When did plastic bottles become common?

15 Apr.,2024


Since bottled water has a long history spanning many different technological revolutions, it isn’t easy to keep up with it.

Let’s break down the major milestones the bottled water industry has undergone throughout the years.

1973: The Birth of the Modern Plastic Bottles

In 1973, Nathaniel Wyeth invented the first polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles.

The innovation paved the way for modern plastic water bottles, creating a practical and cheap alternative to other bottled water materials.

1990s: Bottled Water Surge in Popularity

There was a rapid growth in popularity during the 1990s for the bottled water industry.

The industry shift was caused by consumers looking for healthier and safer options to drink water.

Companies like Coca-Cola also fueled the growth by selling many different types of bottled beverages and carbonated liquids.

2000s: The Bottled Water Boom

Bottled water became a global phenomenon by the 2000s, and there was no sign it was going to stop growing.

The industry continued to grow at unprecedented rates, reaching billions of dollars in profit every year.

Plastic Bottle Village is a place to open your eyes to reality, a place to bring awareness, and inspiration.


“Repent For Your Plastic Bottle Crimes.”

Having a vacation at the Dungeon jailhouse of Plastic Bottle Village is a conscious experience of a lifetime!

A Knowledge based Vacation, were we educate in a fun and adventurous way.

The current and past generations are all guilty by lack of knowledge for what happened to our planet and oceans regarding the invasion of the single use plastic bottle only forty years ago. We never saw it coming, and now it’s almost too late?

We can live with the crime we committed, or give ourselves up to the positive feeling of erasing some of our carbon footprints. Once you experience the fun and education of sleeping in a mock jail cell made of 10,000 PET bottles, you will be so inspired that you will want to start fresh again but this time working with and not against our planet. The environment is filled with paintings, posters, and videos containing real messages that will change your perspective on what products and packaging you choose to support in your daily lives.

The cost for this repent vacation is $30/day pp, for a private room with double bunk beds, desk, shared bathrooms, kitchen and lounge areas. Guests will enjoy all access to the amazing Castle Inspiration, large private pool, restaurant and bar, and includes a REPENT  T-SHIRT.

Every inspired guest will get a certificate celebrating that you have repented, and that from now on you will think about helping Mother Earth and changing your old consumption habits.

Scientists say at the pace we are on, there will be more plastic than fish in all of our oceans by 2050.

For more information or reservation, contact Robert on whatsapp +507-6949-3389 or reserve at robertb@plasticbottlevillage.com


We all remember the big oil spill in 2010 in Gulf of Mexico, caused by the explosion of the oil platform Horizon where unfortunately 14 persons lost their lives.

The platform was owned by British Petroleum.

BP had to pay 60 billion $ for this accidental oil spill.

PET plastic bottles are modified oil. They are the biggest non-accidental oil spill of human time.

How much $ does the bottlers of the World contribute to clean their non-accidental oil spill?

How many Billions are spent to look for a new planet with water and oxygen?

We don't need a new planet, we need to clean our own planet..

Maybe if the bottlers would contribute to a cleaning fund, the funds could be used to start giving incentive to population of emerging Countries, and have them cleaning in exchange of food and cell phone time.

Food for thought.


Nathaniel C. Wyeth
Born October 24, 1911
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States
Died July 4, 1990 (aged 78)
Nationality American
Alma mater University of Pennsylvania
Occupation inventor, chemical engineer

Nathaniel Wyeth joined DuPont in 1936 as a field engineer.

In 1967, he pondered whether soda could be stored in plastic bottles. After experimenting with a plastic detergent bottle that proved incapable of withstanding the forces of pressurized liquids, he realized that a much stronger material would be required. He settled on polyethylene terephthalate ( PET) as the material and received a patent in 1973.

Coca-Cola AND PEPSI introduced the first single use PET bottle in 1978.

What a great invention in 1973. Forty years later, if Nathaniel came out of his grave today, and saw the disaster his invention created to our planet, he would probably realize that his invention was more a crime against humanity.

Did DU PONT AND Nathaniel thOUGHT about the following, back then?

  • Time needed to drink the content, and how much time for the bottle to self degrade.

  • That only 30 % would be recycled into polyester clothes, and 70% would be spread in our ocean’s and nature.

  • That nature would need 500 years + to degrade, and eliminated that bottle.

  • That human life expectancy is 80 years, some humans can reach 100 years, and his bottles last 500 year +.

  • That every time someone would consume a drink, he would mortgage the generations to follow, for 500 + years?

  • That plastic in the oceans can act as a magnifying glass, and contribute to global warming by heating the sea water, and melting the iceberg.

  • That every time polyester clothes made out of recycled PET bottles would go in our washing machines, that Billions of fibers would be sent in our oceans?

Say NO to single use plastic bottles
If you say YES, than drink it, and build it

Change the world without changing the Earth. 




When did plastic bottles become common?

History — Plastic Bottle Village