How to Shop the Bulk Bins - Save Money and Reduce Waste

06 May.,2024


How to Shop the Bulk Bins - Save Money and Reduce Waste

How to Shop the Bulk Bins

By: Elisabeth Allie

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You guys, I was so excited when I discovered I'd be writing about this topic! Full disclosure: I love bulk food bins and I shop them each month. A major bonus of working at Bob's Red Mill is I'm a mile away from the Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store, which has tons of bulk bins. Bulk bins can be a fantastic resource to find all kinds of delicious food that is cheaper and has less packaging than pre-bagged or boxed items. Plus you can buy the exact quantities you need! Shopping bulk foods can also be a smart way to try a new ingredient.


So what I mean to say is, I'm not just the President of the Bulk Bins Enthusiast Society, I'm also a client. And I have a lot of tips on why, how and when to shop the bulk bins, and (also very important) when not to shop them.

Introduction to Bulk Bins and Where to Find Them

First, one important caveat: shopping the bulk bins is different than buying in bulk: I'm not talking about purchasing extra-large boxes at a warehouse store. In fact, much of the time, shopping the bulk food bins means buying less than the standard packaged amount! You'll usually see two different types of bins, often grouped together to save space: the lidded bins with scoops (usually items that are bulky/sticky or that people buy a lot of, like dried fruit, flour or sugar), and the wall-mounted dispensers that pour when you lower a handle (usually smaller, solid items like beans, coffee or nuts). Some bulk sections also offer items like herbs or tea in large glass or plastic jars. Stores that offer liquid bulk items (they exist!) typically use pour spouts.

As far as where to find bulk items, most general grocery stores have at least a small bulk section, while other larger chains like WinCo and Whole Foods are known for their large, comprehensive selections. Another fantastic source for bulk shopping is natural food stores and co-ops, which often have hard-to-find liquid bulk items like vinegar or even salsa, and allow you to bring your own containers (more on that, below).

If you live in the Portland, OR area, the Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store carries more than 75% of BRM's products in our bulk bins at 30-50% off the packaged price, including our Nutritional Boosters, several pancake mixes and more. These bins are filled and maintained daily, and in addition to our own products, we carry a wide variety of nuts, dried fruit, snacks, coffee, tea, spices and other goods from the most reputable local suppliers, for a grand total of more than 400 items! Even better, you can use your own containers, just bring them to a checker to get the tare weight noted.

What You Can Find in the Bulk Bins

Depending on where you go, you can find virtually anything in the bulk bins: baking supplies, beans, rice, grains, cereal, pasta of every shape, coffee, candy, nuts, granola, oats, mixes for things like cheese sauce, gravy, cornbread--even cat food and dog treats! I've found specialty items like coconut flour, bittersweet baking chocolate and cavatappi (my son's favorite pasta shape). But I've also found super-common items I never realized I could buy in bulk, like salt and baking soda. In places like natural food stores and co-ops, you can find personal grooming items like shampoo, conditioner and soap, as well as household cleaners like laundry soap, dishwasher detergent and boric acid. Stores that offer liquid bulk goods (the holy grail for Zero Waste shoppers) stock a rainbow of vinegars, oils, soy and teriyaki sauces, maple syrup, peanut butter and other nut butters, salsa and more.

Why Shop the Bulk Bins?

One reason many people shop the bulk bins is to save money. In most cases, you're not paying for a brand name or packaging, so items can be cheaper by the pound than similar items on store shelves--but not always! If this is your main concern, it pays to do your research and double check.

Another reason I appreciate the bulk bins is I can reduce my personal food waste. For example, I have a lovely friend who follows the Paleo diet, and I make her a birthday cake every year. This usually calls for coconut or almond flour, but because I don't bake Paleo items often, I may need only a cup, rather than an entire bag that will live in my freezer for the next 20 years. According to the EPA, the U.S. sent about 29.4 million tons of food waste to landfills in 2014. We can each make a small difference! By shopping the bulk bins, you can get exactly the amount you need of every item you buy. Although. Somehow I tend to come home with twice as many chocolate-covered coffee beans than are good for me. It's a mystery!

A third reason to shop the bulk bins is to reduce food packaging. You can reduce the amount of packaging in your garbage and recycling cans, and with smart organization, you may even find you have more room in your cupboards.

Concerns About Bulk Bins

Of course, bulk bins are not a perfect solution to all grocery shopping needs, and many people have concerns. Some worry about the freshness of the items. One solution is to shop high-traffic grocery stores that are likely to turn over their supply on a regular basis. Others worry about contamination--items getting mixed, people putting their hands in the bins, etc. This is partially solved by the pourable dispensers (no scoops, no hands), but not all are like that. Fortunately this isn't a huge health concern with items like dried beans and pasta, which undergo a thorough cooking process in boiling water before they're eaten. Make sure to use your eyes (and nose) while shopping, and bring any concerns or questions to the store manager.

Another common concern is item quality. Many items are generic, and they may not be the same as their boxed and bagged counterparts. I've been burned by sub-par chocolate chips in the past! When in doubt, buy a tiny amount (although it's tempting, do not eat samples from the bins, that's a major breach of bulk bin etiquette!) and try before you invest in a large quantity.

When Not to Shop the Bulk Bins

And then there are times when you should avoid the bulk bins altogether: for example, if you have food allergies or celiac disease. Cross contamination is a real danger here, as people may switch scoops or use the same one for multiple items--for example, using the all purpose flour scoop in the gluten free flour bin. Again, the enclosed pourable bulk dispensers are a safer bet, but when in doubt, err on the side of protecting your health.

Another time to skip the bulk bins is if you have a particular brand-name or must-have ingredient that is essential to your ultimate enjoyment. As I wrote earlier, some bulk chocolate chips I purchased years ago disappointed me--so much so I couldn't use them to make the chocolate chip cookies I bought them for! This is also true when it comes to cereal: for many, only "real" Lucky Charms will do. As you shop, you'll discover your own particular "deal breaker" items.

How to Shop the Bulk Bins

Now it's time to get down to business! The mechanics of shopping the bulk bins is simple: get out your containers (plastic bags are usually provided, and sometimes round clear plastic lidded containers), fill them with the items you need, and then write the bin number on a twist tie or blank sticker (also usually provided) and close everything up. At checkout, your clerk will weigh your items and use the bin numbers to ring you up.

Pro Tips

Of course, you can go for extra credit (and make your experience even more successful) by following my hard-earned tips below:

  • Shop With a Plan: Larger bulk bin sections can be a little overwhelming--have a list of the items you need, as well as approximate amounts.
  • Beware of the Pourable Bulk Dispensers: These are great in terms of food safety, but they pour fast! You can end up with twice the amount you intended in the blink of an eye, which can get expensive with items like nuts, not to mention potentially wasteful.
  • Label Your Items: After years of painful experience, I've learned to write the name of what I'm buying on the twist tie, in addition to the bin number. Don't be like me, don't have half a dozen bags of anonymous brownish spices in your pantry!

Zero Waste

There's a growing Zero Waste movement in which people strive to not only reduce but eliminate their landfill waste and recycling by refusing or reusing items and packaging. Bringing your own reusable containers to the bulk bins is a simple way to take part in this crusade. I have a set of cloth bags I bring to the grocery store--you can find mesh ones for sale in many produce sections (not good for items like flour), or you can buy or make lightweight woven cloth bags. Some places even let you bring your own plastic or glass containers for solid or liquid items. Here are a few tips:

  • Talk to your store (or visit the website) to double check their policy on bringing in your own containers. I've never had my cloth bags refused, but many stores do not allow other types of reusable containers.
  • Note the tare, or weight, of your containers beforehand and let your checker know. You want to pay for your items, not the additional weight of your glass jars! Some places either weigh your containers for you at customer service, or provide scales for you to do it yourself. This is more common at health food stores and co-ops.
  • Make sure your containers are clean! Nobody wants to see flour in a mildewed bag, and you don't want to contaminate your own items.
  • Be prepared to feel a little self conscious. I was surprised by how uncomfortable and embarrassed I felt when I started to use cloth bags. But honestly, most grocery store clerks have seen everything, and as long as I don't make their job harder, they do not care. I do occasionally get questions from other shoppers who want to know where they can get their own bags!

Storing Bulk Items

Once you buy your bulk items, your battle is halfway won! But--and this is where I sometimes fall down on the job--you need to store your bulk snacks and goods properly to really declare victory. Keeping them in their bags isn't ideal, as plastic bags are thin and can rip (plus they're hard to stack). If you use cloth bags, you'll want to wash and store them for your next shopping trip. So set aside hard-sided plastic or glass containers that are large enough for your items and transfer them right away. I find using a wide-mouthed canning funnel can make this a quick and mess-free process.

Again, I must exhort you to label your items, even if you think you'll remember later. Baking soda and baking powder look a lot alike, as do many flours and ground spices. Write down the date, while you're at it!

Finally, be aware of each item's temperature needs. Dry pasta and beans are fine in your pantry. Store perishable foods like whole grains, cornmeal and coconut flour in the refrigerator or freezer to keep them from going rancid (or attracting insects).

Are you ready to test the waters of bulk bin shopping, or are you a seasoned pro? Do you have any "scores" to brag about or additional tips? Post them below!

How Buying in Bulk Can Save You Money Right Now

How Buying in Bulk Can Save You Money Right Now

It might seem counterintuitive, but one potential way to fight inflated food prices? Buy more — in bulk.

Overall, food prices are up 5.7% over the past 12 months, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, with prices for groceries rising 4.7% during that time.

Done right, buying in bulk can help reduce spending, even if you’re a household of one.

We’ve got the tips you need to score high-volume essentials while avoiding the potential pitfalls of buying in bulk.

The Benefits of Buying in Bulk

Despite the higher cost at the register, buying bulk products can help you save money when what you purchase is less expensive per unit than at regular retail stores.

Let’s say a single apple costs 75 cents at the grocery store. A 3-pound bag containing six apples costs $3. Purchasing the apples in bulk means you’d pay 50 cents for each rather than 75 cents.

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In addition to a lower cost per unit, there are other benefits of buying in bulk. Since you’re stocking up on more in one shopping trip, you don’t have to go out to the store as frequently. That means less gas spent driving to the store and fewer opportunities to give in to impulse purchases. You’ll also have more of your free time back.

There’s an additional environmental benefit if your bulk purchases involve less packaging. Also, having more in stock at home means you’re not in dire straits when an emergency hits — whether that’s a bad storm that prevents you from going to the store or a sickness that leaves you unable to get out of bed.

Just be careful: It’s easy to justify big bulk purchases in the moment only to have giant jars of olives gather dust in the pantry. And when buying in bulk, make sure what you purchase won’t go to waste. Stick with products that have a good shelf life that you like and use on a regular basis.

What Should You Buy in Bulk

Smart bulk buys include shelf-stable food like pasta, rice, cereal and dried beans and nonperishable items like canned food, oils, flour and sugar. Household items like paper towels, toilet paper, batteries, school and office supplies, and laundry detergent are also good bulk purchases.

Other savvy bulk purchases are self-care and beauty products like toothpaste, deodorant, soap and diapers. Don’t forget pet food and pet products!

Here are several items that can save you money when purchased in bulk.

Food and Beverages

  • Cereal
  • Oatmeal
  • Canned vegetables and fruit
  • Soup
  • Rice and grains
  • Pasta
  • Pasta sauce
  • Beans (canned and dried)
  • Frozen food (veggies, fruit, meat, prepared foods)
  • Crackers
  • Cookies
  • Chips
  • Pretzels
  • Nuts
  • Gum and mints
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Flour
  • Vanilla and other extracts
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Bottled water
  • Juice
  • Soda

Household Products

  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Napkins
  • Paper plates and bowls
  • Plastic flatware
  • Coffee filters
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Air freshener
  • Sponges
  • Dish detergent
  • Trash bags
  • Lightbulbs
  • Foil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Parchment paper
  • Plastic storage bags
  • Batteries
  • Tape

Beauty and Self-Care Products

  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Shaving cream
  • Lotion
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Floss
  • Cotton balls, rounds or swabs
  • Vitamins
  • Over-the-counter allergy medicine
  • Bandages
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Antibacterial wipes

Supplies for Babies

  • Baby food and snacks
  • Baby formula
  • Baby wipes
  • Diapers

Pet Products

  • Pet food
  • Dog waste bags
  • Kitty litter

How to Know When Buying in Bulk Is a Good Deal

With a few easy steps, you can check prices to find out if buying a product in bulk will save you money.

First, find the total price of the item. Second, check the price per unit. Units could be ounces, pounds, liters, etc. Most of the time, you can find the cost per unit right on the price label. It’s typically off to the side and in a smaller font.

Next, divide the total price by the price per unit. Or, if you’re like us and calculating math problems while standing in a store isn’t your thing, let technology do the work for you with apps like Unit Price Comparison and CompareMe Price Comparison.

Buying in bulk is just one way to save. Check out our article on 28 tools and tricks to save $100 or more on groceries

What Not to Buy in Bulk

Shy away from buying in bulk any item that will go bad before you have the chance to use it all, such as fresh produce, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, condiments and spices. However, if you’re going to freeze meat, can fresh veggies or make multiple casserole dishes for an upcoming dinner party, buying those items in bulk might work for you.

Look at the expiration dates on non-food items, too. For example, fabric softener and teeth whitening strips may lose their effectiveness after a year.

Think about how long it’ll take your household to use what you buy before investing in a large quantity of it.

Places to Shop for Bulk Buying

Warehouse stores — like Costco, Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale — are likely the first places that come to mind when you think about buying in bulk. These types of stores typically require a membership to be able to shop.

Membership costs at those three warehouse chains range from $50 to $120 annually. If you shopped there only once a month, you’d be paying an extra $4.17 to $10 each trip, but hopefully your savings would surpass that amount.

While warehouse stores have more options for bulk buying, don’t overlook the opportunities available at your regular grocery store. Look at the cost per unit of that family-size package of cookies or that economy-sized bottle of laundry detergent. Pay attention to merchandise located on the bottom or top shelves. Bulk packages aren’t always found where you normally look.

If you prefer shopping online, Amazon and Boxed are good options for bulk buying. To save on these transactions, make sure your total is over the minimum threshold for free shipping.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Buying in Bulk

Though buying in bulk can be a good way to stretch your money, that’s not to say it doesn’t come with its share of disadvantages. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of bulk buying while avoiding potential drawbacks.

1. Careful With the Credit Card

Buying in bulk means you have to have more money upfront, which can be tough if your budget is tight. Don’t feel tempted to charge purchases on a credit card, because you’ll rack up interest if you’re not able to pay it off right away.

2. Pace Yourself and Plan Ahead

Start small by choosing one or two things your household uses often and buying those in bulk rather than converting your entire grocery list to bulk buys. Take advantage of coupons, sales and other special deals to reduce your costs.

3. Share the Cost

Splitting a bulk purchase with a friend or family member is another way to lower that upfront cost. This tactic is also helpful if you are concerned about consuming something before it goes bad or if you lack adequate storage space.

4. Consider Storage

It’s important to think about where you’ll store your haul. Before you go out and purchase an additional freezer or shelving system to store your extra goods, think about unconventional storage, like unused closet space or an area in your garage for the stuff that doesn’t need to stay a certain temperature.

5. Exercise Restraint

Don’t be tempted to use up what you have just because it’s there. For example, if you had only two paper towel rolls at home, you’d probably be more conservative with each sheet than if you had 12 in stock. Stick to how you’d normally use the item and don’t overindulge.

Contributor Veronica Leone Matthews is a North Carolina-based freelance writer with 11 years of experience writing for nonprofits and higher education. She covers lifestyle topics for The Penny Hoarder. 

Former senior writer Nicole Dow contributed. Assigning Editor Karen Grigsby updated this post. 

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