The Economic Benefits and Advantages of Casting vs. ...

06 May.,2024


The Economic Benefits and Advantages of Casting vs. ...

Something to remember next time you consider a manufacturing process.

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This blog explains the economic benefits and advantages of casting components instead of using forged materials and the metallurgical aspects you need to consider.


Casting and forging are two of the most common manufacturing processes used to create metal components. Both processes have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two largely depends on the specific requirements of the final product. In recent years, however, there has been a growing trend towards casting, as it offers numerous economic benefits over forging. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of casting over forging, with a particular focus on the benefits of grain structures in cast components.

Advantages of Casting over Forging

1. Lower Cost

Casting is generally less expensive than forging, primarily due to the fact that it requires less material and is a less complex process. In forging, a block of metal is heated and then shaped by applying pressure, often with the use of a die. This process can be time-consuming and requires a significant amount of energy. Casting, on the other hand, involves pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to cool and solidify. This process is much simpler and requires fewer resources, making it a more cost-effective option.

2. Greater Design Flexibility

Casting also offers greater design flexibility than forging, as it allows for more intricate and complex shapes to be created. In forging, the metal is shaped primarily by the die, which limits the design options. Casting, however, allows for more intricate and detailed designs to be achieved, as the molten metal can flow into every nook and cranny of the mould.

3. Improved Surface Finish

Casting also typically results in a smoother and more polished surface finish than forging. In forging, the metal is compressed and stretched, which can cause surface imperfections such as cracks and blemishes. Casting, on the other hand, produces a smoother surface finish, as the molten metal fills the mould evenly and solidifies uniformly.

4. Reduced Waste

Casting also produces less waste than forging, as it allows for greater precision in the manufacturing process. In forging, the metal is shaped by the die, which can result in excess material being wasted. Casting, however, allows for more precise control over the amount of material used, which reduces waste and saves on costs.

What Is the Difference Between Casting and Forging?

In nearly every man-made environment, metal-based products comprise the many conveniences we use on a daily basis. From lamps and kitchen appliances to automobiles and skyscrapers, we are reliant on the manufacturers and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) suppliers who produce the components that, when compiled into final products, create the world we live in.

There are many processes when it comes to manufacturing metal components and products. The metal fabrication process includes cutting, folding, welding, machining, punching, stamping, shearing, casting and forging. However, while many of these reshape the alloy, only casting and forging manipulate the shape of the metal at the interior level, allowing for a more significant reshaping of the metal. 

The key differences between casting and forging are as follows:

  • Casting is the process in which metal is heated in a furnace until molten. While in the liquid state, the metal is poured in a die, or mold, to create a component shape.
  • Forging is the process in which thermal and mechanical energy is applied to ingots to cause the alloy to change shape while in a solid state. 

In this blog post, we go over the difference between casting and forging, several benefits of both processes and the industries in which each are commonly used.

Casting: Benefits, Defects, and Common Products and Industries

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Casting is one of the most popular manufacturing processes due to the complex and large volume of industrial parts and components. Here are the primary benefits of this process: 

  • Complex components: When aluminum is melted and cast into a die, components with complex internal chambers and external features reduce the amount of metal removal to complete the finished part.
  • Flexible quantities:

    Die casting is commonly used

    to produce a high volume of components with a typical rate of 100 hits per die. 
  • Strength and quality: To solidify the molten aluminum, components are rapidly chilled to solidify into a texture free of porosity, giving the components stronger

    metallurgical properties

  • Minimized labor: Depending on the manufacturer, casting can occur through

    robotic processes

    that cut down on the number of required laborers and technicians, allowing for decreased risk and errors.
  • Low cost: Reduction in labor costs is a significant benefit to an automated casting process. Additionally, using metal such as aluminum reduces the price of raw materials that provide customers with a low unit price. 

Although there are many benefits to casting, there is the potential for contamination while the metal is in liquid state. In the cooling state, defects such as interior tears or cracks can develop as the mass cools at different rates. However, quality assurance that implements current technology, including X-ray machines, allow for accurate readings of the components prior to packaging and shipment. 

Casting in the Automotive Industry 

In 2018, the global metal casting market size was valued at $123.8 billion. This value is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.3 percent from 2019 to 2025. The increasing demand comes, in part, from the automotive sector that anticipates to drive this market growth over the six year period. 

Leading this increase in metals is aluminum, not only because it is less expensive than steel but because it creates more lightweight vehicles, which require less fuel. The stringent regulations regarding pollution and energy efficiency in vehicles plays a role in the growth of the casting industry: Casting is one of the primary processes of automotive component manufacturing due to the complexity of the components.

Forging: Benefits, Defects, and Common Products and Industries

With forging, the metal is heated to a plastic stage so that the application of compression, applied manually or automatically, elongates the material and decreases the cross section. As one of the oldest approaches to reshaping metal, it provides several benefits:

  • Stronger products: Shaping and reshaping the metal changes the internal microstructure to disperse alloy concentrations and eliminate voids to create a denser component. 
  • Higher fatigue strength: Forging strengthens the mechanical properties to increase stress level, thereby curbing failure of the component.
  • Low operating cost: With the combination of fewer required materials and less machining, forging provides lower operating costs. 
  • Variety of shapes accomplished: Forging creates components often found in industries that require high levels of resistance and reliability, such as the automotive, aerospace and agricultural industries.

Manufacturers choose forging for components and products that require significant strength. With this comes higher initial costs, secondary finishing processes required by hot foraging and limits to the complexity of the shapes. 

Forging in the Oil and Gas Industry

In 2018, the metal forging market size was estimated at $1.08 billion and expected to increase at a CAGR of 2.1 percent from 2019 to 2025. One of key drivers for market growth is the oil and gas industry, which requires components and products to have high overall strength and fatigue strength. The metal components include ball valves, electric motors, turbines, wellhead equipment, pumps and more.

An OEM Supplier With a Full Range of Services

When partnering with VPIC Group, you don’t have to wonder about the difference between casting and forging. Instead, our team of technicians can offer the metal manipulation process that works best to produce your desired product. Whether the components are complex and need to be produced at a high volume or they require higher resistance, our manufacturing services have you covered.

Ready to get started on your casting or forging project? Contact us today.

For more difference between forging and castinginformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.