Dozer on the farm pond

17 Jun.,2024


Dozer on the farm pond

Dozer on the farm pond

Want more information on Building Pond with Dozer? Feel free to contact us.

While we are talking about equipment, the most important job of the dozer is the tracking in the fill.
For every layer of fill being applied to the dam or any other area it must be tracked in.

Tracked in means compacting the fill. You&#;ve seen how hard it was to dig out the virgin earth, now it needs to be packed just as hard as it was. Construction companies have to be tested, some times daily, when they are preparing a site for building purposes, areas that are filled are tested to be sure they are compacted properly. As an example, Have you had the opportunity to have the utility company dig a ditch in your yard ? The ditch gets filled in and tamped down to pack it tight, but still next year the fresh filled ditch has sunk deeper.

Tracking in or vibratory rollers, compacts the fill in the dam making it stronger and binding the small fill particles together. Kind of like making snowballs.
There will be great pressure on the floor, sides and dam once the pond is full of water. Remember swimming to the bottom of a swimming pool and the pressure on your ears ?

Another part about the dozer digging a pond. While getting the grade finished around the pond on some what level ground seems a little tricky. Once you start digging down to depth, pushing out to the dam creating a hill, the 3 to 1 grade. This becomes increasingly more of a safety factor for the dozer and operator. While going up and out of the pond and going back in, the dozer&#;s weight plays a big part in the action of the controls. One small mistake can allow the dozer to become sideways and possibly roll over. Take a look this dozer safety report.

Now we are stuck with two ways of thinking. The steeper the sides are in the pond the less aquatic weeds will grow.
The steepest for any pond would be 2 to 1 = walking 2 feet into the pond you go down 1 foot.

This brings up why we want 3 or 4 to 1 on the outside of the dam. A couple reasons for this.

The farther the dam goes away from the pond the more fill is placed, holding back all the water pressure of the pond. The next part is to make it easier to mow. Yes mow. I thought that building a pond would help to cut down the mowing, it kind of did, but now that is the main area to get mowed first. The reason mowing around the pond is to keep unwanted critters out of pond like snakes, or from digging into the dam like groundhogs. Even muskrats will do major damage damage to the dam.

Still have more to cover, stay tuned.

PS. To discover even more information about ponds, check out the store. My personel picks are of the first four book by Tim Matson, he even has a movie. Or check our books below, How to Build a Farm Pond is $14.95 download and the others are free.

Steps for How to Dig A Pond with A Bulldozer - HBXG

Feb. 05,

Creating a pond is one of the most exciting parts of building a beautiful garden. However, there are many challenges associated with it, including how, when and where to dig the hole. Many people choose a bulldozer, which may seem like an odd choice considering that excavators are known for their digging abilities. But bulldozers have their advantages.

In this article, you'll also learn about how to use a bulldozer to dig a pond.

Finding a water source

When filling a pond, you can use a well, a hose, or hire a professional company to come out and fill the pond. With that said, you need a way to keep it filled through evaporation and the inevitable leaks into the subsurface soil.

If you live in an area with a lot of precipitation, rain may be a good option. Another option for keeping your pond full is to have a well.

Check the soil

Knowing your soil conditions will give you an idea of what type of equipment you need, how the drainage system works when the pond is filled, and what you need to put on the bottom (liner, boulders, clay, etc.).

If you're not sure how to check your soil, there are dozens of companies that will come out and do it for you. Have them perform a core soil inspection. They'll dig a pipe in the ground, pull it out, and let you know everything that's under the surface.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website How Does a Snowmobile Groomer Work.

Get bulldozer attachment

Backhoes are some of the most useful attachments for digging with a bulldozer. They are not too expensive compared to getting a brand new excavator, which would be the only option. Check all available sizes and determine the best size for your bulldozer.

Using a backhoe excavator will allow you to dig up large buckets of soil, thus reducing the workload by several hours. This step is technically optional, as you can use the main dozer attachment to dig the pond.

Using the blade

Before using a backhoe to dig everything out of the soil, use the blade on the front of the dozer to push out the perimeter. Make sure you have an outline of the size of the pond you want. Once you have everything lined up, it's time to push it out and create the general shape of the pond.

When you use the blade, you have to go back and forth. It takes a few hours or days around the bulldozer, but getting your pond set up the way it should be is well worth the effort. Once you are ready for the backhoe, move on to the next section.

Digging the center

Now that you've outlined the perimeter with the dozer blade, it's time to start digging with the backhoe. This step is the longest part of the process, but it's also one of the most impactful components. Allow a few days to complete it, depending on how wide, long and deep you want your pond to be.

You should start digging in the center of the pond, as it is usually the deepest part. Once you have dug out the lowest point, turn in an outward direction. Then repeat the process.

Creating the shelf

Digging shelves to one side of the pond is an excellent way to maintain the structure. Like some of the next steps, this step is not required, but it can be extremely helpful. Please note that this is a requirement for those digging ponds from sandy soil, as otherwise it tends to collapse.

Fill the pond with water

Choose how you will fill the pond and then start filling it with water. You can use well water, hose water and many other sources. Mother Earth News mentions that some counties allow you to use your local fire hydrant as a quick source of water, but you should always call the fire department ahead of time.


Digging a pond with a bulldozer is an easy but time-consuming task that many landowners have accomplished. Without a doubt, it is one of the most rewarding processes you will experience on your land, especially when you add fish and plants to your ecosystem. Promoting new forms of life on your land helps the environment and the aesthetics of your visitors.

Remember, you can use a bulldozer blade to dig a pond, but it is far more efficient to install a backhoe to excavate the soil. Map the land, examine the soil, prepare the bulldozer and start digging!

Wanna know more tips on using bulldozers? Please contact us today.

For more information, please visit Track Excavator Factory.