How Much Does It Cost to Print a 32 Page Children's Book in ...

07 Oct.,2024


How Much Does It Cost to Print a 32 Page Children's Book in ...

So you&#;ve finished writing and illustrating your 32 page children&#;s book. Now you want to get it printed so you can hold the physical copy in your hands and sell it to young readers. But how much will it actually cost?

You will get efficient and thoughtful service from uprintingplus.

In this comprehensive guide, I&#;ll break down the exact cost to print a 32 page full color children&#;s book in . Whether you use print-on-demand or professional offset printing, you&#;ll know what to budget for manufacturing costs.

As a professional children&#;s book printing manufacturer, I&#;ll also give some pro tips to reduce expenses so you can set your own retail price and still make good royalties on each copy sold.

Calculating Average Cost to Print On-Demand vs. Offset Print

When self-publishing a book, authors have two main options to physically print their manuscripts:

POD printers create single book copies when an order comes in. This means you don&#;t pay for any copies upfront, just when someone buys your book. However, POD tends to be more expensive per unit.

Popular POD printers include:

  • Amazon KDP Print
  • IngramSpark
  • Lulu

Offset Printing

Offset printers produce books in bulk by taking your file and printing on large presses. This requires paying for hundreds or thousands of copies upfront. But offset printing offers a lower per unit cost at higher quantities.

Top offset printers include:

  • Brodart Books
  • McNaughton & Gunn
  • Bang Printing

So how much exactly will your 32 page children&#;s book cost to print at reasonable quantities using each model in ? Here&#;s a comparison:

For a typical trim size of 8.5&#; x 8.5&#;, here are POD prices for 32 page children&#;s books:

  • 50 copies: $5.87 per book
  • 100 copies: $4.41 per book
  • 250 copies: $3.99 per book

These rates are generally consistent across various popular POD companies when you choose a hardcover or paperback with full color interior printing.

Shipping fees and author copies are extra. Taxes may apply as well.

Offset Printing Costs

For offset printing, the per unit rate drops as you print more copies.

Here&#;s a look at estimated rates for 32 page children&#;s books:

  • 250 copies: $5.52 per book
  • 500 copies: $3.97 per book
  • 1,000 copies: $2.86 per book
  • 2,500 copies: $2.05 per book

These prices include free shipping within the continental US if using a domestic printer. Additional charges apply for author copies, storage fees, and delivery outside the US.

Key Takeaway

Print-on-demand tends to make sense for new authors testing the self-publishing waters. But offset printing offers significantly lower per unit pricing at scale, reducing manufacturing costs. Even after paying for shipping and storage, higher print runs via offset can boost profit margins.

What Impacts Pricing For 32 Page Children&#;s Books

Whether printing on-demand or offset, several factors determine your total manufacturing costs:

Page Count

More pages means a higher production expense overall. Extra pages increase the amount of paper, ink, binding materials, and labor required to print a book.

However, up to 48 pages can still use a single large press sheet with clever layouts. Past 48 pages often requires two press sheets per book, elevating costs.

Color vs. Black & White

Full color artwork throughout a book comes at a premium versus black and white interior printing with a color cover.

Full color artwork requires four ink passes on press &#; cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK). This slows printing compared to single pass black and white ink.

Hardcover vs. Paperback

Hardcover binding has thicker boards and spine materials compared to paperback thermally bonded spines. The rigid casewrap also takes more time to apply a book&#;s outer cover imagery.

Trim Size

Books sized 8.5&#; x 8.5&#; or smaller can batch efficiently on printing press sheets, reducing waste and cost per unit.

Oversized books may not fit as cleanly per sheet. Large formats also require bigger cuts of paper and ink to cover increased print space.

Specialty options like spot UV coats, foil stamping, and embossing add both material expenses and production time to any print job.

While these can make your book stand out, they come at a premium price over standard printing.

Pro Tips For Lowering Your 32 Page Children&#;s Book Printing Costs

Here are some pro tips to cut costs when taking your book to print:

Compare Printer Rates

Rates can vary widely across different printers. Spend time getting quotes from several vendors when moving to production.

While comparison shopping, weigh options for domestic printers vs. overseas suppliers too. Overseas printers have drastically lower labor costs but longer lead times.

Set Optimal Page Count

If possible, edit your book to fit 16, 24, or 32 pages. These numbers work elegantly for printing press sheet sizes to minimize waste.

Or if extra story length demands it, aim for page lengths just under 48 or 64 pages to lower costs by using one less physical press sheet per book.

Consider Black & White Pages

If full color isn&#;t essential for interior pages, use spot color art combined with black & white. This can reduce printing rates substantially while still creating beautiful layouts.

It&#;s tempting to do short print runs when self-publishing to test sales. But printing a minimum of 250+ copies can drop your per unit rate tremendously.

Buy Author Copies in Bulk

When ordering your own author print copies from printers, you typically pay full retail costs. But some printers offer author discounts if ordering copies in bulk rather than piecemeal.

Setting Your Retail Price For Profitability

When self-publishing a 32 page picture book, you&#;ll generally want to price between $10-$25 to align with major publisher rates.

Common pricing thresholds in this range include:

  • $9.99 or $10.99 &#; Value price point that seems more attractive psychologically than pricing at $11 or higher in increments.
  • $12.99 &#; Typical mass market children&#;s book cost. Hits a midpoint price that conveys more value than budget pricing.
  • $14.99 &#; This positions you more as a specialty children&#;s book. It enables better profit margin if your printing cost is low enough.
  • $19.99 &#; Premium indie picture book pricing, yet still ultimately affordable for grandparents and relatives gifting books. Allows for solid royalty at mid-to-high print runs.

Where you ultimately land depends partly on your printing methods and costs:

POD Retail Pricing

Since print-on-demand has high per unit costs, you&#;ll need to price your 32 page children&#;s book above $12.99 when selling printed copies.

In most cases, $14.99 or higher works better to earn 10-20%+ royalties on each sale.

Offset Print Retail Pricing

By printing 250+ copies via offset, your manufacturing rates will drops below $5 per unit.

This creates flexibility to retail between $9.99 up to $19.99+ and still pocket great margins.

Ultimately the market will determine what pricing works long term at adequate sales velocity. But the above thresholds guide common retail pricing for 32 page picture books.

Recap and Next Steps For Lower Cost Printing

Taking your book to print can be daunting. But understanding precise printing costs per unit and at different quantities helps immensely when budgeting your self-publishing expenses.

To recap key points in this guide:

  • Print-on-demand costs more per book, but has lower upfront investment. At mid-tier quantities, rates drop to around $4 per copy.
  • Offset printing requires higher initial outlay, but offers lower rates at scale &#; often 50%+ cheaper than POD.
  • Numerous production factors also impact pricing like page count, paper quality, ink colors, and binding.
  • When setting retail price, POD books need $14.99+ price points for profit. Offset printed books can sell for under $10 per copy.

Next, request quotes from multiple printers to compare rates. Providing PDF print-ready files also gets more accurate pricing.

Finally, use tips above to drive down costs further before setting your margin goals and retail price point.

Now that you know precisely what to expect when printing a 32 page picture book in , you can confidently move ahead with publishing your children&#;s book creation!

How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Children's Book?

Editor-in-Chief of the Reedsy blog, Dario is a graduate of Mälardalen University. As a freelance writer, he has written for many esteemed outlets aimed at writers. A traveler at heart, he can be found roaming the world and working from his laptop.

In the previous chapter of this guide, we discussed how to self-publish a children&#;s book, covering everything from getting your book edited, illustrated, and formatted. But how much will it cost you in total?  

Based on average quotes from the Reedsy marketplace, self-published authors can spend between $2,387 and $4,400 on professional editing, illustrations, cover design, and formatting.

To help you better understand these costs (plus how much you'll be looking at to print and distribute your books), let's dive a little deeper in the average costs of self-publishing a children's book.


An editor&#;s quote for any given book is hugely influenced by the time they need to put into the project &#; which is usually determined by word count.

Picture books require less editing

As a rule of thumb, picture books tend to have fewer than 1,000 words, making them one of the most affordable books to have edited. 

For a 1,000-word picture book manuscript, editors on Reedsy charge an average of: 

  • $374 for developmental editing; and
  • $231 for copy editing. 

It&#;s fairly common for authors to hire the same editor to provide both services since this might reduce the time spent on each stage and thus result in a healthy discount, compared to hiring two separate editors.

Middle grade and young adult books require more revision

Editors will treat middle grade (MG) and young adult (YA) novels pretty much the same way they would a book for adults. They tend to come in at around 30,000 to 60,000 words, on average, and though their readers may be younger, the books still require a lot of attention to story structure, character development, pacing, and precise use of language. In addition, there&#;s nothing more cringe-worthy to a teenager than adults trying to be &#;hip&#; &#; so an editor might also need to spend some time ensuring the manuscript is written in an age-appropriate register.

The average cost of editing a 30,000-word middle-grade book is:

  • $913 for developmental editing; and
  • $671 for copy editing.

The average cost of editing a 60,000-word young adult novel is:

  • $1,742 for developmental editing; and
  • $1,254 for copy editing.
Editing Type

Picture Books

(1,000 words)


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(30k words)


(60k words)

Copy Editing




Developmental Editing




&#; Check out our editing costs calculator here for more average rates across all genres and services (including proofreading).

Bear in mind that Reedsy professionals have years of experience at the highest level. While finding cheaper options is possible, you may be gambling on the quality of service you'll receive. 

Now that we have a better idea of what it costs to perfect your content, let&#;s see what you might pay to make your book look like a million bucks.

Illustration & Cover Design

While children have no shortage of imagination, beautiful artwork can make their reading experience more engaging and highly memorable. 

Fully illustrated picture books

Unless you can draw to a professional publishing standard, the best way to translate your story into a visual narrative is to hire an illustrator. If you&#;re in the market for one, you can find plenty of amazing children's book illustrators on Reedsy to work with. 

Over the past three years, the average children's book illustrator on Reedsy has charged between $1,540 and $4,950 for a 24-page picture book. 

Their exact quotes will vary depending on: 

  • The illustrator&#;s experience; 
  • Their illustration style (minimalist vs detailed);
  • The complexity of the project (is research needed?); and 
  • The actual number of double-page, full-page, or half-page illustrations your picture book requires. 

A picture book illustrator&#;s quote normally includes everything from draft concepts, typography, interior design, and the book cover design. But if you&#;re looking to work with a dedicated cover designer, their quotes will be roughly in line with the cost of a middle-grade or young adult title, which we&#;ll look at right now.  

Book covers only 

By the time your reader picks up middle grade and young adult books, they&#;re probably less reliant on illustrations &#; but that doesn&#;t mean they don&#;t care what your book looks like. Ultimately, authors writing books for these age groups will need a quality cover design to draw readers in.

According to quotes from the Reedsy marketplace, 60% of children&#;s book covers from experienced designers cost under $750. As we detail in our main guide to self-publishing costs, the final quote you receive will depend on factors like:

  • The designer&#;s level of experience;
  • The style and complexity of the design;
  • The number of design iterations you need; and
  • Whether you&#;re just publishing an ebook, or print and audiobook editions too. 

If you are seeking a cover design for a picture book, your designer can adapt an existing illustration from your book, reducing their need to research or create images for your project. This, in turn, can reduce your costs.

In addition to the cover design, you may also be looking to hire a professional to take care of your typesetting and interior design.

&#; Not sure what typesetting entails? Click here to learn more!


Properly formatting your interior design is critical for a great reading experience, especially when dealing with print editions. Professional illustrators or cover designers may do this for you as part of their service for picture books. If they have the right experience with interior design, then this is an option we&#;d recommend, as hiring a dedicated interior designer can cost between $250 and $750. 

That said, you might be able to format your own book for free.

Format your book for free with the RBE

If your book is mainly text-based (like a children&#;s novel or a collection of short stories), you can write and format your book with a free tool like Reedsy Studio. It&#;s an easy-to-use software that allows you to turn your manuscript into a flawless, export-ready ePUB file for ebooks or PDF for print editions. All you need to do is to get those words flowing.

To try the Reedsy Book Editor, sign up below and start using it today. 

Looking for a professional formatting tool?

Sign up for free to start using the Reedsy Book Editor within seconds.

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Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book.

Once your book is finished, you may want to (understandably) hold it in your hands &#; as well as to sell physical copies to the general public. So, let&#;s look more closely at print and distribution options. 

While some parents enjoy reading books to their kids on a tablet, most still prefer buying the physical version &#; if only to limit &#;screen time.&#; Print editions are also a must if you plan to distribute your book to libraries, schools, or if you want aunts, uncles, and grandparents to buy it as a present for their young ones.  

There are two options to print your book: 

  • Print on demand (POD); and 
  • Offset printing services. 

Let&#;s have a quick look at the financial implications of both.

POD is low risk, but expensive for picture books

POD services &#; which print one copy at a time, based on actual purchases &#; are the preferred option for authors who are publishing children&#;s novels, as the cost-per-unit is relatively low, averaging around $7 per book, usually deducted from royalty payments. This solution is also extremely convenient if you don&#;t want to pay in advance for a bulk order that might not sell, or don&#;t want to deal with storing and distributing the books yourself. 

On the other hand, POD services are not as convenient for picture book authors. For instance, to print a 24-page picture book, you can expect to pay around $12 per copy &#; depending on factors like book format, page size, page count, and print options (black & white vs. colors). On top of that, you&#;ll have to add shipping costs, inflating the bill further, depending on whether you choose regular or express delivery. 

There are several POD services you can choose to use. However, here's a quick look at the costs you can expect from two of the most popular printers of picture books.


Trim size

Printing cost per copy

Domestic shipping


7.5&#;x7.5&#; (19x19 cm)


From $3.99


8&#;x10&#; (20x25 cm)


From $4.94

Note: These costs are based on 24-page full-color hardbacks.

When you look at the numbers, you quickly realize that you&#;re almost guaranteed to make a loss, since you can&#;t really price your indie book double what well-known authors charge &#; which is between $5 to $10. 

However, don&#;t despair &#; while POD for picture books doesn&#;t make sense financially, you could still use it to gauge interest in your book by doing a small print run of around 50-100 copies and getting it into people's hands. If you've already sparked the interest of potential buyers, then you should probably consider offset printing for the following batch. Even though you&#;ll pay a salty bill upfront, your average cost-per-copy will be much lower, granting you a higher profit. 

Offset printing gives better value, but with higher risk and upfront cost

The cost to offset print a picture book is much lower than POD services, although it comes with a higher risk and upfront expense &#; in case your book doesn&#;t perform as well as you hoped. With services like PrintNinja or IAPC, you can expect to pay around $4.30 per copy for an order of 1,000 hardcover picture books &#; 60% less than what you&#;d pay with POD. 

The price drop, however, is not as significant for middle grade or young adult novels, since black and white paperbacks (with a color cover) are around $4.90 per copy &#; only a few dollars less than POD services.

Remember that offset printing costs depend on how you customize your book (e.g. binding options, paper quality, cover types). It also matters if you&#;ll receive your copies from overseas or not. In fact, these prices do not include shipping and storage costs, which can add an extra $500 to $1,500 per order &#; depending on your location. 

Overall, printing your self-published children&#;s book can significantly bump up your final costs. If you&#;re just getting started and you don&#;t know how many copies you&#;ll be able to sell, it&#;s wise to use POD services first to gather some data and test your book&#;s market. However, if you already know your book has buyers waiting to part with their money for it, offset printing is a better option as it will lower your overall costs. 

We hope this guide has helped you better understand what budget you should set aside if you want to publish your work and inspire the next generations with your storytelling.

For the next part of our guide, we'll talk about how to use a children's book template to visualize your story page-by-page before adding illustrations.

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