What do you use more of? Shampoo or Conditioner [Archive]

29 Apr.,2024


What do you use more of? Shampoo or Conditioner [Archive]

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I buy my Shampoo and Conditioner in sets. I keep trying new Shampoo and Conditoners. I use the shampoo up before the conditioner. So, I have bunch of left over conditioners.


I've had the same three bottles of shampoo for over a year now. I go through about a bottle of conditioner a week.

ETA: I guess I should say these are about 12 oz bottles.


An 8 oz. bottle of shampoo could easily last me a year. An 8 oz. bottle of a CO type conditioner would be gone in 2 washes, so that would be less than a week. If it were a heavy moisturizing conditioner ( a second conditioner in a CO routine) that would last me a bit longer as I rotate my second conditioners each wash. I would guess I'd use up an 8 oz. bottle of that type of conditoner in maybe 4 washes.


I use more conditioner definately, I only occasionally use shampoo when my hair is really dirty


I second bunnii, I hardly ever use shampoo

harley mama

Conditioner. I CO and have had the same emergency bottle of shampoo for a very long time.


I use a lot more conditioner.


Definitely conditioner. I bought a 16oz bottle of shampoo back at New Year's, and it's only about half empty now. I don't know how many conditioners I've gone through in that time, though.


I definitely use LOTS more conditioner than shampoo. I shampoo twice weekly (followed by conditioner), and do CO washes on the "off" days, with possibly one, perhaps two, "do nothing with hair except brush" days.


I use ALOT more conditioner. I normally s&c every other day, but I slather on my conditioner and let it sit on the hair for a bit.


Another one here who uses way more conditioner than shampoo.


Paper, I was like that BLHC (before LHC). These days I use conditioner more. I CWC, and use a bottle of conditioner in maybe 3 weeks, and shampoo of same size lasts months and months, maybe 6 months or so.


I use about two to three bottles of conditioner to every bottle of shampoo.


I use the cwc method so I definately use tonnes more conditioner than shampoo. Good job as well as my shampoo is quite pricey :D


In my hair, definitely conditioner, like a 3:1 ratio. But I do sometimes use my Suave Strawberry shampoo as bubble bath... does this count? ;)


I use about two to three bottles of conditioner to every bottle of shampoo.

Thats about the same with me too. I'm not even half way through my shampoo bottle and yet ive gone through almost 2 bottles of conditioner already! The numbers on the shampoo and condictioner im using currently are the same so i guess their the same size which is really surprizing! Since i'm gonna try an SLS-free (etc) one soon it may change...But now its always the conditioner i need more of. I CWC. Sometimes i CO and i can go through a couple bottles of vo5 in a couple washes.I use different conditioner for CO and CWC though. I only really put shampoo on my scalp whereas i put conditioner on my length...twice!:D

Riot Crrl

I don't use shampoo. A bottle of Suave conditioner or the like doesn't even last a week.

When I used to use shampoo I went through them at a rate of one bottle shampoo to 4-5 bottles of conditioner.


I find I use them up at exactly the same rate. I can't remember ever buying one without the other. I generally put oil in my hair for a day or two before I wash it, so possibly I use more shampoo than I would if I didn't oil it.


Definately conditioner!

I got the shock of my life one day when my sister said to me "Don't you hate how you use way more shampoo than conditioner, and you have all that leftover conditioner?"
I thought she had said that backwards, but no---she uses twice as much shampoo as conditioner. Her hair is 2b, shoulder length and always looks healthy.:rolleyes:


I always end up buying in sets and use way more conditioner so it never works out. I use about 3 bottles of conditioner per bottle of shampoo. Now to break the habit of buying in sets.


:hmm: This is interesting. I guess I'm the odd one. Maybe I'll try CWC to use up all the extra conditioner. And yeah, I have to stop buying in sets too!


I use much more conditioner than shampoo as well. I just scrub a little shampoo into my scalp, then use big globs and fistfulls of conditioner on my scalp and all down the length. I have to get the big costco-size (even bigger than family size) bottles of conditioner, but I still have to buy two giant bottles of conditioner for every one bottle of shampoo.


I go through probably two bottles of conditioner to every one of shampoo. I use way more conditioner as I like to slather it on whereas I only really shampoo my roots.

Kerry xxx


Definitely conditioner. My hair is a conditionerholist. I think I use at least 4-5 times more conditioner than shampoo.


I usually use more conditioner. I'm trying to use less of both with every wash though.


I have tons of shampoo and go through a bottle of conditioner in a week. My mom is just the opposite so i usually end up giving her my shampoos... I still have a lot of shampoo though


i always use up the conditioner way before the shampoo, a single bottle of shampoo can last me 6 months where a bottle of conditioner lasts me at most 2 weeks


I use one bottle of shampoo to 6 or 7 bottles of conditioner. I love lots and lots of slip.:)


I use more conditioner for sure. Its probably a 2:1 ratio at this point.


Ditto! I use more conditioner by far, 3:1. hands down. Otherwise im a super fuzzy head. Halo look and all.


I use more conditioner, about double the amount of my shampoo.


I definitely use more conditioner than shampoo. Probably at a ratio of 8/1 (counting the conditioners I use for detangling, pre and post-poo).

Country Cowcurl

a lot, lot, lot more conditioner!! i usually buy the smaller bottles of shampoo & the larger matching conditioner....


I've had the same 4 bottles of shampoo for almost five years now. ... I actually just used one up, so I only have 3 bottles left. I can easily say I use more conditioner. I might get 2.5 washes out of a bottle of V05.


I actually used to use more shampoo lol!
But now my hair's longer and i CWC so definately more conditioner/deep conditioner.


i go through soooooo much more conditioner than poo!

The hubby (who shaves his head- or rather I shave it for him) and I use the same bottle of poo, and the current one has been in the shower for about 3 months and isnt even a quarter of the way gone!


Shampoo! Makes sense since I just use shampoo bars right? ;)


Conditioner. A travel sized bottle of shampoo could last me 3-6 months. A 12 oz bottle of conditioner might last 2 weeks.


I CWC, so I use 2x more conditioner than shampoo.


I always thought I used more conditioner. But setting aside the first C in my CWC, I realized that with my current Trader Joe's shampoo and conditioner, I'm going through the shampoo about twice as fast as the conditioner. I think it's because it's a seriously diluted shampoo.


Lots more conditioner than shampoo.



Samara Morgan

I CWC and only apply shampoo to my scalp as the ends of my hair dry out horribly :rolleyes: I would like to try CO but my head tends to get quite gunky if I don't use shampoo lol :lol:


I'd say it depends. Before I came to LHC, I was using more conditioner than shampoo. When I started doing CO, I was obviously not using shampoo at all. Now I'm using poo bars, and very little conditioner. So it all depends on the method I'm employing at any given time. I'm still trying to figure out what works best!


Shampoo. I have the type of hair that doesn't look shiny unless it's clean.


I definitely use more conditioner. I got over the whole "buying the same kind of shampoo and conditioner" thing a while ago. Never works out right :)


It takes my husband (who's hair is barely a 1) and I about 8 months to go through a bottle of shampoo. It takes me about 3 CO washes to go through a bottle of cheapy conditioner, but when I henna that's easily one bottle by itself.


Shampoo 500ml lasts me a long time, conditioner same amount is gone in like 4 washings.


I burn through conditioner much faster than shampoo even though I like to scrub my scalp 2-3 times before putting conditioner on. Then again I'm just washing my (oily!) scalp with the shampoo, but I put conditioner on the length... :D


I CWC and only apply shampoo to my scalp as the ends of my hair dry out horribly :rolleyes: I would like to try CO but my head tends to get quite gunky if I don't use shampoo lol :lol:

I am going to try CWC with all my left over conditioner. And, I'm going to break the habit of buying in sets.


I use 3 times as much conditioner than shampoo too.


Conditioner, definitely.

I haven't purchased shampoo for myself in over two years. :lol: DH has to remind me to pick up some for him!


I buy my Shampoo and Conditioner in sets. I keep trying new Shampoo and Conditoners. I use the shampoo up before the conditioner. So, I have bunch of left over conditioners.

I also buy my s/c in sets. I love trying new ones but not too often, so I don't freak out my scalp and hair. I actually use slightly more conditioner so I end up with 3/4 used up shampoo bottles.


I use WAY more conditioner than shampoo.


Oh by far I use more conditioner than shampoo. I'm not a daily washer, more a weekly one, and I only shampoo every few washes. Sometimes even when the time between washing lessens I still go a while without shampooing. It sure cuts down on buying shampoo at least! My hair thanks me, too.


I use probably about 4 times as much conditioner as shampoo. :)

mrs carol

I use more shampoo as my scalp is oily and I need to shampoo every other day. I go through lots of shampoo and very little conditioner. I only put conditioner on the ends then I rinse and shampoo twice.


I used to buy shampoo for the boys in my house(my sons and husband)but now that my husband is gone,I haven't bought any commercial shampoo in forever.I use poo bar and my remaining boys are little,so I use a itty bitty bit with them.And it's only 2 of the 3 boys,the youngest one is still using baby shampoo ;)


Conditioner. I CO and have had the same emergency bottle of shampoo for a very long time.

Same here.


It takes me months to use a small bottle of shampoo, whereas it takes me a month to use a normal-sized bottle of conditioner. I definately use more conditioner.


I guess conditioner: i rarely use either (i do acv rinses) but i'm really trying to get into co-ing (i bought a couple bottles of vo5:)). i think it'll fulfill my girly shopping needs and be good for my hair hehe!


I average 4 bottles of conditioner to every 1 bottle of shampoo.


I used to use about 50/50, but since I found LHC I've used way more conditioner, like a palm's worth each time.


I use lots more conditioner.

I dilute shampoo incredibly and CO 2/3 of the time. So I use LOTS more conditioner.


I also use a lot more conditioner than shampoo. I really glop the conditioner on. :D I also use it for leave in's and deep treatments so I end up running out when I've still got 1/2 a bottle of shampoo left.


I use about about 2:1 (conditioner:shampoo).


I definitely use a lot more conditioner. I use it for CO and also as a leave-in. I shampoo rarely and I dilute the shampoo.


I don't use any shampoo anymore so I definately use more conditioner. :P


I use a lot more conditioner than shampoo. I mostly CO and only shampoo about twice a month to clarify.


I use more conditioner. One shampoo bottle lasts for about 3 weeks, the conditioner bottle for about 1 week.


Yep, same here. I buy 'poo and condish in sets, but end up having to buy at least three more bottles of condish per 'poo bottle. A lot of the times I'm using the condish for SMTs and the like where shampoo isn't needed.


I like this question.

I wash my hair about twice a week .Right now, I always shampoo before I condition. So I use both at the same time, but the amount varies. The conditioner is usually empty first, of course.


Conditioner :)


Conditioner, by far. After an accidental purchase of shampoo instead of conditioner (loooong story, :lol: ), I now have enough shampoo to probably last me a decade. And no, I'm not kidding. :oops: :lol:


I have always used more conditioner than shampoo and now with CO washing I use even more conditioner. :)


I use the cwc method so I definately use tonnes more conditioner than shampoo. ...

This is me, too. I have MANY bottles of unused shampoo, enough to last me YEARS! And I use very, very diluted shampoo for the W part of my CWC, its amazing how much it sudses up after the first C (which I apply to my scalp as well, and the shampoo gets massaged well into my scalp and just squeezed gently and quickly down the length).

Makes me wonder if the S & C manufacturers (especially VO5, Suave, Herbal Essences, White Rain - you know, the folks who make the most popular Cs used in CO and CWC) are standing around scratching their noggins saying "What is it with the massive purchasing of our conditioners?" Or perhaps not - when I was a S & C user, I went through way more S than C because I followed the label advise to "wash, rinse, repeat" then use my C. Not anymore!


I only use shampoo twice a month or so, and in between I do CO washes. I go through 2-3 bottles of conditioner a month while my shampoo bottle lasts at least half a year.

Before I moved to CO I did S+C or CWC washes, and then I went through 2 bottles of conditioner per one bottle of shampoo.


i probably go through 4 bottles of conditioner for every 1 bottle of shampoo

Aqua Gal

Oh my gosh...I'm some kind of conditioner freak. I use soooooo much. Very little shampoo, but loads and loads of conditioner!


so conditioner freak of nature here. I htink I have 10 different bottles under the sink and then 5 in the shower. And of course I have my summer and winter stuff too. Hubby says no more lol. and he uses it too.


I use more shampoo. I dont use conditioner on my scalp so thats why I use less conditioner:)


Definitively more Conditioner! I buy every month a new bottle, my shampoo lasts about three months.


I have the same shampoo bottle ( 32 Oz.) for about 7 months and have used less than half. I was gifted with 3 small travel sized bottles of Herbal Essences Hello Hydration poo and are using them now. love the stuff.

I use conditioner much more, i can go through a 32 Oz. bottle of suave professionals condish in about 1 1/2 weeks unless i do CO's with suave tropical coconut condish. or if i do an SMT. which i do SMT's about every 3 weeks.

I can go through a 16 Oz. tub of L'oreal's Nature's therapy mega moisture treatment condish in about two washes, so basically a week. if i wash twice a week.


Definitively more Conditioner! I buy every month a new bottle, my shampoo lasts about three months.
Wow you buy a new bottle just once month?? You must save so much money!!


Definitly conditioner! Thank god it is cheapper than shampoo :p


I had no idea of how much conditioner people used. Very educational!
I thought I should use only about 1:1 with the shampoo. I will be using more now and not think I am using too much or an unusual amount! :D


It seems like I can't buy enough conditioner. Granted, sometimes I get fed up with the feeling on my scalp and absolutely have to shampoo, but even if I use a lot or shampoo multiple times, I still use tons of conditioner along with it.


I use way more conditioner then shampoo. I have a family size shampoo which is probally going to last me till next year. Conditioner(if it's a regular size bottle) doesn't last me a month. Maybe just under a month. I cowash daily but shampoo once a week.


More conditioner. I use 1 bottle of shampoo to every 3-4 bottles of conditioner!
I used to wash my hair 3 times and and am now down to 1-2 lathers per shampoo.Wash 2 x per week approx.
I use lots of conditioner after I shampoo, plus I mix it with water for misting in the winter and mix it with coconut oil and water for a pre wash conditioner.


Dee 08

Definitely conditioner!


Definitely conditioner. I've had the same shampoo bottle for months now (and I expect it to last me at least until the end of the year) but I go through at least 2-3 conditioners a month. Good thing I've started buying cheaper stuff for CO!


I use way more conditioner, especially since I really dilute my shampoo now, but I even used to use way more conditioner because I only really washed my scalp.


LOTS more conditioner. I only shampoo every other day at present, and I use a quarter-sized drop of shampoo, whereas I use at least two handfuls of conditioner (I do the CWC thing).


My ratio: 1 bottle shampoo/3 bottles conditioner. With my hair I usually use Shampoo once a week and conditioner every 2nd day.:rolleyes:


I use way more conditioner than shampoo. Since I CWC, and dillute my shampoo, a bottle of my shampoo will last a really long time in my house. (DH doesn't like the smell of my shampoo so he has his own.)


conditioner lots of it!


Conditioner, by a mile. I've had the same bottle of shampoo for two years & it's only 1/4 used. Meanwhile, I've gone through 2 16oz bottles of CO and 2 gallons of my rinse out conditioner since January. Eesh- that's a lot of conditioner.


Conditioner definitely! I use poo sometimes, but it is diluted and I use conditioner every time!:D


When I used to use sets I would buy one bottle of shampoo and two of conditioner, so my use of condition was twice as much.


I S&C or CWC every wash, and definitely use more conditioner, as I only use about a teaspoon of shampoo, if that, but much more conditioner.


I use way more conditioner. Everytime I buy shampoo I buy two bottles of conditioner to go with it, because I know I'll need atleast that many before I'm back again.

I only use shampoo on the hair closest to my scalp, and I only use shampoo about every third wash. However I use conditioner on all my hair everytime.
Plus I buy the Organix products which are not very big at all :(


Conditioner. For half a bottle of shampoo, I use maybe five bottles of conditioner.


I use more conditioner than shampoo, but reading through all of your guys' responses, I use less conditioner than you do. I should try using some more, though, from the sounds of things . . .


I use more conditioner.


Much more conditioner. I go through a 16 oz bottle of cone free conditioner about every 7-10 days. I shampoo once a week so I use the same bottle for months at a shot.;)


I use alot more conditioner. I even use leave-in conditionner.


I use more conditioner. Ever since I started S&C'ing my own hair I would always use the conditioner up quicker than the shampoo. But nowadays I CO sometimes between washes so it's even worse!


I use more conditioner than shampoo by a long slide! I wish they made shampoo bottles smaller and conditioner bottles larger for us long hairs! I have so many shampoo bottles I've designated as "Husband Use/Animal Bathing/Hand Soap Refill" it's not even funny! Is that bad of me? *giggles* My Husband is the "Mikey" of the haircare world. He will try anything. He's in the military, so he has no hair to begin with. I should mention I CWC.



More conditioner than shampoo, but not as much more as others use, it seems. Might average about 3 months on a bottle (13-16 oz) of conditioner, depending on how thick it is (1.5 to 6 months), and I wash 2-3 times a week, even. I only condition from about shoulder blades on down, and my hair is thin and really doesn't need a lot.

I've had an 8 oz bottle of shampoo last 9 months, though. Shampoo can just plain last FOREVER.


Much more conditioner. I haven't even used shampoo in the last few weeks at all. (I've been trying CO washes...my hair seems to like it so far.)


A more conditioner user here too.


Now I use shampoo bars, but when I used liquid shampoo, I used about 5 times more conditioner than shampoo. My hair drinks it up :shrug:


For every bottle of shampoo, I need 2-3 bottles of conditioner.


I use more conditioner, too.


I'd say I use them about the same.

This also depends largely, of course, on the type of S&C that I'm using as well.;) ('Coney vs. non-cones)



Yeah, I think conditioner is my new best friend...shampoo and I seem to be on the outs


Definitely more con. I co almost every single day, sometimes twice in one day.

and only use shampoo when I feel the need. it could be once a week, or once a month. it just depends on how me and my hair are feeling. but i definitely use more con then poo. It shows when you look at my hair care stash.


I use way more conditioner. Although I am using more shampoo now because I have to wash my hair twice with Nizoral, but that just means I use more conditioners since I cwc.


Conditioner. Globs and globs of conditioner which my hair just absorbs...


I use more conditioner as well. I dilute my shampoo, and only wash the scalp area. I have several bottles of conditoner on hand at all times though (who doesn't?!) so even though I go through maybe two bottles of conditioner per one bottle of shampoo, it doesn't look like it if you steal a glance at my shower.


I use significantly more conditioner than shampoo...*way* more! I'd say I use an 8 oz bottle of shampoo in a year, and probably an 8 oz bottle of conditioner in 2 weeks. Of course, I CO wash. ;)


I use much more conditioner than shampoo. I only use enough shampoo to cover my scalp, but I coat my length in conditioner.


I definitely use more conditioner than shampoo. I apply them each the same number of times, but the shampoo goes on my scalp only, and a little goes a long way. The conditioner goes on my length, and my hair likes it globbed on.

(I do a modified CWC where the first "C" is a heavy oiling these days. I use a lot of oil, too. ;))


More conditioner!


I use up conditioner WAY faster than shampoo, even I was using shampoo and conditioner together every time.


Now that I'm using shampoo and conditioner instead of shampoo bars, I definitely see that I'm using way more conditioner!


oh man. I'd say I use shampoo and conditioner in a 1:5 ratio, respectively.
I probably only use up 3 bottles of shampoo a year.

Gothic Lolita

I use more conditioner than shampoo. Unfortunately, my conditioner is pricier than the shampoo, but it's the best one, so I don't care that much!

Silver & Gold

Conditioner for sure. It's funny cause when I was a girl I didn't need conditioner at all. Maybe, when my processed hair is grown out I won't need as much conditioning as I do now.


Definitely conditioner. I go through a family sized bottle of Suave a week to CO wash my hair, and then have an expensive conditioner I use as my second conditioner. I only use about a teaspoon of shampoo a week (diluted) as a clarifying wash, and that on the scalp only.


I use a ton of conditioner, even when I shampoo'ed my entire length I used more conditioner.


I tend to use up my conditioners like crazy...but now that I have changed my ways - if in a hurry, I'll just shampoo (garneir shampoo - Length & Strength) my hair and use the pantene in 1 (shampoo & conditioner in 1) as a moisturizer for my hair and I am out the door. Thank goodness for my Garneir Fructose products!!! Helps with the managability of my tangles.


Waaaay more conditioner than shampoo. I use CWC method to wash, and I also use about twice as much conditioner for each "c" as I do shampoo for the "w".


I use WAY more conditioner. I have had the same shampoo bar and bottle of shampoo for months now. Not to mention the 10 or so others that I had for so long I got sick of them. An average sized bottle of conditioner will only last me about three weeks.


Conditioner for sure. I usually only shampoo my scalp and condition the length.


I use a lot more conditioner than shampoo, but then again i have a lot more hair than i have scalp, so it's understandable lol


I always use conditioner up first. I stopped doing CWC because I was going through conditioner twice as fast and it was annoying and expensive (yes, I'm a poor college student).


I use a lot more conditioner than shampoo, but I have millions of bottles of shampoo from when my hair was short.


Conditioner for sure. My hair needs and loves huge amounts of it. I only shampoo once or twice a month, so my shampoo lasts a really long time.


I use conditioner way more than shampoo. Its like I buy one shampoo every 3 months or so and conditioner I buy 3 at a time at least and almost everytime I go to wal mart:lol:


I use a lot more Conditioner. Shampoo I apply only in tiny little bits.:eye:


Definitely conditioner. I S&C wash, but since I only shampoo my scalp, but condition the whole lenght it's obvious I use more conditioner. By the way, a lot of brands sell smaller conditioner bottles than the shampoo ones, why is that? It's so irritating.


I use way more shampoo as well. By the time I'm done with a bottle, I still have half-a-bottle of the corresponding conditioner left. I guess maybe I should try using more... :?


I CO wash, so I use 100% conditioner compared to exactly 0% shampoo. :)


I use so much conditioner...at least 3x as much, I only shampoo about once a week to get rid of buildup. That's why I like brands that sell different sizes so i can buy the smallest 'poo bottle and the largest condish bottle.


Definitely conditioner. I S&C wash, but since I only shampoo my scalp, but condition the whole lenght it's obvious I use more conditioner. By the way, a lot of brands sell smaller conditioner bottles than the shampoo ones, why is that? It's so irritating.

I know, I hate that! Even in Tigi's new Foxy Curls line (the 'poo is sulfate free) the shampoo bottle is a lot bigger. So annoying!

Heavenly Locks

I always end up using more shampoo than conditioner. For my length (I only was my roots) I end up using about a fat quarter size dollop of shampoo and half that for conditioning ears back. I think after my huge bottles (Why did I get sucked into the HUGE ones that were on sale?) are gone, I will switch to a bar type and some other kind of conditioner.


Shampoo! Makes sense since I just use shampoo bars right? ;)

yes, same here. When I use shampoo bars, I don't need a rinse out conditioner. I only use a quarter sized blob as a leave-in.


Conditioner, no question!


Definitely conditioner! Wayyyyyyy more.


Shampoo. I lather the shampoo, add more water to my hair, then add even more shampoo. Then follow it up with a sizable amount of conditioner. It's pretty excessive, but my scalp seems to be less itchy longer than if I do a quick shampoo or CO.


I'll go through several bottles of conditioner before I ever begin to get through a bottle of shampoo. I only use a tiny dab of shampoo on roots only, and that only once in a while. I use handfulls of conditioner each wash.


Conditioner. I go through 3 bottles of it for every bottle of shampoo.


I use much more conditioner than shampoo.:)


I don't use conventional conditioner, but catnip.
The catnip, as well as my shampoo bar last quite a long time (my two shampoo bars I have now for about a year and I think they'll also last the next one), but I think I need less of the catnip. Bought 50 g and I think I need less than 1 g each time. But it's difficult to compare amounts if the stuff doesn't come in bottles.


I normally try to buy poo and condish in sets, but still use much more conditioner than shampoo. last set i tried was herbal essences hello hydration, very moisturizing.

I can go through a large tub of L'oreal's nature's therapy mega moisture in 2 washes. a family sized bottle of pantene or herbal essences hello hydration in 2 washes also. the only condish that lasts is the one i use for CO. lasts 3 washes.

The shampoo can last up to 1 1/2 months washing twice a week.


I use more shampoo, too, unless the conditioner has been used heavily in honey treatments.

If I used a lot of conditioner, my hair would be FLAT and disgusting.

Alley Cat

Conditioner for sure. :)


Conditioner, definitely. At least 2 bottles of conditioner to 1 shampoo! Conditioner. :cloud9:


Normally, I end up with a ratio of about 5 bottles of conditioner to 1 bottle of shampoo. Now that I've gone fully CO, I expect that number to drastically sky-rocket. LOL. ;)


If you want to learn more, please visit our website shampoo conditioner and body wash bottles factory.

I definitely use more conditioner. I had just commented yesterday how annoyed I get when they sell the S/C in sets and the shampoo is half the size of the conditioner!:(


conditioner! gallons of the stuff i just don't feel like its all covered till i have about a big handfull on my napper.


I buy in sets, but I usually buy the "family size" giant conditioner or whatever and then just the normal sized shampoo.

and I still use the conditioner up first.


I use way more conditioner than shampoo, although I use both every day. I only do scalp washes with the shampoo, but pile it on thick with the conditioner on my length.
Hence I don't buy them in sets, or even the same brands.


I use more of conditioner than of shampoo, everytime my conditioner gets empty before shampoo does.


I use more shampoo then conditioner. I used 2 big and 1 small bottles of shampoo to one small bottle of conditioner.


Considering I dilute most of the shampoos I have or they make my head itch... WAY more conditioner. :lol:


I usually don't use conditioner, so I need more shampoo and shampoo bars ;)
Conditioner isn't necessary, because my hair loves oil. Oiling before washing my hair is fantastic for me!


way more conditioner... my shampoo lasts forever


oh yeah...waaaaay more conditioner!:o
i wash with the cwc-method. my shampoo lasts forever, too...


A lot more condtioner use here!!! Just diluted shampoo now and then and mostly on scalp areas and rinsed through length which has been conditioned and then condition again!!


I use more Shampoo. I find that if I condition, even a little, my hair gets really flat. :( I shampoo with Vitatress by nexxus with biotin. It's really helped curtain hairloss. I finish with a biotin scalp cream also by vitatress.


I usually go through two to three bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo I have. I need to start buying the smaller bottle of shampoo with a huge bottle of conditioner, as someone mentioned here.


Conditioner! I can make a normal bottle of shampoo last six months, but conditioner lasts more like three.


I defiantly use more conditioner than I do shampoo.


Definitely conditioner. But before I started CO'ing, it was about equal.


I only use little shampoo, but even not much conditioner. The fastest way out is always my selfmade leave-in spray.:)


Not to go against the grain here, but I definitely use a lot more shampoo than conditioner. I have three bottles of shampoo, one clarifying, one sulphate-free, and one that actually contains 'cones. And then I bought a big bottle of conditioner as an afterthought.

Of course, my mother COs, so she has at least three bottles of conditioner and no shampoo. The bathroom is a very cluttered place. :rolleyes:


I definately use more shampoo. :)

Depending on the weather, I use little to no conditioner. Just sometimes, when I think my hair needs a little extra care, I use lots of conditioner and leave it in the hair for quite a while.

I use a lot of Leave-In though (Hair tonic mixed with oils and aloe vera gel)


More shampoo! And I really should take the conditioner at least for deep treatment on weekends or something like that... Mix more SMTs.... ;)


I would estimate that I use at least twice as much conditioner compared to shampoo. I do CO every other day and after using shampoo I need a lot of conditioner to be able to detangle my hair.


I use much more shampoo than conditioner!


Usually I use more conditioner. These days I've been buying combined ones though...


Three bottles of conditioner to one bottle of shampoo. I tried going CO for a bit but it gave me tangles to the point I had to rip them vertically and comb like mad. Finger-combing does not work for me, but I shampoo my scalp and condition like mad from the ears down.


Conditioner, definitely. I CO once a week and use conditioner from my ears down every other day usually.

I used shampoo twice in the past four months. :cool:


Shampoo, in my case. I actually often don't condition at all, and while conditioner makes detangling easier, I'm not sure I've had one that makes my hair seem significantly different once it dries.

Nevertheless, I'm thinking of trying CO at some point. *amused* Or, well, more than once at a time. I've done it once in a while and it seemed to work well enough as a single wash.


Definitely conditioner - I've had the same bottle of shampoo and the same Lush shampoo bar for almost a year now and the bar isn't much smaller and the bottle isn't much lighter. I almost never use shampoo so a bottle or a bar lasts a loooong time.


Conditioner, i have a bottle of shampoo that has lasted me for over 2 months, of course it is family size. and i have to buy at least 2 large; family size bottles or tubs of conditioner per week. if i buy the usual size bottle of condish i use it in 1 1/2 washes. so the huge tubs of condish or the family size bottles for me every week.


I normally don't use conditioner, so I can say that I use more of shampoo.anyway, I change products very often, and I never use just a shampoo or conditioner bottle but I alternate lots of products, so I cannot exstimate it esactly


I use about 3 bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo.


Conditioner, conditioner, conditioner.
I wish they sold Suave Naturals by the gallon.


Shampoo! I scalp wash about three times a week, shampoo only. Full washes (s/c) are down to about two or three times a month.


I definitely use more conditioner than shampoo.


I use about the same amount of shampoo and conditioner.


lots and lots of conditioner Ive got a heap of shampoo bottles that I hardly use !!!!:eek:



Cinnamon Hair

Conditioner by far! I only shampoo once a week. I even try to use more than necessary and lather my scalp twice, just to get rid of my stash. It's not easy being a product ho!


Conditioner. Clearly. Two or 3 bottles of conditioner to any bottle of shampoo I buy.


Conditioner. I only use it on the hair on the sides of my head, very heavy around the nape of my neck, and a little bit on the rest of the length. I have to use more lately and I don't know why. My hair has always been very thick. I never do my scalp.


I go through conditioner much faster than shampoo.


Another vote for conditioner.


Definitly conditioner! I've been having the same bottle of shampoo for at least three or four months, and during that time I've finished at least four or five bottles of conditioner.


I get through three bottles of conditioner to one of shampoo.
I used to buy in pairs, it took me a while to change the habit.


Conditioner for sure.


Conditioner for sure.


I now use way more conditioner than shampoo.


Definitely conditioner. I never used that much shampoo to begin with. Now that it's only a dime-sized amount on my scalp, a bottle can last months.


I need 2 or 3 bottles of conditioner for one bottle of shampoo.


enough conditioner to feel slightly guilty about being wasteful.


Conditioner. :D


Shampoo. I'm still a newbie at this long-hair care. My hair is only barely touching my shoulders and too much conditioner makes it very flat.



3 - 4 bottles conditioner to 1 of shampoo.


I use more conditioner, I think 3 times more.


I use definitely more conditioner. I've had good success with CO washes so my shampoo is used mostly when I need to do clarifying.


I use more conditioner. Maybe twice as much conditioner to shampoo.


Conditioner! Definently conditioner. And my hair still needs help!


I run through conditioner like crazy. I've got quite a collection of lonely shampoo bottles.


alot more conditioner


I go through a bottle of Vo5 conditioner a week. It takes me two months to go through the same amount of shampoo, but I don't poo my length, because it HATES it.

Heavenly Locks

I should re-think my last post. ;)

I switched to CO and now I use a 15 oz bottle of conditioner in about 5 weeks. eek! LOL

Duchess of Erat

I use a lot more conditioner than shampoo... I shampoo only my scalp, and use conditioner from the ears down... the amount of shampoo I need doesn't change with the length of my hair, but I need more and more conditioner... yay!


I have about 14 half bottles of shampoo in my house and only 2 bottles of conditioner that are almost gone. I may not wash my hair everyday but I always have to condition it or I can't get a brush through it or its a fly away mess.
So yes I use way more conditioner then shampoo. Need need need the conditioner.


I wash my hair twice a week with schampo and use only a small amount to wash my scalp only.But since my hair is crazy about tangles I use conditioner everyday.


Conditioner defenitely. I use shampoo only very sparingly mostly it is shikakai and aritha only in case the oil does not go then I use shampoo. Must try using natural conditioners


Strangely enough, somehow I use more shampoo :?
It's always the conditioner that's left over.


Pre-LHC (which, since I'm new, was about a week ago), I never EVER used conditioner, only shampoo. I have definitely seen the error of my ways, and in the future I'm probably going to go through a lot more conditioner than shampoo.


Yeah, I usually used a lot more shampoo than conditioner, but since reading around on here, I think that's about to change...:pumpkin:


I dilute my shampoo so it's like milk, and use I'll guess a tablespoon or two of shampoo twice a week. I use two handfulls+ of conditioner each time, so yeah I'd say a lot more conditioner is used.

I also oil my hair, but go through that much more slowly.

I'm with Duchess of Erat, never need to use more shampoo but conditioner usage is going to go way up haha.


I voted shampoo.Conditioner makes my hair look lank or less shiny so I only use it as an aid to rinse out henna.It doesnt help that Im limited to only one brand of conditioner that I can safely use.


I use a lot more conditioner than I do shampoo. Once my hair gets long enough for CWCs, I will use even MORE condish, haha. :D


I use A LOT more conditioner than shampoo. I reckon to every bottle of sahmpoo I use about 2-3 bottles of conditioner. When I apply the first load of conditioner my hair just drinks it. It looks and feels like I never put it on, so I have to do it again. :p


Neither, I started making shampoo bars and using a little oil on the ends. :)


I use more shampoo than conditioner.


I dilute my shampoos and use a bottle for a couple of months, Conditioner goes much, much faster, about 6-8 washes.

charlotte meve

I'm always left with more shampoo than conditioner. So for every shampoo bottle, I buy two conditioners.


Conditioner! I haven't shampoo'd in months! Yay for co washes


Much more conditioner. I have fine hair, but that doesn't stop me. Conditioner makes it sooooft.


Way more conditioner. For every one bottle of shampoo, I go through at least two bottles of conditioner. And that's just for S&C, I'm not even going to attempt to count all the conditioner I go through for CO! :)


Definitely more conditioner.....my poo bars and Dairy whip last forever.


I go through 2 bottles of conditioner every time I go through 1 bottle of shampoo.


Definitely more conditioner, and in many forms! The conditioner from the bottle and the spray on conditioner and the hair lotion on occasion and the list goes on. I do like to keep my hair more "natural" (without so many products in it) and tend to let it remain more free unless I'm stretching washes or something.

Diane Lee

I use a lot of conditioner, because my hair can be very hard to comb out.

Tap Dancer

Conditioner. I keep a huge supply of VO5 handy for CO washes. I also have several deep conditioners. I only shampoo my hair once a week on average.

Gothic Lolita

I use both every wash, but I dilute my shampoo heavily. I need loads of conditioner, as my hair is very thick and tangle-prone. I'd say my shampoo bottle last 10x longer than conditioner. I also mix my own leave-in with two different conditioners, so I use it in many forms. I also have another light condish next to my usual heavy one, for infrequent CO washes. I really use a lot of it, now that I'm thinking about it ;)


It depends on the day. I probably use more of shampoo on average, though.


Conditioner hands down. I use a shampoo/soap bar or Dairy whip once a week and I co wash every other day. Conditioner in my house disappears quickly (3 long haired girls in the house). I have several bottles in my stash...Vo5, suave, garnier, giovanni, and so on and so on....


I go through a bottle of conditioner every week or so but shampoo...well that tends to last about a month or two for the same sized bottle as the conditioner.


Conditioner for sure. I could live without shampoo but conditioner no!
(It's funny because I'd say the opposite thing 5 or so years ago:) )


Definitely conditioner for me. I have several different kinds under my bathroom cabinet. I CO wash with it, then use some as a leave in, then I also deep condition at least once a week with a richer conditioner. My curly hair needs the moisture.


I use alot more shampoo actually! I use shampoo bars and tend to need less conditioner. And then I do scalp washes in between full washes, so I don't wash the length in that time and therfore don't use conditioner. I do oil daily though with jojoba or almond oil.

Your shampoo-conditioner ratio [Archive]

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I'm always surprised how they make smaller bottles for conditioners than shampoo. If it was up to me, conditioner bottles would be at least two times as large as shampoo bottles. I use way more conditioners than shampoo. I'd say my ratio is about 1:2 to 1:3. What is yours?


I don't use conditioner at all any longer, but when I did, I went through it faster too. I bought the cheapest (at the Dollar Store) and both came in the same size bottles.

What kind of shampoo and conditioner are you buying that it comes in different size bottles?


The conditioner I use comes in a smaller bottle than the shampoo too. What's more, they're both the same price, so I pay more for the same amount of conditioner than for the shampoo. It's terrible. ETA I also use a lot more conditioner than shampoo.


The makers probably know that people use more conditioner, so this is a pretty annoying way for them to make more money :/


Wow, I use MANY times more conditioner than shampoo! One squirt of shampoo in the palm is all I need, since I usually only do my scalp... But I use multiple handfuls of conditioner, both before and after the poo!

I just think of shampoo as a random item that needs to be replaced every now and then, while conditioner is a vital necessity of life that must be constantly renewed! :p


at the moment i'm using about twice to three times the amount of conditioner to shampoo. That's because I usually CWC and if I do a WO, I condition the ends. I've never noticed a difference in shampoo vs. conditioner bottles (at least the variety that I have used lately). I did note that Tresseme and Pantene tend to have smaller bottles- wel,l from what I have seen while shopping. Strikes me as a bit strange.


About 1:2 or 1:3. I always use 'poo when I wash, and then condition it a lot after. I really couldn't live without either one.


I probably use 30 times more conditioner than shampoo, as I am mostly CO. But it doesn't surprise me that shampoo bottles might sometimes be larger than conditioner ones. Everyone I know in real life uses way more shampoo than conditioner.


My ratio would be maybe 1:100? 1:200? I CO, hahah, so I rarely shampoo and even when I do, it's about the size of a quarter compared to the heaping handful of conditioner that I put on first, the loonie-sized second application, plus I use just plain conditioner as a leave in.


About 1:3- I'm always running out of conditioner. It's good to see that I'm not alone. Somehow I seemed to think that if you buy a bottle of shampoo and conditioner at the same time, that you should run out of both at the same time...go figure.

Is there a shrug smilie?


I use about 3 bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo.


I use about 3-5x more conditioner than shampoo. My shampoo and conditioner don't match... my shampoo bottle is much larger than my current conditioner bottle though (costco-sized, it's lasted me over a year now!)


My ratio would be very very large, as I don't use conditioners. :D Maybe 1000:1?


Oh gosh, I use SO much more conditioner than shampoo! I used to go through conditioner about twice as fast, but now I use even less shampoo, so I'm not sure what the ratio would be.


For every 1 bottle of shampoo I use, I use at least 6 of one type of conditioner and at least 1 of the other type of conditioner. I only use shampoo twice a week now in a CWC and I CO all the other days.


I was using way more conditioner than shampoo, but when I switched to more gentle and natural products, I found I needed way less conditioner. Now, I actually use twice as much shampoo as conditioner!


i use a bottle of conditioner a week probally and shampoo (if I use it to wash my body, too) it lasts about a month


Since I started just conditioning the length (not the scalp) I've cut down on my conditioner use a little bit. Usually I'll look for the bulk size conditioner bottles and buy regular size shampoo - when available...


I use shampoo about once a week or less, and conditioner everyday. So I'd day about 1: 10 or 15.


I'd say somewhere around 1:5. Lots more conditioner than shampoo when CWCing.

I'm not really surprised that shampoo is usually a bigger bottle. I think most people use more of that - plus, since shampoos aren't really meant to be conditioning they can get away with greater amounts of surfactant/water and less 'good stuff' that costs more.


I always use equal amount it straing I guess


Hm...I by conditioner every two or three weeks (Suave, CO). I don't ever buy shampoo, but I do use it occasionally, I would say 1:100-1:150. I use a small amount of shampoo about as often as I BUY conditioner.


I too use WAY more conditioner than shampoo.


If I shampooed every time I conditioned (every day) then I would probably use more shampoo than conditioner. Ever since I switched to more natural products, I find I need to use more shampoo to clean my hair, but not as much conditioner. But since I only shampoo a couple times a week, then I definitely use more conditioner. I would say that I go through about 3 bottles of 8-16oz conditioner to every 1 bottle of 8oz shampoo.


I probably use 1:5 ratio when I S/C, but because my conditioners are smaller than the shampoos, I'd say the bottle ratio is 1:8 or 1:10. I go through a bottle of conditioner in two months or so, but I've had the same bottle of shampoo for a year and half and I'm only about a third through.

Wicked Princess

I go through a bottle of shampoo roughly every four months, and a bottle of conditioner every three washes (I wash my hair twice a week). I think that makes my ratio 1:10. :)


Let's see. Completely ignoring that my bottles of conditioner and shampoo are usually different sizes, I can go through (and this is with using shampoo as a body wash as well--which I often do when I run out of soap and forget to buy more) 5-20 bottles of conditioner.

That SOUNDS like a ton (and it sort of it), but I could probably get away with using a bottle of shampoo a year--if I washed with it once a week, which I don't.


One bottle of shampoo can last me a year, but I'll go through at least 25 bottles of conditioner in that time (approx 3/mo), so 1:25?


Wow, interesting question. I buy a liter size detangler and another liter size conditioner both of which are nearly empty by the time I finish a normal sized shampoo bottle. I have never purchased the liter sized shampoo.....I can't imagine it wouldn't dry up before or coagulate before I used it all!


Since I am primarily CO, I go through a lot of conditioner and very little shampoo I'm guessing an 8 oz. bottle of poo would last me over a year. Maybe two. So I might guess 1 bottle of poo to 100 conditioner.


I don't use conditioner at all any longerWhat do you use in your hair to aid in detangling and management? It would be great to not have to rely on conditioner. So far, experiments with acv, citric acid, lemon juice, coconut milk, and other herbal rinses have not helped.


My conditioner and shampoo bottles are the same size, thankfully, though I almost wish the shampoo bottle was smaller! I think my ratio of shampoo:conditioner would be about 1:5. I CWC, though I am far too generous with the conditioner (not that my hair minds ;) ).


I also use WAY more conditioner than shampoo, and I always have. Pre-LHC I asked my hairdresser why the salon shampoo I was buying was bigger than the conditioner, and she said it was because the conditioner was so concentrated, I could just use a dime sized amount.

A dime sized amount, seriously...:rolleyes:


After every shampoo I use a teeny, tiny drop of conditioner for my ends. So I use way more shampoo than conditioner.


1:2 is normal for me. Sometimes I manage to even it up, but I almost always run out of conditioner first.


I calculated based on the number & size of the bottles I buy ... my ratio 1 part shampoo to 25 parts conditioner (but I use the same product for shampoo and body wash ... not all of that shampoo is going in my hair ... the hair ratio is probably 1:100 or something like that.) I saturate my hair with conditioner first, then add a tiny tiny bit of shampoo to that and lather. Then I rinse and follow up with a small amount of a heavy concentrated conditioner.


Pre-LHC I was going through 2 shampoos for every conditioner. I'd just slop a bunch in my hand and lather up. Sometimes I'd even do WCW (opposite of CWC) if I thought my scalp needed extra washing. Now I'm going through 1 shampoo for every 3 conditioners. I dilute the shampoo and use much more conditioner than I used to.

Princess J

I need two bottles of conditioner for each bottle of shampoo. That is really annoying!


1:3; I now by the larger bottles of conditioner (Herbal Essences).

Jordan S.

Sometimes I don't shampoo at all. I just rinse my hair out well then just go straight to conditioner. I've always hated Shampoo, it totally dries out my hair. I agree, conditoner should be much larger then shampoo.


My shampoo-conditioner ratio could be 1:20 or more :eek: since I mostly CO and when I shampoo I do only my scalp.

I use liters of conditioner!


Mine would be 1 shampoo to 2 to 3 conditioner bottles (same volume). I don't use up 1 bottle of shampoo in a year.


mine is 1:3 with salon stuff and about 1:4 with cheaper stuff.


I have to say, I am on bottle 5 (? I think) of conditioner, and haven`t bought any shampoo since I bought the first bottle of conditioner! Come to think of it...I ran out the other day so I need to go get some more. I hate the smaller bottles! I always try to find the larger bottles for a low price.


I reckon I use about twice to three times as much conditioner as shampoo.


Wow, I use MANY times more conditioner than shampoo! One squirt of shampoo in the palm is all I need, since I usually only do my scalp... But I use multiple handfuls of conditioner, both before and after the poo!

I just think of shampoo as a random item that needs to be replaced every now and then, while conditioner is a vital necessity of life that must be constantly renewed! :p

Lol....yeah, that.


I reckon I use about twice to three times as much conditioner as shampoo.

Same here; the conditioner and shampoo I buy come in 16 oz bottles, and I go through 2-3 bottles of conditioner for every bottle of shampoo.


My boyfriend's always like "WTF how much do you use of it!?" - Okay may he be forgiven because he can't know that it doesn't foam. And since I wash my hair every second day you can imagine how many bottles I need... I just wish that they were cheaper :(


Um I don't even have a bottle of shampoo in my bathroom. So my ratio would be in the 1:1000 range I guess, I co wash and when I need to clarify I use baking soda or a teensy bit of diluted castile soap. Yeah, there is no reason for those silly shampoo bottles to be so huge.

What was that stylist on who suggested a dime sized amount of conditioner??? Seriously, I have fine hair and I use more than that as a leave in!


Hmmm, mine is about equal. But I do have super greasy, long bobbed hair at the moment. I guess the ratio will go up as my length increases


I guessing its getting close 12 or 13 conditioner bottles to 1 shampoo bottle. I changed my shampoo/conditioner brand two months ago and my shampoo bottles doesn't look used but my conditioner bottle has around a third left in.


I try to keep the shampoo and the conditioner at an even dosage, but the most of times the conditioner will dry out a lot faster than the shampoo, i guess i tend to use much more conditioner lately. I started to do that, condition, shampoo, condition method to wash my hair as for it is wavy and has curls at the ends, and tends to get pretty tangled, so i need a bit more conditioner on them. I didn`t try ACV yet, a member on another thread suggested that i should try out an ACV rinse for a go, and see if my ends are still that tangly. I`ll try it out, and hope that the conditioner won`t dry out as fast as it does now !


I usually use at least twice as much conditioner as shampoo. One thing I hate is running out of conditioner before shampoo. I dont know how many times ive had to run some water into the conditioner bottle, shake it around and then use that...:o


L'Occitane do this. Much smaller conditioner than shampoo. Drives me crazy because I always end up with half a bottle of shampoo with no matching conditioner. Yes and its the same price.

I mentioned this to a few people and to my surprise they all said that they use more SHAMPOO than conditioner - because too much conditioner makes their hair greasy. If I was a rich woman I would use half a bottle of conditioner each time I washed and only a coin size blob of shampoo, sometimes no shampoo at all if I'm COing.


I use MAYBE 2 squirts of shampoo when I wash, and 6-8 squirts of conditioner, not counting the days that I CO. So the ration is an agonizing 1:4 at least, and possibly 1:7. I mean, I only really need to shampoo the roots, and everything else needs conditioned. And for some reason, while the bottles are the same size, the conditioner is $2 more than the shampoo. I don't understand this.


Back in the days of shampoo and conditioner (I am now WO ;)) I always used a 2 to 1 ratio. About two tbsp conditioner and one tbsp shampoo.


Around 1:3. I also coconut oil my ends before bed each night and try to do a coconut oil scalp massage once a week, so once you figure in all that extra conditioning it's more like 1:4.


About 1:1,000. I just added up all the conditioner I've gone through in the last two months and I've gone through about 1L :o And about one squirt of shampoo!


Perhaps 1:3 or 1:4?
I dilute my shampoos, so they usually last 15-20 washes.
A conditioner of mine lasts 5 washes.

Yours, Timmy


i've thought the same thing. a bottle of shampoo lasts me forever. conditioner on the other hand... sheesh. atleast this way i get to try lots of different conditioners. :p


I use about a "teaspoon" of shampoo and one or two "tablespoons" of conditioner... A LOT more conditioner than shampoo, that's for sure. The bottles I have are translucent so I can see as the product is used up....Conditioner is depleting fast!! :P


I buy big shampoos because they are cheaper than smaller ones;) So with one bottle of shampoo (400 ml=14 fl.oz) I use about 3 bottles of the same line condish (200 ml= 7 fl. oz each one) and 2 bottles of the first CWC condish- it's 500 ml= 17.5 fl. oz each one.

I agree. They should make conditioners at least as big as shampooes:D


When I'm using conditioner I usually use twice as much as shampoo. I haven't used it lately though cos my hair has gone all weird with build up, so I've just been shampooing the scalp with Lush and pretending the rest of it isn't there.


1:4 Mostly due to CWC. I guess oils take away a need for extra conditioning, and shampoo is necessary...
By the way, I'm surprised most of you have bigger shampoo bottles. My shampoo bottles are aroun 500mL and my conditioner bottles are always around 700-1L.


I use to use about 5:1 conditioner:shampoo... i always dilute a teaspoon of shampoo in about 200ml of water.. i shake the mix in a empty drinkable yogurt bottle (the art of "scrapping" :D) and then put it on scalp (at least i try to do like that, but the shampoo ends up to the hair too).

Petite Simone

The funny thing is, before I joined LHC my conditioner bottles would last me through 2-3 shampoo bottles!!! I would condition every night, but I was told too much would make your hair greasy. Now I can't use less than a palmful. It just doesn't feel like if its enough unless I do. Thank you LHC for making me a condish abuser :p


1:3 or so. I CWC, so I'm obviously going to use more conditioner. I also depends on how thick the conditioner is and how much slip it gives. I don't use a regular amount of conditioner, just whatever feels right on my hair at the time.


Shampoo, what is that foreign substance. Ok in the past year, half of a travel size. Condish, easily 4 normal, 2 heavy stuff, 2 deep treatments and 5 to 6 cheap henna indigo removers in a month. Isn't that normal?


I use 1 bottle of shampoo for about 3 bottles of conditioner. My favourite shampoo is very cheap and my fav condish is more expensive, but I just need a lot of it to fully saturate my hair. Sometimes I just use my very mild sulfate-free shampoo and skip the conditioner, but I always regret it later.

Want more information on big shampoo bottles manufacturer? Feel free to contact us.