Rotogravure printing | Benefits, Process & Applications

06 Aug.,2024


Rotogravure printing | Benefits, Process & Applications

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rotogravure printing, system of printing based on the transfer of fluid ink from depressions in a printing plate to the paper. It is an intaglio process, so-called because the design to be printed is etched or engraved below the surface of the printing plate. At the start of the gravure printing process, the plate is covered with ink and the surface is then wiped clean. When paper is pressed against the inked plate, the paper penetrates the sunken parts slightly and draws out the ink.

All copy (the material to be reproduced, or printed) in rotogravure printing is prepared as positive film. A gravure printing plate made of copper is then prepared to accept photomechanical transfer by means of a gravure screen; this is a grid of closely intersecting lines that create thousands of tiny squares on the plate, which will in turn react differentially to an etching bath after the plate has been exposed to light through the positive film. The varying depths of the etched cells determine the tones of the printed image, with deeper cells holding more ink (and thus printing darker) than shallow cells, which may hold no ink at all.

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printing: Rotogravure

In the printing process, the cylinder bearing the printing plates is usually arranged so that during its rotary movement it passes through a trough filled with a thin solution of fast-drying ink, or is sprayed with ink instead. A thin steel blade (called the doctor blade) moves across the cylinder and removes the ink from the plate&#;s surface but not from the tiny depressions in its cells. The plate cylinder then comes in contact with the paper, and the paper draws the ink out of the depressions in the plate. In colour rotogravure printing, a separate cylinder is prepared for each colour.

For more information, please visit High Speed Gravure Printing Machine.

Because cells of different depths can hold varying amounts of ink, the rotogravure process can print a rich, full range of tonal values, making it ideal for reproducing photographs and other continuous-tone copy in large quantities. Rotogravure is thus widely used to print newspaper supplements (e.g., colour magazine sections), catalogues, illustrated magazines and books, advertising, calendars, and so on. It is also employed for printing labels and wrappers on cellophane and similar materials. A high-speed printing process, rotogravure is best used for printing long runs of material bearing black-and-white or colour illustrations.

Gravure Printing: Printing Techniques Explained

Despite the advent of digital printing technologies, gravure printing continues to hold a significant place in the printing industry. The process's ability to produce high-quality, consistent prints over long print runs makes it a valuable tool for many printers. However, the industry is also facing challenges, such as the need for more environmentally friendly processes and materials.

One of the key trends in the gravure printing industry is the development of more sustainable processes and materials. This includes the use of water-based inks, which have a lower environmental impact than traditional solvent-based inks. There is also a growing interest in the use of renewable materials, such as bioplastics, in the gravure printing process.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are playing a key role in the future of gravure printing. One of the key developments is the use of laser engraving technology, which allows for more precise and efficient engraving of the cylinders. This not only improves the quality of the prints but also reduces the production time and cost.

Another key development is the use of digital technology in the gravure printing process. This includes the use of digital imaging systems for the preparation of the images, as well as digital control systems for the printing process. These technologies allow for greater precision and control, improving the quality and consistency of the prints.


Sustainability is a key concern for the gravure printing industry. The traditional gravure printing process uses solvent-based inks, which contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to the environment. There is therefore a growing interest in the development of more sustainable processes and materials.

One of the key developments in this area is the use of water-based inks, which have a lower environmental impact than traditional solvent-based inks. There is also a growing interest in the use of renewable materials, such as bioplastics, in the gravure printing process. These materials are derived from renewable resources, such as plants, making them a more sustainable choice.

Market Trends

The gravure printing market is influenced by a variety of factors, including technological advancements, sustainability concerns, and market demand. Despite the challenges, the market for gravure printing is expected to continue to grow, driven by the demand for high-quality print products.

One of the key trends in the market is the increasing demand for personalized print products. This is driving the development of new technologies and processes that allow for greater customization and personalization in the gravure printing process. Another key trend is the increasing demand for sustainable print products, which is driving the development of more environmentally friendly processes and materials.

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