When to Use elevator ?

16 Apr.,2024


Installing an elevator is one of the most common ways the owners of commercial buildings make their spaces accessible for the public. But, not every building needs an elevator. To help clarify, here’s a handy way to tell if your commercial space needs a lift system and the types of elevators you can install in your space. Just remember the Rule of 3.

The Rule of 3: 3 Stories, 3,000 Square Feet, 3 Elevator Types

How To Determine If An Elevator Is Required In A Commercial Building?

In 1990, the ADA required that all public buildings in the United States should be accessible to people with limited mobility. Initially, it applied to new construction only but now requires existing buildings to be retrofitted for greater accessibility.

Generally, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) law calls for an elevator to be installed if your building has three or more stories, or if each floor of the building exceeds 3,000 square feet.  Commercial buildings smaller than this are generally exempt, unless the space is one of the following:

  • Medical office or doctor’s clinic
  • Bus station, rail station or other public transportation facility
  • Terminal building in an airport (including smaller private airports)
  • Large retail space, such as a shopping mall

These public spaces are typically required to install elevators regardless of size.

Apart from the obvious cases, such as single-story structures, some buildings with upper floors that are not intended to be accessible to the public are also sometimes exempt, provided the public areas of the structure meet the exemptions to the ADA for floor space and number of stories. Certain historic buildings and churches are also exempt, or they may be in compliance provided they have some alternative form of conveyance, such as a wheelchair lift or ramp.

Requirements for Your Elevator

There are a lot of laws that go over your elevators’ specifications and accessibility features. State and local governments are generally free to legislate beyond the basic federal requirements, so it’s always a good idea to consult with an ADA compliance specialist who knows your local laws before installing an elevator. As a rule, most areas recognize three basic types of passenger elevators that can be installed in a commercial building: standard, destination, and limited-use.

1)    Standard Elevators

Standard elevators should be familiar to anyone. These are enclosed cabs with cable-and-winch lift systems that carry passengers to any floor they choose.  This is the kind of elevator your commercial building needs if it is of standard size. Buildings that are much larger (or much smaller) often use standard elevators as well, though they are typically supplemented by specialty models that perform specific jobs.

While, the federal rulebook for standard elevators requirements is very extensive, here is a high-level overview of key things to consider:

  • Elevators must be easily found and reached from public areas of the building, such as lobby
  • Doors must fully open and stay open for at least 3 seconds before closing
  • Doors must be equipped with an obstruction sensor that reopens them if something blocks total closure
  • Open doors must be at least 36 inches apart
  • Cabin must be at least 51 inches deep and 68 inches wide, though larger cabins are allowed
  • Buttons must be at least 0.75 inches in diameter and centered 42 inches above the floor
  • The control panel must have Braille indicators below or next to the floor numbers
  • Some kind of audible signal must indicate that a floor has been reached, such as a ping or recorded voice
  • A two-way intercom for both visually and hearing-impaired riders must be installed
  • Emergency controls must be installed at least 35 inches above the floor
  • Elevator travel can have selective operation for more efficient floor-sequencing

2)    Destination Elevators

Destination elevators are one type of specialty elevator that give up flexibility for speed and simplicity. A destination elevator doesn’t stop at every floor, but instead goes to a specific destination only. These are common in two-story buildings, since there is only one floor they can go to per trip, in buildings with restricted access floors, and in high-rise buildings. For example, in many high-rise buildings, Express elevators are installed for maximum efficiency traveling from the ground floor directly to “sky lobbies,” where passengers can catch a second elevator to their desired floor.

Destination elevators are held to the same requirements as standard elevators, but with a few extra rules to help passengers with disabilities:

  • Each elevator must have visible and audible signals or signs to differentiate it from other elevators in the bank, so passengers know where it goes
  • Some kind of visual display of each floor the elevator serves must be provided
  • Automated verbal announcements must be made of each stop, along with a display of floor numbers for riders with impaired hearing

3)    LULA Elevators – Limited Use, Limited Application

Limited-use elevators are generally used for specific applications in special circumstances, specifically to satisfy ADA requirements. These elevators are most commonly found in churches, schools, public libraries, municipal buildings and other specialty locations where it’s rare for passengers to need access to multiple floors. You can usually get by with a limited use elevator in small office buildings and or low-demand environments, where only one or two floors need to be accessible or expected passenger loads are minimal.

Because of their specialization, limited-use elevators are strictly regulated for size, capacity and standards. This can make a limited-use elevator an excellent choice for installing in historic buildings or other spaces where a traditional elevator might be difficult to manage. The potentially lesser standards can also make limited-use elevators an economical choice for low-traffic applications. It is still a good idea to hire a professional consultant for a self-inspection, however, since one of the factors that determines your potential liability under the ADA is whether or not you showed good faith when installing an elevator for the public to use.

Installing an Elevator in Your Commercial Property

No matter what type of elevator you eventually settle on for your commercial building, it is vitally important to have the lift professionally designed and installed.  Day Elevator & Lift has a variety of different elevators available that can work in almost any space, commercial and residential alike. Our professional installers have years of experience with ADA requirements and the needs of visitors to public buildings.

When you call Day Elevator & Lift at (800) 758-5438 for a free consultation, we can help you decide what kind of elevator works best for the space you’re building or upgrading. We have experienced inspectors who will visit your site and give you an estimate of likely costs and the work involved in installing a new elevator. Many of our models come with manufacturer warranties, and we stand by all of the work our installers do.

Call us today to start the process or reach out through our convenient online contact form, and get started installing a new elevator in your commercial building right away.

Most adults realize that every environment—be it the workplace, a restaurant, or even a taxi cab—has its own set of best practices and rules to follow. These rules are typically followed to ensure that everyone stays safe and comfortable and moves through the environment as efficiently as possible. Elevators are a common area that warrant their own set of rules, and there are enough of them—approximately 1 million elevators in the United States and Canada alone—to make ‘elevator etiquette’ worth brushing up on.

How to Use an Elevator

To have proper elevator etiquette, you must first know how to use an elevator. Typically, there will be two buttons outside of the elevator, an up arrow and a down arrow. You should select the button for the direction you wish to travel. Once the elevator arrives on your floor, the doors will open up and you may enter. When inside the elevator, press the button on the floor you want to go to. Then, the elevator doors will close, and you will be on your way to your destination.

Now that you know how elevators work, it is important to be courteous to others during your elevator ride. Here are seven rules of elevator etiquette for you to implement next time you find yourself in an elevator:

1. Follow the “Two-Flight” Rule

This rule insists you stay out of the elevator if you’re going fewer than two floors up or down. Why? You may get some dirty looks from colleagues and fellow passengers if you’re adding an extra 20 seconds to their commute or if they have to stop at every other floor. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule—the elderly, parents with strollers, those with disabilities, etc.

2. Holding the Door—When and How You Should Do It

It’s been a long-debated question as to whether you should hold the elevator door for someone. On one hand, it might seem like a matter of compassion; but on the other, you risk holding up the ride for your fellow passengers. If you’re alone in the elevator, do what you think is right. When you’re riding with others, consider getting a quick thought on whether you should hold it. If the elevator is full, on the other hand, there’s no shame in giving an apologetic expression and letting the doors close.

Many people are of the mind that you should simply let fate decide. If the person scrambling toward the elevator is meant to catch that ride, they will; if not, there’s always the next one. Elevators are always a matter of timing and the general consensus seems to be that there is no general consensus or universal rule for this particular scenario.

3. Keep Proxemics in Mind When Positioning Yourself in an Elevator

Proxemics is the study of human behavior as it relates to public and private space. In short, proxemics entails how most humans view public, personal, and intimate spaces regarding comfort, propriety, and efficiency. Men traditionally follow the “urinal theory of proxemics” already, which includes best practices for how to pick the urinal if some or more are already occupied. Elevators benefit from the same kind of consideration and practices.

  • If only two people are in the elevator, it’s best to stand on opposite sides of the car.
  • Three to four people should gravitate toward each of the corners.
  • Five or more riders should attempt to space themselves out evenly and face forward.
  • Arms and hands should be kept at the sides to avoid contact.

4. Always Face the Elevator Doors

If you’re entering a crowded elevator (with three or more riders), it’s always best to face the doors. Entering the elevator and staring into the face of someone else can be uncomfortable, awkward, and even creepy. You’re already in someone’s personal space so don’t make it any worse by initiating potentially unwanted eye contact.

5. Minimal Eye Contact is Standard

Sometimes you can’t help but make a little eye contact, and getting on the elevator doesn’t have to be a completely awkward and detached experience. Brief eye contact and a nod or smile are usually well-received by your fellow riders, so long as you turn your focus to something—anything—else in the elevator once you’re onboard. This gives others the chance to enjoy the ride in peace without forcing them to engage in small talk or making anyone uncomfortable.

6. Keep Phone Calls Private

What should seem like common sense may actually take pointing out: keeping your cell phone holstered in a pocket or sticking to text is common courtesy in enclosed spaces, particularly such small ones as an elevator. If you’re on a call with someone as you approach an elevator, tell them you’ll call them right back. Similarly, if you receive a call in the elevator you can answer and give them the same message, or decline and text back that you’ll return their call ASAP.

Not only is it good etiquette to keep your phone calls private, but you won’t annoy other riders by filling the small space with the sound of a one-way conversation they didn’t ask to listen to.

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7. How to Exit When the Elevator is Full

When the elevator is packed, the two standing closest to the doors should step out at any requested stops to allow folks in the back to exit without requiring them to squeeze themselves out. It’s not fun to get elbowed, and it’s certainly uncomfortable to wedge yourself up against people because they’re not willing to move two feet out of the way. When you step out of the elevator to make room for those leaving, be considerate and hold the doors to make reentry smooth.

If you’re the one exiting, it’s best to give the others a warning by saying something like, “My stop is next” or “The next floor is my stop.” This gives them time to adjust spacing and, if they’ve been brushing up on their etiquette, the chance to step out and give you ample room to exit.

On a similar note, when boarding a full elevator, give those inside the first chance to exit before making your way inside.

Browse Residential Elevator Options From Inclinator

Although home elevators hardly demand such rigorous rules of etiquette, it helps to realize the unique atmosphere an elevator can create. This is especially true of residential elevators as they can transform your home into a place that you will never lose access to, giving you the freedom to enjoy your home for years to come, regardless of age or impairment. To get started or learn more about how a home elevator could benefit you, find a dealer near you today.

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When to Use elevator ?

7 Rules of Elevator Etiquette