Pre-Game Preparation/Monster Prom

24 Jun.,2024


Pre-Game Preparation/Monster Prom

Democracy is just broken. What would be the best way of choosing the leaders of modern society?

The company is the world’s best pre-stripping machine supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

  • We create a reality show called "America's Next Top President" where the candidates compete in all kinds of physical and mental challenges. Voter turnout would increase and we would turn a profit on it! (FUN)
  • You put all the candidates in an empty room... with a wild grizzly bear. Whoever kills the bear should be our president. If everyone dies, then it's obvious: the bear should be our president. (BOLDNESS)
  • Whoever can play the most hearbreaking violin solo wins. (CREATIVITY)
You wish you were raised by...

  • A really progressive marriage between a kick-ass venomous snake and... actual fire. I love fire and see no issue with being raised by it. (BOLDNESS)
  • A pack of wild wolves... who also happen to be tech moguls who own some of the most profitable companies of Silicon Valley. They would be kick-ass role models AND wild wolves! Sick! (MONEY)
  • A mysterious old man who saved me from the streets in order to raise me as his disciple in the ancient ways of rad DJing! (FUN)
You get the chance to produce a movie. It's based on...

  • Something about superheroes, but with a love triangle between a beautiful yet somewhat relatable girl (maybe she's always stating she's a mess?) and two of the super hot superheroes, which are also like vampires or pirates or both. Instant hit! (MONEY)
  • Two cool guys walking away from rad explosions. And they don't look at the explosions. THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE EXPLOSIONS! They reflect on life and love... BUT IT IS SUPER DOPE AND KICK-ASS BECAUSE THEY DO SO WHILE WALKING AWAY FROM NEVER-ENDING EXPLOSIONS! (BOLDNESS)
  • The most influential Russian novelists of the XIX century... have gone nuts! They don't remember anything about last night and now they can't find the manuscript of The Brothers Karamazov; and Dostoyevsky has to deliver it TODAY! (FUN)
What is your spirit emoji?

  • Caucasian guy with a turban because fuck stereotypes. (CREATIVITY)
  • Octopus emoji. Best animal on Earth. I know 5 mixed drinks, 3 drug cocktails, and 17 sex positions that involve one or several octopi. (FUN)
  • Snowman, because that motherfucker is in the middle of a blizzard and he's fuckin' smiling. He doesn't give a fuck about blizzards. And he has a kick-ass hat. (BOLDNESS)
An alien race invade Earth and they tell you the world's fate depends on how you awnser the following question: how do you like your coffee?
  • My favorite coffe is vodka (FUN)
  • ...alien-friendly? (SMARTS)
  • I like my coffee as bitter and dark as my own soul...which isn't bitter or dark at all i'm a pretty nice person. (CHARM)
Which god do you pray to each night before sleeping?

  • Praying is kind of lame. I have a group text set up with some deities: Dionysus, Bastet, Loki... coolest cats in town. (CHARM)
  • Praying is for fools. I took compromising pics of a god molesting a tree, and now I blackmail him for whatever I want. A lot more effective. (SMARTS)
  • Oh, I pray to all kinds of gods. I have this business where people pay me to deliver their prayers every night. I've even started to look for a Chinese factory to outsource the prayers. (MONEY)
A radioactive possum just bit you... what superpower did you get?

  • The incredible power of writing fanfiction so compelling that the actual creators of the TV shows decide to go with my ideas and crazy ships. (CREATIVITY)
  • Uh, probably rabies? I'd go to a hospital immediately. (SMARTS)
  • The superpower of always choosing the right combination of emojis to get the desired reaction from all people: seducing my loved ones, burning my enemies, settling any argument, and even conveying complex emotional thoughts. (CHARM)
If you had to have sex with an animal... which animal would it be?

  • A human being, because I'm the kind of douchebag who loves to find loopholes in stupid questions like this one. (SMARTS)
  • No one can make me fuck an animal. If I fucked an animal, it'd be of my own free will. As a matter of fact, I already have fucked an animal, so the joke's on you, pal. (BOLDNESS)
  • A swan. They're classy. Plus it reminds me of that myth of Leda and the Swan, so at least by beastiality standards, it has a certain chic appeal. (CREATIVITY)
  • A great white shark. If I have to fuck an animal, let's at least try to make it a story worth telling! (CHARM)
  • A dolphin. They're the only animal that fucks just for pleasure, so at least we can both do our best to have a good time, right? (FUN)
  • A purebred horse. At least I can keep his semen and sell it. It's worth a lot! Who said there was no silver lining to beastiality? (MONEY)
School is outdated and lame. We need a new school subject ASAP!

  • Critical Thought. I mean&#; Damn, this country could really use a subject like that in schools. (SMARTS)
  • How to Correctly Punch a Crocodile Without Terrible Consequences. (BOLDNESS)
  • Turning People Into Your Puppets Through Emotional Warfare and Deception 101. (CHARM)
If you could put a curse on your worst enemy, what would it do?

  • You can't rely on the effectiveness of a curse. I prefer to take care of my enemies the old-fashioned way: By exposing them to unsafe doses of radiation over the course of several years. (SMARTS)
  • I'd curse them to fall in love with a wonderful person and be happily married for years before they realize that all this time&#; Their partner was a wild panther in disguise! Then the panther viciously devours my enemy. Classic! (BOLDNESS)
  • The curse of always meeting obnoxious people at parties who are super into new fad diets that feel the need to explain them in detail. (CHARM)
You've stayed late at office. There are 5 people left and suddenly they start to get naked for no good reason.. what do you do?

  • Be nice and bring them a snack. And by that you mean getting naked too, because you're a snacc. (CHARM)
  • Engage in casual conversation. You can finally overcome your social awkwardness by imagining all of them naked. (CREATIVITY)
  • Propose to play not-so-well-known version of an all-time favorite: Sexy Cluedo. (FUN)
The coolest reality show would be&#;

  • People in positions of power must face all sorts of questions relevant to their field, and if they fail, they lost their jobs&#; And society wins. (SMARTS)
  • Twelve experts on the various arts of seduction live in a house where they must face a common challenge: seducing a potato into marriage&#; Somehow. (CHARM)
  • Eight rich people fight in weekly challenges to see who's the best at giving money to you. (MONEY)
A distant relative you didn't even know has passed. You have to attend their funeral, but you're super hooked binge-watching the 7th season of The Office. What excuse do make to avoid the social obligation?

  • Just don't go. From now on every time a family member asks you why you didn't attend, just say "You Know..." and wink at them. (CHARM)
  • Try to convince your family that you were a flaming all along and flamingos are not supposed to attend funerals. (BOLDNESS)
  • The trick to good lying is being subtle and telling half truths. Tell your family you can't attend because you're super hooked binge-watching the 5th season of The Office. (SMARTS)
One day you wake up and you've swapped bodies with your mom, in a 90's film fashion. What is the worst thing that could happen?

  • She's killing her lifelong rival while in my body so she can frame me for the murder. (BOLDNESS)
  • She's meeting with all my friends... and actully more popular than me. (CHARM)
  • She's messing with my Spotify playlists and putting all her trash metal on it. My mom, such a metalhead. (CREATIVITY)
What would be the coolest prize you could find in your box of cereal?

  • A sample of a more nutritious breakfast option, so people are encourages to stop eating that colorful crap. (SMARTS)
  • A tiny piece of sharp metal, so every scoop will be full of thrill and danger! (BOLDNESS)
  • The number of that sexy tiger on the front of the box. He's so passionate about breakfast and health that he's surely also a grrreat lover. (CHARM)
Be a visionary: what will be the next big social media craze be?

  • Greek Agoras: like literal Greek agoras re-instated in our cities. Places where philosophy and arts are discussed by the greater minds. That's the social media I want to log into! (SMARTS)
  • Rbert: from now on, a socially awkward guy named Robert will do everything he's commanded to do through the app by its users. (CHARM)
  • Bull$hit: It's Facebook, but each time someone shares news that isn't supported by real facts, they're taxed, and the money goes to the people exposed to that bullshit. (MONEY)
You're elected president for a day. What's the first law you pass?

  • Trivia fact: presidents don't pass laws&#;so is this a trick question or are you just being an idiot. (SMARTS)
  • You can deduct taxes by writing sonnets instead. Amount to taxes deducted are calculated based on the beauty of the sonnets. (CREATIVITY)
  • One dollar bills will not include a picture of me and the inscription "Beware: Too Much Awesomeness." My presidency might last a day, but my fame will last forever! (CHARM)
You build a 100ft statue commemorating an event so that in years archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. What does the stature represent?

  • Your least favorite political figure&#;being devoured by rabid rhinoceri&#;which are also covered in badass tattoos. (BOLDNESS)
  • That mind-blowing twist in your favorite TV show that clearly changed the life of everyone forever, unlike all that boring stuff they show on the news. (CREATIVITY)
  • That glorious instant when your friend stopped you from texting embarrassing stuff to your ex while hella drunk. (FUN)
If you could go back in time, what's one thing you'd tell your younger self?

  • I'd teach myself not to teach that robot how to fall in love. As romantic as it might have seemed atm, it started the Robot Revolution of , way worse than the much more positive Robot Sexual Revolution of . (SMARTS)
  • Why should we assume silly younger me needs advice? I've grown up to have a fuckin' time machine, so I must have don&#;t something right. Fuck younger me; we're going straight to Woodstock, baby! (FUN)
  • I'd advise myself not to buy a time machine. Worst investment ever; they turned out to be the "Blockbuster" of . (MONEY)
It's your chance to fix global warming. Go ahead!

  • Global warming isn't real. I invented it, and now science is claiming authorship because science is a lame copycat with no original ideas. (CREATIVITY)
  • It's time to be a real hero: I'll lead a mission to the sun in order to&#; invite the sun to the party of its life! We'll have so many hilarious misadventures that the sun will eventually become&#; cooler. ;) (FUN)
  • Nah, the world is doomed. But I'll start investing in ships and start a profitable business for the "soon to be covered by water" world. (MONEY)
Which is the coolest mythological creature?

  • This weird creature I drew when I was six and which is clearly super derivative from other mythological creatures&#; but it's super cool and it's my OC and my spirit animal, okay? (CREATIVITY)
  • A sphinx&#; who is super turnt up and ready to party! And she raps all her riddles (she still kills you if you don't answer them correctly&#;but she raps the riddles)! (FUN)
  • The invisible hand of the free market. (MONEY)
Which inanimate object do you think would make the best girlfriend or boyfriend, provided you went criminally insane?

  • A human-size pillow depicting a character created by myself. As a matter of fact, I have all the needed paperwork and I'm only waiting for the conservative narrow-minded laws of our country to finally step forward into waifu and husbando territory, as was clearly intended by God. (CREATIVITY)
  • A dildo, duh. (FUN)
  • An ATM. Sugar baby life, here I come! (MONEY)
If you got to choose, how would you die?

  • As a practical demonstration while giving a TED talk on how to die correctly. (SMARTS)
  • How I die is irrelevant as long as I'm allowed to haunt my enemies for the rest of eternity. (BOLDNESS)
  • Silly! Death is a concept we invented to keep the commoners at check. (MONEY)
If you were the leader of a new country, what would your flag look like?

  • Just Garfield's face. It's a power move: there's no doubt you're the supreme leader of your land if no one stops you from making Garfield the flag of you country. (FUN)
  • Flags are outdated symbols that lead to unnecessary nationalist exaltation. We will replace flags with a national QR code that will provide Taco Bell coupons and lead you to my Soundcloud. (SMARTS)
  • I'd go for a simple three-colored stripe approach where each color represents one of the country's values: blue for diplomacy, purple for patience, and red for the blood that will be spilled if anyone tries to overthrow me. (BOLDNESS)
You're walking through the desert when you see a turtle on it's back, baking in the hot sun. But you're not helping Why aren't you helping?

  • Because that turtle owes me money. (MONEY)
  • No time. Too busy twerking. (FUN)
  • Because fuck turtles. (BOLDNESS)
How would you talk a cop out of arresting you?

  • Use your acting skills. Convince the officer you're actually the police. You know what? Go for the overkill and make them pay you a fine. (CREATIVITY)
  • Use your seduction skills (wink). They don't call it "fuck the police" for nothing. (CHARM)
  • Use your gamming skills. Eveyone knows that a police officer has to drop any charges on you if you manage to beat them at a fair Yu Gi Oh! card duel. (FUN)

Laundry Stripping Is a Grossly Satisfying Way to Clean ...

How clean is your clean laundry, really? Laundry stripping, also called strip-washing, has attracted social media fans, with nearly 4,000 TikTok videos tagged with #laundrystripping. The clips show users soaking sheets, towels, and clothes in a solution of borax and detergent for several hours, often resulting in a tub full of brown, filthy-looking water as dirt and residue release from the items.

BHG / Marisa Kikis

What Does Laundry Stripping Do?

The goal of laundry stripping is to revive linens and clothing items with a deep clean that lifts grime and buildup. "It helps to remove all residues from laundry soap, fabric softener, minerals from hard water, and body oils," says Rosa Nogales-Hernandez, head home cleaning valet for Valet Living, a Florida-based residential amenities provider. "Essentially, it gives your laundry a second chance to be as fresh and crisp like it's the very first wash." However, not all laundry requires this treatment, and you could actually damage clothing by stripping it unnecessarily. Here's what you need to know before you get started.

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When to Strip Wash Laundry

BHG / Marisa Kikis

Laundry Stripping Limitations and Benefits

Laundry stripping involves powerful cleaning agents and very hot water, so the process isn't ideal for everyday clothes washing. This technique is best for heavily used items like bed sheets or towels. Nogales-Hernandez recommends strip-washing these items about once a month if desired. Laundry stripping is also a good option if you notice an odor that won't go away or discoloration on your fabric items, says Becky Rapinchuk, the cleaning expert behind the blog Clean Mama.

"We do not recommend doing this frequently, as it can prematurely age and damage clothes," says Mary Begovic Johnson, a principal scientist for Tide. She notes that individuals with sensitive skin, for example, might want to strip-wash their clothes before wearing them to remove any lingering harmful substances from the manufacturing process. Check care labels to make sure items are safe to wash in hot water, and don't use the technique on delicate items that can easily get damaged.

Update Your Laundry Routine

Buildup on clothes and linens is a common reason for laundry stripping. Make sure you're only using the recommended amount of detergent for your load size, as excess soap residue can linger on the fabric after washing. When washing towels, only use fabric softener every three to four washes to prevent waxy buildup that can reduce the towels' absorbency and diminish their fluffy feel.

How to Strip Wash Your Laundry

BHG / Marisa Kikis

Create Laundry Stripping Mixture and Prep Items

Rapinchuk suggests using very hot water and powdered detergent containing enzymes for best results. "You'll get better results with an enzyme detergent because it will go deeper into the fibers," she says. Choose a detergent without fragrances or dyes for the most effective laundry stripping. Use a mixture of borax ($6, Target), laundry detergent, and washing soda ($5, Walmart), a synthetic compound similar to (though not the same as) baking soda that's often used in homemade laundry detergents.

Avoid mixing colors when laundry stripping. Hot water can cause dyes to bleed more easily, resulting in accidental stains if you mix white sheets with red T-shirts, for example. Because it requires hot water and potentially harmful substances, laundry stripping should be done away from kids or pets to avoid accidents.

Steps for Laundry Stripping

Before laundry stripping, items should be freshly laundered (either wet or dry). Then follow these instructions:

  1. Fill your bathtub (or a large bucket) with enough hot water to submerge the items.
  2. Add ¼ cup borax, ¼ cup washing soda, and ½ cup detergent to the hot water. (If using a smaller vessel like a bucket, adjust the amounts based on how much water you're using. For a 5-gallon bucket, start with ½ tablespoon each of borax and washing soda and 1 tablespoon of detergent.) Stir the water with a large spoon until the mixture has dissolved.
  3. Place your laundry into the tub and let it soak, stirring occasionally, for about four hours or until the water has completely cooled. The dirt and residue should be released into the water, offering that gross yet satisfying visual.
  4. Drain the water and wring out excess liquid from the items. Then, use a water-only cycle to give them a final rinse in the washing machine.

Your bathtub might now have a gross ring of grime that you'll need to scrub, but your clothes and linens should be clean and residue-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will baking soda work instead of washing soda to strip laundry?

    According to Arm & Hammer, the correct product is washing soda, not baking soda. However, you can make washing soda from baking soda by placing it on a baking sheet and baking it at 400ºF for 30 minutes to an hour. After it cools, seal it tight in a container.

  • Can vinegar be used for laundry stripping?

    If you choose to use vinegar for laundry stripping, don't use a powdered detergent in the mixture. Vinegar will negatively affect most detergents, because it will upset its pH balance. Vinegar can be used at the end of the process in the rinse cycle for an extra boost of cleaning without any problems.

    If you want to learn more, please visit our website glove intelligent oiling machine exporter.