Anti-fingerprint stainless steel is a special process that is applied to the surface of stainless steel to helpprevent fingerprints and other contaminants from sticking. in this article, we will discuss the different types,the advantages they offer, as well as some applications for this wonderful technology.
Stainless steel is widely used in our daily life, we are likely to leave fingerprints or stains when in contact withthe surface of stainless steel products. lf not cleaned and maintained for a long time, the surface is easilyoxidized. Therefore the technology of fingerprint-free stainless steel was born.
What is anti-fingerprint coating stainless steel?
Anti-fingerprint coating stainless steel refers to the coating of a protective layer of transparent oryellowish liguid on the surface of stainless steel. After drying, this transparent nano-metallic coatingliquid is firmly bonded to the stainless steel surface textures, forming a transparent hard solid protective filmlayer, which is named AFP
The AFP layer can reduce the surface tension and increase the surface hardness of stainless steel, making itdifficult for fingerprints, sweat, etc. to adhere to the surface.
The AFP-treated surface exhibits good hydrophobicity and oleophobicity, resulting in a smooth feel and anti-fingerprint resistance.
AFP coatings can be applied to any type of stainless steel, including 304 and 316 ordinary stainless steelBecause AFP coatings are applied as a thin film, they will not affect the dimensions of the stainless steelsheets. in addition, the coating does not change the color of the stainless steel surface; it only adds a layer ofoil-like finish.
It can be combined with most metal surface, such as miror, brushing, stamping, embossing, or etching, tocreate unique looks for architectural and consumer applications.
Two common types of anti-fingerprint
The two most widespread types are distinguished by the anti-fingerprint effect on the stainless steel, one ofwhich is called the glossy coating while the other is matte coating.
Glossy anti-fingerprint coating
It is a smooth, shiny finish that is appliedto stainless steel. This coating helps toresist fingerprints and smudges, making itideal for use in high-traffic areas, such ashome appliances and cold storage panels.The AFP also provides a barrier againstcorrosion and makes cleaning easier.At present, most of the stainless steeldecorative sheets on the marketespecially the hairline finish, satin finish,and No.4 finish, are plated with this glossyoil to resist fingerprints, because it has alower cost and can provide good surfaceprotection.
Matte anti-fingerprintcoating
It gives a matte finish to the stainless steel surface for a more premium look in certain applicationscompared with the glossy type.
Nowadays, matte anti-fingerprint treatment is more often used in stainless steel sandblasted and nanopainting color sheets, which are widely used in the interior decoration of luxury buildings or machineryindustry as it costs more than glossy type. We suggest you choose the coating type according to theapplication scenario and project budget.
Two premium types
The surface of fingerprint-coated stainless steel plates will not lose its charm because of fingerprints, oil.sweat stains, dust, etc., but it may be scratched easily.There is a kind of advanced anti-fingerprint that also has scratch resistance. lt can resist the force of roundedobijects scratch, such as keys.
The most up-to-date type is called nano anti-fingerprint coating, which is mostly seen on mirror-finishedstainless steel sheets. Other kinds of coating are not suitable for mirror finish as that will leave the surfacelooking hazy or like an orange peel pattern.
Advantages of anti-fingerprint stainless steel
▶Anti-fingerprinting coated stainless steel has great durability that can withstand years of use, making itan excellent choice for use in high-traffic areas.
▶It has strong corrosion resistance. This makes it an ideal choice for use in damp or humidenvironments.
▶It is a low-maintenance material that is easy to clean. Simply wipe down the surface with a damp clothto remove fingerprints and smudges. For tougher stains, you can use a mild detergent or is a versatile material that can be used in a variety of applications. lt is perfect for use in kitchens,bathrooms, and other areas where fingerprints and smudges are a concern.
▶It is a vailable in a variety of colors and finishes to suit your needs.
▶It can keep a strong sense of metal texture appearance and soft touch.
▶As the name suggests, AFP stainless steel has a special coating that makes it harder for fingerprints andother marks to show up on the surface. This can be a great advantage in areas where hygiene isimportant,such as kitchens or bathrooms.
Applications of anti-fingerprint stainless steel
AFP stainless steel is commonly used in public spaces such as hospitals, schools, office buildings.restaurants, kitchen appliances, construction and decoration, household appliances, cell phone cases,aerospace equipment, medical eguipment, lighting, furniture, door panels, etc. The anti-fingerprint coatinghelps to keep these surfaces clean and free of smudges and fingerprints. In addition, the anti-fingerprintcoating makes it easier to clean these surfaces on a regular basis.
One of the most popular applications for AFP stainless steel is in elevators. The surface layer helps to keepthe buttons and handrails clean and free of fingerprints. This type of stainless steel is also becomingincreasingly popular in public restrooms for similar reasons. With so many benefits, anti-fingerprint stainlesssteel is sure to be a great addition to any space.
If you are considering using anti-fingerprint stainless steel for your business, it is important to work with areputable supplier. There are many different suppliers of anti-fingerprint stainless steel, and not all of themoffer the same quality or service. Do your research to find a supplier that you can trust to provide you withthe best possible product.
Lebon machinery is of the leading suppliers of anti-fingerprint stainless steel sheets with various surface treatment,including mirror, hairline, vibration, sandblasted, PVD coated, embossed, stamped, and etched. We offer awide range of products that are designed to meet the needs of our customers.