifications such as ASME B 16.10 and ASME B 16.5
  • EN Quality Certifications such as EN 1092
  • TS Quality Certifications such as TS 9809 & TS EN 331
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
  • SIL Quality Certifications

What is the Voltage Rating of Electrical Ball Valve?

Well, the voltage rating of the electric ball valve will vary according to the type of ball valve. In other words, you can either have an electric ball valve operating under a direct current and another operating under an alternation current.

In case you settle on electric ball valves operating under direct current, you can have 12V, 24V, and 48V. On the other hand, you can opt for the direct current which has 24V, 48V, 120V, 130V, and 240V power ratings.

How do you Control Electric Ball Valve?

You will control the electric ball valve from the control panel of the entire system. The control panel has a connection to the electric motor which produces the driving torque or force.

Apart from that, the electric ball valve also has a system of gears that will control the speed of the valve. In other words, the higher the gear and the driving force, the higher the speed of turning the electric ball valve.

All you have to do is determine the electric flow to the motor and running gear to control ball valve movement.

Other than the control panel, the electric ball valves have limit switches that will control the flow of electric current. As soon as the valve is open or closed, the limit switch will kick in and control the flow of the electric current.

 Electric Actuated Ball Valve

At Kinvalve, we design and manufacture the best electrical ball valves.

Whether you want OEM support or custom electric ball valves at competitive prices, Kinvalve offers the perfect solution for you.

Contact us now for all your electric ball valve needs.

The company is the world’s best customize electric actuated gate valves supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.