Take your lunch to work....reduce eating out. Stop buying snacks at the local stop-n-rob...convert to CFLs or LED bulbs as appropriate.... either get rid of every wallwart you can or at least put them on power strips you can shut off. Put exterior lights on photosensors...Reduce using microwave meals when you can...Get rid of the credit cards....stop using delayed payment programs- if you can't pay cash, then save up for it.....When you do buy durable goods, by the best you can so that you don't have to replace it as often.... Buy in bulk when it make sense...we buy dry goods and paper goods that we use lots of, in as big a quantity as we can.
We used to have pretty sorry water taste at the other house. I would buy water in 3 and 5 gallon refillable jugs and refill our drinking and cooking water dispensers instead of buying it in gallon jugs. I paid about half the price of the gallon jugs, and took the jugs into town with me when I went grocery shopping. Fixing the taste with a new filtration and softener system would have bought more than gallons in town. Even combining what we bought in town and what we got via the meter, we still wouldn't have met the minimums each month for the billing.
When it's more cost effective, we try and buy via mail order. I get my t-shirts from a catalog place and pay a little more than the local place, but I get 2-3 times the life out of them and don't have to drive an extra 20 miles on the way home to get them. We do the hand-down on clothes for the boys when it make sense....Play clothes don't have to be name brand when they are outgrown before they are worn out. When both boys have outgrown them, we pass usable ones onto a friend's boys or a shelter.
I don't cheap out on tools or durable shop items. It's way cheaper for me to pony up the cash upfront for high quality stuff and rarely wear it out, than it is to buy a couple of the cheap products. If it's something that is most likely going to be destroyed or lost or left behind, then dirt cheap is fine.
Val bought her only new car back in , and I bought my last in . We seem to end up with the family vehicles that were going to be traded in rather than buying new. I need to replace the truck that I'm driving, sometime this year, but at over $50K for one to handle my needs, it won't be a new one.
Don't overbuy on homes or vehicles....Do you really need a home that is going to drive you close to the limits financially? We bought a home that is admittedly going to be a little tight in a few years, but we will have enough space in our budget to add on if necessary at that point. Do you really need that $300-600 a month car payment for a commuter vehicle? Why not drive a cheap beater and save on insurance? Unless your company is paying for it, stay away from leasing a vehicle....you are just renting it, and the residual and mileage charges can shaft you.
Best thing you can do overall is be an informed consumer and don't let sales people or ads sucker you into buying something that you don't really need or is not what you want.
"Act your wage" advises Dave Ramsey.
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BuzzFeed Shopping editor Natalie Brown highly recommends investing in these: "The vents regulate the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide and keeps moisture away so your strawberries taste freshly picked days and days and days later. I recently got a couple of these and a bunch of basil and strawberries stayed fresh for SO LONG!!"
Promising review: "These containers are magical little gems and in my opinion worth every single penny that I paid for them. We buy a lot of fruit and greens (lettuce, kale, spinach, etc.) Normally, I can expect these items to start to go bad in my refrigerator by the end of the week after I've brought them home from the grocery store. These containers have changed my life! My strawberries stay fresher longer, as does the kale and spinach and I am a convert. I need about three more of these so that I have one for my grapes and other fruits. I also have the larger size and it does exactly what it says. No joke we went out of town for one week and came home and the strawberries still looked healthy and were ready to eat. Um... yes, please? I would recommend these to any and everyone." Dee
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