Guidelines For Applying Hardfacing Alloys

29 Apr.,2024


Guidelines For Applying Hardfacing Alloys

Guidelines For Applying Hardfacing Alloys

Preparation of the surface

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A. Remove rust, dirt, grease, oil and other contaminants from the surfaces to be welded.

B. A sound base is required, and this may necessitate removing fatigued or rolled over metal, high ridges or other major surface irregularities. This may be done by gouging (Postalloy®250), grinding or machining.

C. Cracks in the base metal should be arc gouged or ground out and repaired using compatible electrodes. If cracks are through the base metal make sure the end of the crack is removed by drilling or cutting at the end before gouging out the cracks.

Crack repair using a V groove

D. Previous hardface should be removed if:

  • The type used is unknown
  • The type used is incompatible with the new deposit
  • Deposits are porous or contain voids
  • Deposits are badly cracked and deformed

E. If the surface is severely work-hardened, about 1/8” (3mm) of work hardened surface should be removed before hardfacing or build-up of a worn area. Failure to do so might result in weld bead spalling.

Arc gouging removes surface irregularities, work hardened surfaces, or cracks.

F. Edges should be rounded, no sharp edges. This causes excessive mixing of the base metal and hardfacing alloy.

G. if a build-up is needed prior to hardfacing, select a build-up that is compatible with the base metal composition. Never use 7018 as a build-up. Weld Polarity Weld polarity strongly effects the amount of dilution. Reverse polarity results in a first layer deposit that is up to 50% base metal and 50% weld metal. Straight polarity, on the other hand, results in less penetration and more favorable deposit chemistry. A second layer, in either case will produce a chemistry suitable for wear resistance.

Choosing a hardface overlay

A. Never put a soft, ductile weld metal or a work-hardening manganese alloy on top of a harder, more brittle hardfacing alloy. Deposits may spall and come loose. The softer alloy should always be applied beneath the harder deposit. Never use 7018 as a cushion or build-up. It does not have the hardness and strength for hardfacing applications.

B. When two metal parts come in contact with each other, the following guideline is suggested. The part that is easiest to change out or hardface should be about 10 points softer than the part that is more complicated to work on.

C. Never use a mild or low alloy steel on manganese. The weld deposit will be brittle.

D. If a manganese part is to be repaired repeatedly, such as hammers or railroad frogs and switches, apply one or two layers of Postalloy®2865-FCO (207 electrode) the first time is very beneficial.

E. The more wear resistant the deposit and the higher the alloy content and hardness, the greater will be the tendency to crosscheck. They appear during cooling and are due to the different shrinkage rates between the hard surfacing material and the base material. A regualr check patters is desirable as it will reduce or even eliminate the tendency for distortion. These cracks do not normalloy extend into the base material and do not weaken the bond to the base. Cracks should be transverse across the weld and less than 1” apart. If not, increase the travel speed.

Hardness and number of layers

Limit deposit thickness. Thick hardfacing deposits may crack and break off rapidly in service. Furthermore, as hardface overlays increase in hardness, they tend to be more brittle. Unless an alloy has been specifically designed and tested for multi-layer weld overlays, the following guide lines should be useful to determine the number of hardface layers that should be applied. If it is necessary to apply more layers than is specified for the alloy, a build-up material should be applied first.


Consideration must also be given to the dilution that will occur withy the base metal. A weld deposit is a mixture of the filler metal and the base metal, and the deposit chemistry will depend on how much of each is present. Wear resistance is reduced by high base metal dilution. The following suggestions will help minimize dilution, resulting in greater wear resistance.

1. Do not use excessive welding currents.

2. Direct the arc on the molten weld metal rather than on the base metal.

3. Use close overlap (50 to 75%) when placing weld beads side by side.

4. Use DC straight polarity if possible (electrode negative).

5. Do not use excessive preheat. Preheat with recommended ranges.

6. Regardless of stringer or wide weave beads, the travel speed should be adjusted to direct the arc on the weld puddle.

7. When using wire processes, a longer stick-out will reduce penetration.

8. In order of decreasing penetration and dilution - vertical up (highest), horizontal, up hill, flat and down hill (lowest).


Manganese Steel.

Do not preheat manganese. The tough properties of manganese can be lost if the base metal is continually heated above 500°F (260°C). Weld beads should be distributed so as to avoid concentrated and prolonged heat input into one area.

Cast Iron.

Cast iron requires high preheat temperatures for hardfacing applications. A good rule of thumb is dull red.

Carbon and Low Alloys Steels.

Preheating of some carbon and low alloy steels may be necessary to minimize distortion, spalling, underbead cracking and cracking in the base metal. Preheat temperature is influenced by carbon and alloy content, part size and rigidity. The higher the carbon and alloy content, the higher the required preheat temperature. Consult the preheat chart or call Postle Industries for recommendations. The preheat should be uniform throughout the part and the part should be slow cooled.

Cushion Layers and Buffer Layers

Hard surfacing alloys are usually much harder and of a much higher alloy content than the base metal. Applying a cushion or buffer layer provides a transition between the softer parent metal and the hard overlay.

The cushion layer has several purposes

1. Most hard surfacing alloys are limited to two or three layers, some only one. Therefore, some applications require that an intermediate layer be used to build up the part close to finish dimensions prior to depositing a harder, more abrasion resistant alloy.

2. When hard materials are used on soft base metals, such as mild steel, there is a tendency for the hardfacing layer to “sink” into the soft base metal under high load conditions. This may result in spalling of the hardfacing alloy. An intermediate buffer layer will help to prevent this from happening.

3. Hard surfacing alloys check-crack throughout the deposit. The buffer layer helps to prevent these cracks from propagating into the parent metal.

4. If the surface conditions involve thermal cycling, large thermal property differences between the parent metal and the overlay can lead to fatigue problems and spalling. The deposition of a buffer layer provides a very effective transition between the weld and the overlay.

5. Never use 7018 as a cushion or build-up. It does not have the hardness and strength for hardfacing applications.

Alloys in this category are used on many different parts and components

Hardfacing on an Edge

When an edge is subjected to impact or shock, preparation is critical. The following designs are suggested. Sharp corners, where stress cracks can develop, must be avoided.

Hardfacing Patterns

Selection of the proper hardfacing alloy and preparation of the workpiece are not enough to maximize the service life of a part. The pattern used to make the overlay must also be considered, as it too, will have a bearing on how long the part will last. There are times when putting less hardfacing on a surface is better than covering the entire surface. There are a number of ways that stringer bead patterns are used depending on the service conditions of the component.

Want more information on china hardfacing wear parts? Feel free to contact us.

Stringer beads parallel to the direction of travel of coarse rocky material

Stringer beads at right angles in the direction of travel of fine sandy material

Stringer beads in waffle pattern for mixed conditions or when fine material might easily pack

Dot Pattern for less critical areas

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SMAW, hardfacing electrode basics

You’d need a book to contain every piece of essential knowledge pertaining to electrodes for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and hardfacing. One thing for sure is that these consumables are not one size fits all. They have varying material coatings, fall into different categories, serve a variety of purposes, and even require specialized storage and care. Understanding these basics about your SMAW and hardfacing electrodes makes a world of difference in your end result.

Carbon Steel Electrode Coatings

Steel electrodes fall into three categories based on coating composition: cellulosic, rutile, and basic.

Cellulosic electrodes, such as E6010 and E6011, primarily feature wood pulp (cellulose) that generates hydrogen to create a digging/driving arc with deep penetration. The driving arc creates appeal for farm equipment repair and other applications with contaminated surfaces, as well as the V-grooves associated with open-root pipe joints. To control the weld puddle with a digging/driving arc, use a “whip and pause” technique with E6010 electrodes.

A rutile electrode, such as E6013 and E7014, has a coating comprising titanium dioxide (TiO2), silicon dioxide (SiO2), iron powder, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3). E7014 electrodes have elevated iron levels so they can run at higher currents and offer higher deposition rates. Rutile electrodes start easily, require no special manipulation, and create a soft arc with light penetration. They are said to have high welder appeal, but they do generate more spatter.

Basic electrodes have a coating comprising CaCO3, fluorspar (CaF2), ferromanganese, and iron powder. The word basic refers to the coating’s pH. E7018 is the most popular basic electrode and achieves an arc with medium dig/drive and medium penetration. Basic coatings also have low hydrogen and moisture absorption levels, which are essential for critical welds because hydrogen molecules can permeate the weld metal and cause cracking when they expand and try to escape. As a result, this electrode category is commonly referred to as low hydrogen.

Low-hydrogen electrodes also may carry additional designations, with E7018 H4R becoming more common. The H4 indicates less than 4 ml of diffusible hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld when the electrodes are tested in the as-received condition, typically hermetically sealed foil packages or canisters. The R indicates moisture resistance. H4R electrodes will have less than 0.4 percent moisture absorption after nine hours of exposure at 80 to 85 degrees F and 80 to 85 percent relative humidity.

To preserve the H4R designation beyond nine hours, be sure to store open containers at 225 to 300 degrees F. If necessary, recondition them by baking for one hour at 700 degrees F. Additionally, store and bake low-hydrogen electrodes separately.

Not only can mixing electrodes in a rod oven cause contamination, but different coating types carry and require different moisture content for proper performance. For example, cellulosic electrodes require a certain amount of moisture to deliver the designed arc force; therefore, mixing basic and cellulosic electrodes in an oven will be detrimental for both.

An E7018 electrode also may carry a -1 designation, which means that it provides the promised Charpy V-notch impact properties at -50 degrees F compared to -20 degrees F for electrodes without a -1. These electrodes provide exceptional toughness at low temperatures. Note: An E7018-1 electrode can be used in place of an E7018 electrode, but the reverse is not true.

Stainless Steel Electrode Coatings

Stainless electrode coatings also come in three categories, EXXX-15, EXXX-16, and EXXX-17. The -15 after the base alloy indicates a lime basic coating, which contains considerable amounts of limestone and fluorspar, producing a fast-freezing slag that facilitates welding in the vertical and overhead positions. The bead is moderately rippled and slightly convex; the latter trait can provide the necessary margin of safety in highly stressed joints.

Lime basic coatings provide optimal mechanical properties. These electrodes commonly are specified for welding superaustenitic and very high-nickel grades of material in cryogenic applications such as LNG tanks and compressed gas systems.

Unfortunately, lime basic electrodes have the poorest weldability due to globular-like metal transfer that makes the puddle more challenging to control. Using a slight whipping technique—perhaps 1⁄8 in. of forward stepping and a pause—will help build up the puddle. Lime basics also require slag removal— always requiring chipping—and can run only on direct-current electrode-positive (DCEP).

A -16 indicates a basic rutile-type coating that contains dominant amounts of rutile, medium amounts of limestone, and limited amounts of fluorspar. Given a choice, most operators prefer to use a -16 electrode. It provides a stable, smooth spray-transfer arc and a convex to flat bead profile with fine ripples and good side-wall fusion. It also produces a low amount of fine spatter and a slag that usually self-releases.

The -17 electrodes have more silicon than the -16 electrodes, producing a more fluid weld puddle that works best for welding in the flat position. Vertical and overhead welding are possible, but they require more operator skill than a lime basic electrode because the slag does not freeze as quickly. These electrodes operate on DCEP or alternating current (AC).

Stainless steel electrodes typically do not exhibit hydrogen cracking, but porosity, excess spatter, and poor slag detachment may occur if the coating absorbs moisture. Be sure to store your stainless steel electrodes at 300 degrees F. If you leave them out for too long, you can recondition the electrodes by baking them at 600 to 800 degrees F for one to six hours.

The Hard Facts of Hardfacing

Do not confuse hardfacing with a joining process. Hardfacing is the process of applying a harder or tougher metal to the base material. Hardfacing electrodes are divided into three categories: iron base, nickel base, and cobalt base, which are then alloyed with carbide-forming elements such as chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, and other elements. They typically do not have specific AWS classifications except for the standard cobalt alloy range 1, 6, 12, and 21.

Unlike joining electrodes, hardfacing electrodes are a collection of proprietary alloy formulations geared toward meeting specific needs. They are produced three ways: a tubular rod filled with an alloy mix and then dipped in a coating or has a coating extruded over it; a carbon steel rod coated with a mix of alloys and deoxidizers; or a cast cobalt rod with a coating extruded over it.

Hardfacing electrodes, especially those with a tubular construction, are not designed for penetration. They require lower parameters for less dilution and more hardfacing efficiency. One common mistake with tubular electrodes is crowding the electrode into the workpiece, causing it to overheat. Remember, hardfacing electrodes run differently from an E7018 SMAW electrode. They have a more globular transfer and require a longer arc length.

Hardfacing electrodes, when applied with a stringer bead or weave bead pattern, develop a cross-cracking (cross-check) pattern because of carbides that form in the matrix of the weld pool during solidification. This is normal. The exception is if the electrode is designed specifically for crack-free deposits.

Halinson Campos is project business manager – filler metals at ESAB Welding & Cutting Products; Martin Denault is applications engineer and CWI at Exaton, an ESAB brand; Richard Cook is senior product manager at Stoody Co., an ESAB brand, 2800 Airport Road, Denton, TX 76207, 800-372-2123.

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