Monitoring Corrosion with Corrosion Coupons

20 May.,2024


Monitoring Corrosion with Corrosion Coupons

If you're in charge of a cooling tower, you know that constant vigilance against corrosion is part of the game. While some corrosion is inevitable, minimizing it is an ongoing effort. Also, changes in corrosion rates can indicate problems that need your attention.

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That's where corrosion coupons come in. They are simply pre-weighed, pre-measured metal strips which are mounted in a coupon rack--a dedicated piping system for monitoring corrosion. Available in a wide variety of materials, corrosion coupons help assess corrosion in a variety of systems. After exposure to the recirculating water in the system for a specified interval of time, they're removed, cleaned of corrosion, and weighed. The weight loss is converted to a corrosion rate (CR) or metal loss (ML).

This method of calculating corrosion rates is the most widely used and longest-established method of estimating corrosion losses in plants and equipment. Because it's simple, direct and versatile, it continues to prevail despite advances in technology. 

The following are best practices to get the most of out of corrosion monitoring with coupons, as we've developed in our many years of experience at Chemtex.

Coupon Test Rack Duration

The recommended time frame for coupons in a test rack is a minimum of 90 days. 

Short-term testing durations (30 days or less) usually have higher corrosion rates compared to coupons remaining in the rack for longer terms (90 days). With short terms, coupon surfaces are active and have not acclimated to the environment, resulting in greater metal loss from the coupon—longer terms significantly reduce this effect. This is because as the metal coupon corrodes, the corrosion products can act as a barrier, reducing the rate of attack. 

Coupon Placement & Orientation 

  • Placement should follow the galvanic series, with the most active metal or alloy placed in the number one position downstream of the water flow. This procedure prevents the more noble metal or alloy from cathodically depositing on the active metal or alloy. 
  • Coupons should never be placed in the rack such that water flows from the coupon holder. 
  • Coupons should be orientated with the broad face in a vertical position, reducing the accumulation of debris onto the face of the coupon, which can accelerate corrosion.

Temperature & Flow Characteristics 

  • Water flow through a coupon test rack should be 3-5 feet per second (or 3 to 5 gpm). High velocities can cause erosion on soft alloys. Low velocities can cause particulate matter to settle onto the coupon, resulting in underdeposit (corrosion) attack. 
  • Discharged rack water should be open to the atmosphere to eliminate back pressure. 
  • Corrosion racks should be connected to the cooling tower riser, where the water is the warmest. Lower temperature supply line connections will cause bias results with lower rates. 

Water Quality & Process Contamination 

  • pH, temperature, conductivity, TDS and SS will influence corrosion (attack) on coupons. 
  • Contaminations can accelerate attack. For example, ammonia generation from nitrifying bacteria in closed systems will raise the pH and attack copper. 

Level of Treatment & Coupon Racks 

Corrosion racks should not be coupled to brass or galvanized steel valves. Brass will cause copper ions to deposit onto steel causing accelerated corrosion. Galvanized will release zinc ions to deposit onto steel, also accelerating corrosion. Galvanized will release zinc ions which act synergistically with the chemical treatment to provide improved corrosion protection to low carbon steel. 

To sum it all up…Corrosion Coupons mounted correctly in a flow controlled coupon rack are an excellent way to monitor corrosion. If you are not using coupons and getting quarterly reports from your Water Treatment Professional, you should discuss this offering with them.

What Are Corrosion Coupons and Do I Need Them?

When metal meets moisture, you get rust. Everyone knows that, but rust is only the surface issue in this highly corrosive relationship. Simply put, water eats metal. That’s why your industrial water needs to be treated with a corrosion inhibitor. Even then, if you don’t have the right chemical feed rates or the right formulation, you can eat away at costly metal components and end up having to replace them before their time.

So how do you know if your treatment is actually working? A visual inspection would tell you, but critical heat-transfer surfaces are often hidden away inside your heating, cooling, and process systems, and can’t be seen without a borescope or some major dismantling. That’s where corrosion “coupons” come in.

What are Corrosion Coupons?

No, these coupons won’t give you a discount on your next purchase. Corrosion coupons are small strips of metal that represent the metal components contained in your building’s recirculating water systems. Each coupon strip is measured and pre-weighed. They are then placed in your treated water loop, typically in a coupon rack, to expose them to the conditions of the system for a period of 90 days. After 90 days, you can remove the coupons, visually check them for corrosion and send them to a lab to be cleaned, weighed, and analyzed. The weight loss in the coupon and exposure time will be translated to a corrosion rate in the system for that metal type. The results are a good indication of how the actual metal surfaces inside your systems are faring.

Corrosion coupon materials include stainless steel, copper/copper alloys, low carbon steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum. It’s important to properly identify the metals used in your heating and cooling systems. For instance, if your open cooling loop flows across steel and copper, testing an aluminum coupon won’t tell you anything useful.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website wellhead components.

How Do You Conduct the Test?

Coupons are held in a pipe system called a coupon rack, which is installed into your recirculating loop at a point after the water has cycled through your cooling or heating system. Within the rack, the most active metal is placed in the first position in the downstream flow of water. This is to prevent noble metals from depositing onto active metals and producing a false coupon reading.

Additionally, the broad face of each metal strip should be in a vertical orientation to reduce the accumulation of debris, which can likewise throw off test results.

Corrosion rates are measured in mils per year (MPY). To get the most accurate rating, coupons are exposed to treated water for 90 days. At that point, the coupons are removed, cleaned, and weighed to determine metal loss and corrosion rating.

Are Corrosion Coupons Worth the Effort?

Corrosion coupons are an easy and inexpensive way to protect your costly HVAC or process components. There is an upfront cost to install the rack, and the lab analyses may or may not be covered in your service contract (contact your water treatment provider if you’re unsure) – but these are minor expenses when compared to the cost of having to replace corroded equipment, or even to perform a cleaning.

Beyond that, a corrosion coupon rack puts one more set of “eyes” on your water treatment program, letting you see and measure the results you’re getting from the dollars you already spend. It also allows your treatment professional to make necessary adjustments and stay ahead of the corrosion curve. Source water chemistry can change over time and require a different dosage of inhibitor. Adjusting other treatment chemicals can also impact corrosion. For instance, if a spike in microbial activity forces you to increase your oxidizing biocide feed, this may adversely affect your corrosion protection. Coupons are a tangible way to monitor the impact of these variables.

Understanding the Test Results

A coupon’s corrosion rate is based on metal loss over a designated time period. The coupons are carefully weighed and logged before and after to determine metal loss. Corrosive “pitting” is also quantified by measuring pitted surface area.

There are several factors that affect corrosion rate, including location, exposure time, pH, water temperature, coupon design/placement, flow velocity, and current water treatments.

Once evaluated, the technician will calculate the rate in mils per year. Each metal or alloy used has its own acceptable corrosion rates.

Stainless Steel

Evaporative Water Systems Closed Water Systems Acceptable <0.1 MPY <0.1 MPY Unacceptable >0.1 MPY >0.1 MPY

Copper and Copper Alloys

Evaporative Water Systems Closed Water Systems Excellent <0.1 MPY ≤0.1 MPY Very Good 0.1-0.25 MPY 0.1-0.15 MPY Good 0.25-0.35 MPY 0.15-0.20 MPY Fair 0.35-0.5 MPY 0.2-0.3 MPY Poor 0.5-1.0 MPY 0.3-0.5 MPY Unacceptable >1.0 MPY ≥0.5 MPY

Low Carbon Steel

Evaporative Water Systems Closed Water Systems Excellent ≤1.0 MPY ≤0.2 MPY Very Good 1.0-3.0 MPY 0.2-0.3 MPY Good 3.0-5.0 MPY 0.3-0.5 MPY Fair 5.0-8.0 MPY 0.5-0.8 MPY Poor 8.0-10.0 MPY 0.8-1.0 MPY Unacceptable >10 MPY ≥1.0 MPY


Evaporative Water Systems Closed Water Systems Acceptable <0.2 MPY <0.2 MPY Marginal 0.2-0.25 MPY 0.2-0.25 MPY Unacceptable >0.25 MPY >0.25 MPY

Acceptable corrosion rates from the Association of Water Technologies.

I Know My Corrosion Rate. Now What?

If your corrosion rate comes back within an acceptable range, no action is needed. But don’t forget to place new coupon strips in your rack. This is an ongoing tool that will help you monitor the health of your system components. A number of different variables can change over time, affecting the protection level of your treated water.

If your corrosion rate comes back above the acceptable range, you can work with your water treatment team to create or modify your plan of action. This may require some additional diagnostics to get to the root cause of the problem, but a knowledgeable water treatment professional should be able to get you back on course in short order.

If you would like more information about corrosion coupons or corrosion protection, don’t hesitate to contact us. An experienced HOH Water Quality Engineer will be happy to answer your questions. And while you’re at it, you can ask him or her about the latest automated technology that will give you an instantaneous corrosion reading.

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