Our media/advertising firm is working on a brewery project and we thought itd be fun to include the rate beer community. So, think of your favorite brand of beer or brewmaster. What would you ask them? We will select three questions to ask. General questions like "What kind of hops do you use in your pilsner?" are not what were looking for. Something too specific like "Sam, do you use organic saffron in Dogfishs Midas Touch?" Were looking for interesting questions. Weve already got a great set of ideas and questions, but always like input from others; after all we cant think of everything! The Rate Beer community will be credited in the production if we decide to use your question. Thanks for your participation!
Message ruyehara88How do you decide on new beers to brew?
What are the biggest reasons for the continual growth of craft beer?
What are the biggest impediments to the growth of craft beer?
What are the biggest problems you run into in producing beer?
How do you reach beyond the hard core beer drinkers and into the general public to sell your beer?
How did you become a brewer?
How do you attempt to ameliorate the problem of increasing production while maintaining a real flavorful, individualistic beer?
Whats the style most fun to brew?
If there were a beer that you could brew with no regards to cost or production or sales, what would it be and why?
Thats more than 3 but whatever. Good luck with your project.
I would ask peter from alesmith...Why he doesnt distribute in my area (DE)??? Then punch him in the face and take all his beer...
Message traPISSEDCan I try another x3
Message BloverGuyExcellent stuff so far! Keep em coming.
Message after4everadmin
beers º places 322 º 23:22 Wed 8/19/YME Product Page
Originally posted by traPISSED
Can I try another x3
beat me to it.alan sprints or ron gansberg, jftr. theyre probably both tired of the question by now...lol
Message joetadmin
beers º places 125 º 23:24 Wed 8/19/Just to clarify for oyur readership... What do you mean here?
General questions like "What kind of hops do you use in your pilsner?" are not what were looking for. Something too specific like "Sam, do you use organic saffron in Dogfishs Midas Touch?"
Do you mean you want or dont want something specific like the DFH question?
Message BloverGuyOriginally posted by joet
Just to clarify for oyur readership... What do you mean here?
General questions like "What kind of hops do you use in your pilsner?" are not what were looking for. Something too specific like "Sam, do you use organic saffron in Dogfishs Midas Touch?"
Do you mean you want or dont want something specific like the DFH question?
Thank you for pointing that out. I dont double check posts in forums such as this. I am not looking for something that specific, since you dont know which breweries Im interviewing. However, if you want to know what a brewer thinks of something crazy going on in the beer industry like DFH use of Palo Santo to build a fermenter or whatever...thats fine! Thanks guys n gals!
Message kenbHow do i get great beer for free?
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