V Mixer VS Ribbon Blender: Know the Difference

23 Sep.,2024


V Mixer VS Ribbon Blender: Know the Difference

- Friday, December 23,

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Blending is crucial for the big organizations that are in the manufacturing of medicines, food, and agricultural products. Various blending equipment is available in the market that can help. V mixer and ribbon blenders are on top. These machines make the blending of materials quite efficient.

However, most companies get confused about selecting the right machine for their use. It could be possible that one machine is not suitable for two different tasks in the firm. Therefore, it is vital to think carefully before buying a blending machine.

Undoubtedly, both V blenders and ribbon mixers work excellently. So, let's know more about them and see the key things that make them different from one another.

V Blender


V blender is a mixing equipment that perfectly handles dry mixing in an orderly manner. It can be used to combine different dry powder and granular ingredients in the culinary, chemical, and pharmaceutical sectors.

The mixer has the qualities of a straightforward structure, easy use, and an attractive look. Stainless steel, which complies with CGMP, is used for the portions that come into touch with the materials.

1) Working Principle

The working principle of the V blender is simple and effective. A motor and speed reducer are installed on the right side of the equipment. The motor of this machine is responsible for driving the speed reducer with the help of a belt.

The reducer tends to drive the mixing cylinder in the V shape. It will work via a coupling process. Therefore, the powder content available in the V-shaped cylinder gets mixed. During the mix, the motion that is being followed in the machine is back and forth. The motion is in all directions in the cylinder.

2) Machine Structure

The V-Blender, the double cone, and the slant cone are the three most common designs for tumble blenders. The powder in a rotating jar in a tumble blender cascades due to the influence of gravity. One of the most popular tumbling blenders is the V-Blender, usually referred to as a twin-shell blender.

Many other family members have closely followed this blender's blending performance. They enable quick and effective blending at the same time. As for the v blender parts, the two hollow cylindrical shells linked at an angle of between 75° and 90° make up the V-Blender. Trunnions support the blender container to enable it to tumble.

Ribbon Mixer


What is a ribbon mixer? A ribbon mixer is a light-duty blender mostly used for pre-processed powder ingredients. The content is simple to mix, such as dry granules and pre-sieved powders. It is a SOLID/SOLID mixer that is mostly used for mixing.

The ribbon mixer is the most adaptable and popular kind of powder blending machine on the market. They can be employed for applications that involve coating a dry particle with a liquid ingredient. Besides, particle absorption of any liquid addition. However, they are frequently used for mixing solids on solids.

1) Working Principle

How does a ribbon blender work? Powder blenders with two pieces fixed on a central shaft are known as Ribbon Mixers. Inner and outer helical ribbons intended to move material inward and outward frequently make up the mixing medium.

The internal ribbons push the product back to the sides of the mixer as the external helical ribbons pull it in from the sides. A convective mixing pattern is produced by the ingredients being folded back and forth in the motion of blending.

2) Machine Structure

Below are the pictures of the ribbon blender construction:

Main Differences: V Blender VS Ribbon Blender

1) Blending


V blender can mix the powder effectively. In the pharmaceutical industry, there are many compositions that are in the powdered form. Proper mixing of the content is essential before adding the capsules. So, mixing the powdered material is extremely important. V mixer is capable of blending the powders in the right manner.  


Ribbon blenders or mixers are also the right tools for mixing the powders. At the same time, they are also the perfect equipment to blend the liquid with the powder. It doesn't make lumps while mixing the liquid and powder together. Thus, it is a tool that is a great choice for blending the materials effectively. Liquid and powder mixing is not the benefit of V blenders.

2) Shape


V blender is a vertical type in shape. Its structure is perfect for mixing.


Unlike V blenders, ribbon blenders are a horizontal shape. They offer effective mixing with the help of their shape and design.

3) Discharge


V blender has an excellent shape which helps in the complete charging and discharging of the materials. So, it offers 100% discharge of the content compared to other blender types.


The ribbon blender does not offer complete discharge of the mixture. A little material will remain in the bottom of the mixer while you use it.

4) Mixture Segregation


V blender is the type of blender type that can cause segregation. It might cause an issue with the proper mixing of the components in the blender.


The ribbon blender offers better mixing as it avoids segregation. So, if you want the blending results without any separation of the content, pick this blender.

5) Installation Space


A V blender is a machine that needs more space for installation. As the device is bigger, you will need more area to install it.


However, a ribbon blender is smaller than a V blender. So, the space it will require for the installation will be lesser.

V Blender and Ribbon Blender: From iPharMachine


iPharMachine offers a V Mixer called V50. The device is perfect to use for the mixing of different dry and granular materials. It is basically the best fit for industries like chemical, pharmaceutical, and food. Mainly, the parts that are in contact with the material inside are made of stainless steel according to CGMP regulations.

Here are some technical specifications of the v blender machine:

  1.  Model: V50
  2.  Volume: 50L
  3.  Max. Filling Capacity: 20L
  4.  Best Filling Capacity: 16L
  5.  Motor Power: 0.75 kW
  6.  Machine Weight: Around 200 kg, etc.

Features of V blender:

  •  The first quality of V blenders from iPharMachine is that they are easy to clean and safe to use.
  •  Ideal machine to use in pharmaceutical firms as it deals with free-flowing substances.
  •  Do not cause substance deformation by offering gentle and smooth mixing.
  •  It is easy to charge and discharge material in the V50 blender from iPharMachine.
  •  After using the machine, properly clean the machine by taking out the remaining material in the machine.
  •  Try to clean the machine's surface with a soft and dry cloth.
  •  While cleaning the machine, check if there is any loose screw in the machine.
  •  In quarterly maintenance of the v mixer, ensure to check the oil level, condition of the belt, sealing ring, etc.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

  • After using the machine, properly clean the machine by taking out the remaining material in the machine.
  • Try to clean the machine's surface with a soft and dry cloth.
  • While cleaning the machine, check if there is any loose screw in the machine.
  • In quarterly maintenance of the v mixer, ensure to check the oil level, condition of the belt, sealing ring, etc.


The ribbon blender from iPharMachine consists of five high-performance format mixing machines. These are for blending powders or pastes into a homogeneous end product. Usually, the capacity ranges from 100 L to L. Motion of the thin mixing blade of the equipment is controlled effectively without any dead spots.  

Check some technical specifications of the ribbon blender machine:

Model: WLDH-100

Contact us to discuss your requirements of ribbon mixer machine buy. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Total Volume: 100 L

Load Coefficient: 0.4-0.8

Power: 3KW

Weight: 330 kg

Model: WLDH-300

Total Volume: 300L

Load Coefficient: 0.4-0.8

Power: 4KW

Weight: 720 kg

Model: WLDH-500

Total Volume: 500L

Load Coefficient: 0.4-0.8

Power: 7.5 KW

Weight: 980 kg

There are also more models of ribbon mixers available from iPharMachine.

Features of ribbon blender:

  •  Ribbon blenders from iPharMachine are the cost-effective options.
  •  It provides faster and more complete blending than many other ribbon blenders on the market.
  •  Effectively provides a high degree of homogeneity to raw materials used in the pharma and chemical industries.
  •  The ribbon blender's sealed ends are suitable for mixing dry and wet materials.
  •  Various capacity ranges of ribbon blenders have robust motor functions for better results.
  •  Regularly check the signs of any wear or tear in the machine, which can be replaced.
  •  Make sure that every electric cable of the machine is dry.
  •  Create a proper schedule for the regular lubrication of the machine.
  •  Also, ensure to change the oil every three months for the effective performance of the machine.


  • Regularly check the signs of any wear or tear in the machine, which can be replaced.
  • Make sure that every electric cable of the machine is dry.
  • Create a proper schedule for the regular lubrication of the machine.
  • Also, ensure to change the oil every three months for the effective performance of the machine.

In The End

Ultimately, the choice to pick the perfect tool for your needs is totally up to you. Both the V blender and Ribbon blender have their pros and cons. Besides, for some tasks, one is suitable, and for others, another machine is the right choice. All the above information will help you pick the right one.

If you want the best quality machine, you can visit the range of iPharMachine. We are focused on providing special equipment for pharmaceutical companies, including the dry & wet powder mixer that can fulfill your needs.



A guideline for the selection, specification, and purchase of Vortex mixing and processing equipment.

Mixing is possibly the oldest and most widely used technical process present in virtually every industry processing powders. There are very few products used in everyday life that do not have a mixing process as part of the manufacturing system. Mixing is considered one of the essential processes in manufacturing and there are many factors to consider before the purchase of a new powder mixer.

Which Mixer? Ribbon blender, plow mixer or conical mixer?

Vortex vertical ribbon mixer, also called conical mixer

First, and most important, is the material and recipe formulation to be mixed. The mechanical properties of the individual ingredients of the mix, together with their particle size, shape and flow characteristics all have a bearing on the mixer selection and will help to determine the most appropriate type of machine for the application. Also important factors to consider are the production requirement. This will affect the machine size and type; either batch or continuous. The working capacity of the powder mixer together with the desired level of automation and time and labor available for operating the machine also must be considered and will give a clear indication of the parameters of the new mixer.

It has been said that anything can be mixed in a bucket with a wooden spoon, but this simple method may be considered impractical for more than a bucket full of product. So if not a bucket and paddle, then what? There are several different types of mixing machinery on the market and it is quite possible that more than one type of machine will be capable of handling a given application. The challenge is to find the machine that is best suited to you, your process and your budget.

Although the dictionary definitions of mixers and blenders are one and the same, the tradition established among the majority of mixer manufacturers is to define a mixer as one which mixes by virtue of a moving mixing element (agitator) within a static vessel and a blender as one that mixes (or blends) by virtue of a tumbling action of the vessel itself. The different types of mixers and blenders on the market include low speed and high speed horizontal mixers with interrupted spiral, paddle, or plough type agitators, vertical mixers, as well as double cone, drum, tumble and &#;Y&#; type blenders, to name but a few. In addition, some horizontal mixers and blenders may also be used as continuous mixing machines. The selection of the type of the machine best suited to your process will in part be guided by the characteristics and requirements of the material to be mixed and for instance, whether it has high or low particle strength.

So what type of machine is the best for you? Very simply it&#;s the one that achieves the desired product quality at a cost that falls within your budget for the purchase of the machine and it&#;s subsequent operational cost.

Ribbon blender agitator action, Plow mixer agitator

Before you decide&#;.

Contact an expert -The mixer supplier will have previous experience in either your process or something similar that will help to determine the right mixer for the application.

Test the mixer &#; The importance of testing as part of the selection process cannot be understated. Ideally, tests should be conducted on the largest size of machine available to negate or minimize any possible effects of scale up. The effect of scale up is important for a variety of reasons. If accurate estimations of power requirement, mixing parameters, mix times, etc., are to be achieved, then the closer the test machine is in size and proportion to the actual process requirement, the more accurate will be the end result. Mixing is not an exact science. The evaluation of mix efficiency, mix times, power requirements etc., can only be established practically by actually mixing the components under consideration and by the evaluation of samples taken at specific intervals from a range of locations throughout the mass. Additional samples should be taken from the discharge stream, as these will detect any tendency of the mix to segregate on discharge. It will also detect if any of the minor ingredients have been lost due to the effects of dusting etc. Evaluation of the success of the test procedure is then a matter of assay. So now you have a clear handle on the materials that you wish to mix and results from tests carried out by your chosen mixing machinery supplier. What else do you need to consider?

The Process

Vortex Ribbon Blender picture

The new mixer will be an integral part of your manufacturing process so it is vital to consider how and where it will fit into your production facility and what it will involve in terms of design features, services and labor requirements.

Safety must be a priority &#; If the products that you will be handling are in any way hazardous, toxic or explosive, the new machinery will almost certainly require an ATEX rating and this must be established before committing to any new machinery. In conjunction with the mixer supplier, examine and determine the design and construction of the machine to ensure that it complies, not only with current safety legislation, but also satisfies the safe operational requirements. Part of this overall exercise will be to determine whether your product is sensitive to heat or pressure and to ensure that the design of the machine accommodates and / or mitigates these issues.

Infeed and discharge requirements &#; Consider how you will feed ingredients into the machine and how you will deal with the product after it has been mixed and discharged from the mixer. This may seem unrelated to the selection process for the mixer itself, but is in fact crucial to the design of the mixer and it&#;s peripheral features, as well as to the success or failure of the final mixer installation from a production aspect.

Material of construction &#; The materials of construction, i.e. stainless steel, or mild steel, and the mechanical design features of the mixer itself will, to a great extent be decided by the process. For instance, the machine may be required not only as a pure mixer, but may also need to carry out other processes such as heating, cooling or liquid addition. Depending on the nature of the product and the process, de-agglomeration of the product may be required and in order to accomplish this, a plough type mixer may be specified together with high speed choppers or intensifiers to act as an aid to mixing as well as in some cases reducing particle size. In some industries and for many applications, mixers will require only infrequent cleaning. However, several applications, particularly in hygienic or pharmaceutical environments require an effective and efficient cleaning process. This must be evaluated and considered before the design stage of the mixer. Cleaning may range from simple brushing, vacuuming or scraping for dry powder mixes, to more complex validated regimes involving wet washing and / or sanitising with the aid of fixed nozzles or wash water spray devices. Where wet cleaning is employed however, the time and method of subsequent drying must also be considered. In all cases where efficient cleaning is a requirement, the need to have access to the internal product contact surfaces of the mixer becomes paramount and this may be effected via top or side mounted hinged and safety interlocked doors or covers. Again, this is a feature that will be identified at as early a stage as possible in the mixer selection process.


In summary, the criteria to be considered when looking for and choosing the right mixer are:

  1. The products, ingredients, and processes of your desired mix
  2. The required production capacity
  3. The safety, ATEX, and any hazardous aspects of the products or process
  4. When previous experience of the process is not available, testing is strongly advised
  5. The mix quality acceptance criteria
  6. Co-operation with the mixer supplier to determine the mechanical design features of the mixer
  7. The careful consideration of ingredient infeed and mixed product discharge
  8. Co-operation with the mixer supplier to determine the mechanical design features of the mixer
  9. The careful consideration of ingredient infeed and mixed product discharge
  10. The ease and effectiveness of cleaning

The selection of the optimum machine for any given application will only be established following close co-operation between the end user and the equipment supplier. The well known range of Vortex mixing machinery, manufactured by Vortex, has been in existence for over 60 years. Vortex&#;s experienced engineers and technical specialists are on hand to assist with the selection, and specification of your new mixer.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit ribbon blender machine suppliers.