The forklift fuel robbery

23 Sep.,2024


The forklift fuel robbery


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The study showed a surprisingly large difference between manufacturers&#; fuel consumption, making big savings a tangible reality with the &#;right&#; truck.

Fuel consumption is a figure that&#;s often overlooked when buying a new truck, buried as it is, deep in the manufacturer&#;s VDI datasheet&#; and if the figure given does not compare well, who can blame the salesman for not drawing it to your attention? In some cases, the fuel consumption figure may not even be shown at all.

In this article we&#;ll show you what to look for, how it&#;s measured - and we&#;ll help give you an idea of how much money you could be saving, to spend on something else.

Read on and you&#;ll see that the fuel cost difference can add up to as much as 12,000 Euro per truck between two manufacturers over five years. A staggering figure, and with the cost of fuel rising ever-higher, it&#;s an issue that&#;s not going to go away or improve any time soon.

The Fuel Consumption Test

The fuel consumption figure given on forklift datasheets is typically shown as VDI 60.

This figure means the truck has driven a &#;duty cycle&#; based on the VDI test circuit (see figure below), carefully moderating its speed so that it completes this cycle 60 times in 60 minutes. Fuel consumption for the hour is then measured.

VDI stands for[&#;Verband Deutscher Ingenieure&#;, the accepted standard for comparing fuel consumption of the different forklift trucks. However, in practice, how the truck is used, and, in particular, the way that the operator drives can, and usually does, make an even more significant difference.

The truck being tested drives forward to position &#;A&#;, then lifts its rated load to a height of 2 metres, reverses out and travels to position &#;B&#; some 30 metres away, where it lifts its load again to 2 metres, before reversing to its start position.

VDI test cycle according to VDI.

This is obviously quite an intensive cycle, and in most real-world situations a forklift will not work as intensively as this throughout its shift, but this is the standard measurement. A reasonable estimate of real-world fuel consumption cost may be reached by taking each manufacturer&#;s datasheet VDI60 fuel consumption figure &#; and assume it is working, on average, for just 60% of the time, or 4.8 hours a day.

So here&#;s how to work out total fuel costs for yourself:

  1. Take the Fuel Consumption figure from a forklift&#;s spec sheet
  2. Multiply this by the fuel cost per litre of diesel or per kg for LPG
  3. Estimate how many hours per day the truck will be used (e.g. 60% of an 8 hour shift = 4.8)
  4. Multiply by number of shifts per year (e.g. 260)
  5. Multiply by number of years in contract (e.g. 5)

The chart below shows five well-known forklift truck manufacturers (apart from Mitsubishi, their names have been removed). In each case, the manufacturer&#;s datasheet for a 2.5 tonne LPG engine model was used to obtain and compare the Fuel Consumption figure.

Figure compares the fuel consumption (LPG is kg/h and Diesel is l/h) between Mitsubishi and four other leading manufacturers.



By using manufacturers&#; own data, it was clearly shown that there is currently a large difference between manufacturers&#; fuel consumption performance. When taken over short or long periods, and in moderately intensive applications, fuel can account for a very large part of the cost of ownership &#; a huge factor if the buying decision is influenced by price.

Figures calculated over a typical five year contract period show that an efficient truck can save its operator around £13,000 in fuel compared to the worst &#; using current fuel prices, which are certain to rise further.

  • Action points

  • Estimate your own potential savings, by using the formula given here (and by estimating the intensity of your current operation) comparing the truck you use now with a more energy efficient alternative.
  • When choosing your next IC engine forklift, be sure to check the manufacturers&#; fuel consumption figures and discuss them with the representative.
  • Ask the local dealer&#;s representative for an equivalent quote for using an electric truck. You may be surprised. (See our article &#;Electric or IC engine: which is right for your site?&#;)

Forklift Emission: Lithium vs Diesel

Nowadays, businesses strive to reduce their environmental impact and reducing CO2 emissions plays an important role in this effort. One area where businesses can make a significant difference is in the equipment they use.

In this article, we will compare the CO2 emissions from a 2.5t lithium forklift with a 10-20 kWh battery to those of a 2.5t diesel forklift. It is important to understand first what CO2 emissions are, why these are harmful for the environment and why lithium-ion equipment is the right choice for a greener future.

What are CO2 emissions, and why are they important in the Material Handling Industry?

Carbon dioxide emissions refers to the release of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless gas composed of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms (CO2).

CO2 emissions can result from:

  1. Natural processes: such as volcanic activity, decomposition and respiration, ocean release, wildfires, and geologic processes.
  2. Human activities: such as fossil fuel combustion, industrial processes, waste management, deforestation, and land use changes.

While natural processes do contribute to CO2 emissions, they are part of a balanced carbon cycle that has been in place for millions of years. However, CO2 emissions largely result from the burning of fossil fuels. When these are burned, the carbon stored within them combines with oxygen from the air, producing carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

Human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels for energy, have significantly increased the concentration of CO2 in the Earth&#;s atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it has the ability to trap heat from the sun within the Earth&#;s atmosphere. This trapping of heat leads to the greenhouse effect, which is responsible for maintaining the Earth&#;s temperature and making it habitable.

When considering emissions from industrial equipment, people are often faced with the choice of Electric vs IC engine forklifts.

What is an IC Forklift?

An IC engine Forklift is a type of forklift that uses internal combustion (IC) engine to power its operation. It can be powered by gasoline, diesel, propane or natural gas.

What is an Electric Forklift?

An Electric Forklift is a forklift that uses an electric motor powered by an onboard battery. The battery provides power to the electric motor, which drives the wheels and the hydraulic system that lifts and lowers the load.

There are different types of batteries used in electric forklifts:


Lead-acid batteries are the more traditional type of battery, however they have some limitations, such as being heavy, requiring regular maintenance, and having a slow charging time.


Lithium-ion batteries are a newer type of battery that is becoming increasingly popular. Compared to lead-acid, they are lighter, have a faster charging time and maintenance free.

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Diesel forklift VS Lithium Forklift: CO2 Emissions

Now let&#;s take a closer look at the CO2 emissions of diesel and lithium forklifts.

IC Forklift Trucks: 

Diesel forklifts are commonly used in industrial settings because they are often associated with their ability to lift heavy loads. However, diesel engines produce a significant amount of CO2 emissions both during the production of diesel fuel to power the engine, and during the internal combustion.

The process of transferring diesel to the tank for use is known as the well-to-tank process. Emissions for diesel production are about 500-600 grams of CO2-equivalent per litre. A 2.5t diesel forklift consumes roughly 2-3 liters per hour, resulting in 1,000-1,800 grams of well-to-tank CO2 emissions per hour.

When burning the diesel, it emits approximately 2,640 grams of CO2 per litre, leading to 5,280-7,920 grams of CO2 emissions per hour from combustion.

Lithium-ion Trucks: 

The production of a lithium-ion battery for a 2.5t forklift generates a 300-600 kg of CO2 emissions, this is a one-time emission, and the battery has a long lifespan.

This means that while the initial production of the battery has a higher carbon footprint than the diesel forklift, over its lifetime, the lithium forklift produces fewer emissions.

To compare fairly, we must also consider the CO2 emissions from electricity consumption during the lithium forklift&#;s operation. Today, the European average CO2 intensity of the electricity mix is approximately 275 grams per kWh[GB1] . Assuming a 2.5 t lithium forklift consumes 5 kWh per hour, it results in 1,375 grams of CO2 emissions per hour.

When we compare the operational CO2 emissions, it becomes evident that the lithium forklift has significantly lower emissions than its diesel counterpart. While the diesel forklift emits 5,280-7,920 grams of CO2 per hour from combustion alone, the lithium forklift produces only 1,375 grams of CO2 emissions per hour, considering both the battery production and electricity consumption.

Advantages of Lithium-ion Material Handling Equipment 

As we have seen, choosing a lithium-ion forklift will surely represent an advantage for the environment as its CO2 emissions are lower than those of a diesel forklift. But this is not all: lithium forklifts offer many other advantages over diesel forklifts. Here&#;s some key points:

Improved safety

Compared to diesel forklifts, lithium forklifts are safer as they eliminate the risk of fuel leakage and the potential hazards associated with storing and handling flammable fuel. Furthermore, EP Equipment&#;s Lithium-ion batteries are produced with LFP technology which, compared to NMC, offers a lower possibility of inflammation and explosion when punctures or overheated.

Noise reduction

Diesel forklifts can be quite noisy during operation, which can be disruptive in indoor environments or noise-sensitive areas. In contrast, lithium forklifts are typically quieter and produce less noise pollution. This advantage can lead to a more comfortable and productive work environment.

Operational efficiency

Lithium forklifts often have faster acceleration and smoother handling compared to diesel forklifts. They provide consistent power delivery throughout their operating cycle, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. Additionally, lithium-ion batteries can be recharged more quickly than refuelling diesel tanks, reducing downtime and optimizing workflow.

Lower operating costs

Although the initial purchase cost of lithium forklifts may be higher than that of diesel forklifts, they can offer long-term cost savings. Lithium-ion batteries have longer lifespans compared to internal combustion engines, reducing the need for frequent replacements or major maintenance. Moreover, electricity is often less expensive than diesel fuel, leading to lower operating costs over time.

How to choose the right lithium-ion equipment for your application

Here at EP, we know every customer is different and has different needs. We strive to offer the right truck for every application and offer a wide range of electric counterbalance trucks.

EP produces different types of electric forklifts:

3-wheel electric

Powerful, indoor, and outdoor, inclinations, shortest turning circle. These include:




For the indoor application in narrow space, the small rear-wheel drive 3-wheel forklift trucks are the truck of choice. The most compact electric forklifts for sale have a working aisle of under 3m.

4-wheel electric

Powerful, mostly outdoor, these include:






For forklifts in outdoor applications, on uneven surfaces or for heavy loads, the 4-wheel forklift truck is preferred.

Stability of forklifts when lifting is not so much the issue, both 3-wheel trucks and 4-wheel trucks have the same stability. 4-wheel trucks are just more capable in tougher handling conditions when loading and unloading lorries or when working on uneven roads.

If you have any other questions when it comes to selecting the right forklift for your business, feel free to contact EP, we will assist you find the perfect equipment to enhance your business efficiency.

For more 10 ton forklift truck manufacturerinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.